"Example 1 - A 100 kg male subject
All procedures were done in accordance with the University of South Florida Institutional Review Board (IRB) guidelines. BHB salts and MCT oil were given to human subjects as a ketogenic food supplement and blood measurements of BHB and/or glucose were taken at predetermined time points.
To determine the time course of ketosis, the subjects were orally given the test substances of a BHB salt solution (450 mL; 4%, approximately 18 g), an MCT oil (30 rnL, approximately 30 g), or a combination of the a BHB salt solution and an MCT oil. Blood concentrations of glucose and BHB were determined utilizing a commercially available giucose/ketone monitoring system (Precision Xtrablood glucose and ketone meter) at defined time points (0, 15, 30, 80, 120, 240 and 480 minutes following ingestion of the test substances). "
ケトーシスの経時変化を判断するために、被験体にはBHB塩溶液(450ml;4%、約18g)、MCT油(30ml、約30g)、或いはBHB塩溶液とMCT油の組合せが経口投与された。グルコースおよびBHBの血中濃度を、市販されているグルコース/ケトン体監視システム(Precision Xtra(登録商標)血中グルコースおよびケトン体計測器)を利用して、所定時点(被験物質の摂取0、15、30、60、120、240、480分後)に測定した。
"The data presented herein supports the use of a unique combination of beta hydroxybutyrate and medium chain triglycerides in order to generate a unique blood ketone profiie necessary for effectively entering therapeutic ketosis. There are at least two populations that would immediately benefit from this combination formulation. First, children with epilepsy benefit from ketosis as it has been shown to reduce seizures. Second, people that are looking to lose weight, suppress the appetite, and enhance physical performance benefit from ketosis to enhance their results. In both populations, adherence to a ketogenic, carbohydrate-restricted diet as a means of generating ketosis is limited by the difficulty of generating blood ketone levels that are sufficiently elevated and prolonged. Slow entry into ketosis leads to prolonged side effects such as physical distress and mood depression. Additionally, even slight deviations from the ketogenic diet cause pertubations in blood ketone levels, therby quickly kicking the subject out of therapeutic ketosis. The data presented herein show that the combination of BHB and MCT results in a more rapid induction of ketosis, with greater peak levels of blood ketones, and longer sustainment of ketosis, compared to either component alone, thereby overcoming the drawbacks of current approaches. "
"As such, a composition of ketone precursors is disclosed which comprises at least one medium chain fatty acid, or an ester thereof such as a medium chain triglyceride, and a β~ hydroxybutyrate ketone source or precursor. There are numerous sources of ketones and ketogenic precursors. Noniimiting examples of the beta-hydroxybutyrate compound include beta-hydroxybutyrate salts such as sodium beta-hydroxybutyrate and arginine beta- hydroxybutyrate, potassium beta-hydroxybutyrate, calcium beta-hydroxybutyrate, magnesium beta-hydroxybutyrate, lithium beta-hydroxybutyrate, lysine beta- hydroxybutyrate, histidine beta-hydroxybutyrate, ornithine beta-hydroxybutyrate, creatine beta-hydroxybutyrate, agmatine beta-hydroxybutyrate, citrulline beta-hydroxybutyrate, beta-hydroxy butyraie sodium salt, beta-hydroxy butyraie potassium salt, beta-hydroxy butyraie calcium salt, beta-hydroxy butyraie magnesium salt, or a combination of salts. Nonlimiting examples of combinations of beta-hydroxybutyrate salts include sodium beta- hydroxybutyrate and arginine beta-hyd oxybutyrate, or beta-hydroxy butyrate sodium salt and beta-hydroxy butyrate potassium salt. Other β-hydroxybutyrate ketone sources include, without limiting the scope, 1 ,3-butanediol. ethyl acetoacetate, and ethyl beta- hydroxybutyrate. The compounds, are optionally administered between 2 grams and 50 grams, between 5 grams and 30 grams, or between 10 grams and 20 grams. For example, the ketone compounds are optionally administered at 2 grams, 4 grams, 5 grams, 6 grams, 7 grams, 8 grams, 9 grams, 10 grams, 11 grams, 12 grams, 13 grams, 14 grams, 15 grams, 17 grams, 19 grams, 20 grams, 22 grams, 24 grams, 26 grams, 28 grams, 30 grams, 32 grams, 34 grams, 36 grams, 38 grams, 40 grams, 42 grams, 44 grams, 46 grams, 48 grams, or 50 grams."
