


2019-07-11 18:26:52 | 英語特許散策

"According to some examples that provide prophylactic neural stimulation, a device can be programmed with a therapy schedule to deliver therapy from midnight to 2AM every day, or to deliver therapy for one hour every six hours, or to delivery therapy for two hours per day, or according to a more complicated timetable. Various device embodiments apply the therapy according to the programmed schedule contingent on enabling conditions, such as patient rest or sleep, low heart rate levels, and the like. The therapy schedule can also specify how the stimulation is delivered, such as continuously at the pulse frequency throughout the identified therapy period (e.g. 5 Hz pulse frequency for one hour during the delivery period), or according to a defined duty cycle during the therapy delivery period (e.g. 10 seconds per minute at 5 Hz pulse frequency for one hour per day). As illustrated by these examples, the therapy schedule is distinguishable from the duty cycle."


"It is also known, moreover, that numerous products commonly coming under the definition of dietary supplements have been produced and used to solve the above-mentioned problems and are, therefore, a familiar aspect of the present state of the art. These supplements consist of combinations of various substances (nutrients) obtained by processes of chemical synthesis or extraction of various materials (vitamins, minerals of plant or animal origin) compounded in a particular formula and presented in the form of tablets or capsules or other types of preparations which can be orally taken. The administration of these preparations presents a whole series of drawbacks, the most important of which are: 1) the origin of the nutrients used (obtained by synthesis or extraction), which is often unsuitable for the human body; 2) difficulties of assimilation due to the source and type of the materials used, which substantially limit the bioavailability of the substances administered; 3) the respective proportions of the various nutrients present in the product administered, often predetermined independently of one another, without due regard for the equilibria actually to be found in nature and in metabolic processes and which constitute one of the key factors for the above-mentioned balanced diet required for effective conditions of health and well-being of the body. "


efficacy: 有効性、効き目

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