"[0005] As a result of diligent research, the inventors conjectured that high fat diet, especially available carbohydrate restricted high fat diet (e.g., so-called “ketogenic diet”), can be one of the therapeutic methods for terminal cancer patients, and examined the usefulness of high fat diet represented by ketogenic diet for Japanese terminal lung cancer patients to discover that a composition or a combination thereof for treating cancer, comprising high fat diet, such as available carbohydrate restricted high fat diet, or preferably a combination of fat at 120 g or greater and/or carbohydrate restricted to 30 g or less per day and/or daily caloric intake of 20 kcal/kg body weight or greater and/or medium chain fatty acid oil (MCT oil) and the like unexpectedly treats cancer and improves quality of life significantly, thereby achieved the present invention.
[0006] As one non-limiting test example, the utility of ketogenic formula on cancer was evaluated with a colon-26 cell transplanted cancer bearing mouse model using to confirm the effect of high fiber diet (e.g., available carbohydrate restricted high fat diet). The tumor weight on day 21 after colon-26 cell transplantation was measured, and the result shows a statistically significant decrease in the tumor weight of the ketogenic formula group relative to the control group (pblood ketone body concentration in the ketogenic formula group was significantly higher relative to that of the control group. Furthermore, it was found that the blood inflammatory cytokine (IL-6) concentration was significantly suppressed in the ketogenic formula group relative to the control group. The above results have elucidated that a ketogenic formula effectively increases the blood ketone body concentration, suppresses inflammatory cytokines, and reduces tumor without reducing total energy intake or carcass weight. "
"Early diagnosis of GLUT1 deficiency is critical because it allows for treatment with a ketogenic diet, a severely restricted diet consisting of 70-90% fat and very low carbohydrate diet that mimics the metabolic state of fasting. Ketogenic diets generate ketone bodies as an alternative energy source for the brain and can thereby reduce the frequency of seizures and dystonic movements. <6,7>Because ketone bodies are not affected by the GLUT1 defect (ketone bodies use another transporter to enter the central nervous system), they can supply an alternative source of fuel to the brain, effectively correcting the brain energy metabolism deficiency. <7>However, ketogenic diets are difficult to comply with long-term because of certain adverse side effects the extreme dietary choices require. Side effects of ketogenic diets include constipation, low-grade acidosis, hypoglycemia, hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia. Long-term ketogenic diets may cause retarded growth, bone fractures, and kidney stones. <8>
GLUT1欠乏の早期診断は、それが、絶食時の代謝状態を模倣する、70〜90%の脂肪および非常に低い炭水化物食から成る、厳しく制限された食事である、ケトン食療法を伴う治療を可能にするため、重要である。ケトン食療法は、脳のための代替的なエネルギー源としてケトン体を生成し、それによって、発作およびジストニー運動の頻度を低減することができる。6、7 ケトン体は、GLUT1不全によって影響されないため(ケトン体は、別のトランスポータを使用して、中枢神経系に進入する)、それらは、脳への代替的な燃料源を供給することができ、効果的に脳エネルギー代謝欠乏を矯正する。7しかしながら、ケトン食療法は、ある有害な副作用により、極端な食事選択を必要とするため、長期に適合することが困難である。ケトン食療法の副作用としては、便秘、軽度アシドーシス、低血糖症、高脂血症、および高コレステロール血症が挙げられる。長期ケトン食療法は、発育遅延、骨折、および腎臓結石を引き起こし得る。
Accordingly, there remains a need in the art for treating GLUT1 deficiencies and similar defects in brain energy metabolism. "
"The ability of ketone bodies to supplement glucose in the brain has been used to treat conditions of low glucose availability to the brain. GLUTl is a constitutive glucose transporter that transports glucose into the central nervous system (CNS). The high glucose requirement of the brain requires that two functional copies of the GLUTl gene be present. If one copy of GLUTl is non-functional this results in GLUTl deficiency syndrome. The resulting low glucose levels during development lead to infant seizures, delayed development and microcephaly. Partial relief of these symptoms can be achieved by increasing serum ketone levels by administration of a ketogenic diet. Thus, if glucose uptake or use is limited, ketone bodies may serve to supplement energy requirements. "
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