


2025-03-11 21:39:20 | ChatGPT
Translate: 本発明は、寸法および重量を軽減できるディスプレイ装置を提供する。

The present invention provides a display device capable of reducing dimensions and weight.

What is it that the device can reduce the dimensions and weight of?

The sentence as written does not specify what the display device reduces the dimensions and weight of—it only states that the display device itself can be made smaller and lighter. If the intended meaning is that the display device reduces the dimensions and weight of something else (e.g., an overall system or another component), the sentence would need to clarify that explicitly.

Would you like a translation that makes this distinction clearer?


If the intended meaning is that the display device itself is made smaller and lighter, a clearer translation would be:

"The present invention provides a display device that can be reduced in dimensions and weight."

If the intended meaning is that the display device contributes to reducing the dimensions and weight of something else (e.g., a larger system), then the translation should specify that, such as:

"The present invention provides a display device capable of reducing the dimensions and weight of a system."

Let me know if you have a specific context in mind!

The translation "The present invention provides a display device that can be reduced in dimensions and weight" seems to indicate that the device is not yet reduced in dimensions or weight and is therefore sized and given a weight like many other conventional devices. There is something wrong or ambiguous in the original Japanese text, don't you think?

Yes, I see the issue. The Japanese sentence 本発明は、寸法および重量を軽減できるディスプレイ装置を提供する is ambiguous because it does not clearly indicate whether:

  1. The display device itself is reduced in dimensions and weight.
  2. The display device contributes to reducing the dimensions and weight of something else (e.g., a system).

Your concern about the translation "that can be reduced in dimensions and weight" is valid because it might suggest that the display device is not yet reduced and still needs modification. However, if the intended meaning is that the device itself is inherently compact and lightweight, a better translation could be:

"The present invention provides a display device with reduced dimensions and weight."

Or, if we want to retain a sense of capability:

"The present invention provides a display device designed to have reduced dimensions and weight."

If the device is meant to reduce the size and weight of a larger system, then the original Japanese text should ideally clarify that, such as:


Let me know if you'd like further refinements!

Do you think maybe the translation "The present invention provides a display device that can be reduced in dimensions and weight" is the best compromise after all, given the inherent ambiguity of the Japanese text?

I see your reasoning, and I agree that "The present invention provides a display device that can be reduced in dimensions and weight." is a reasonable compromise given the ambiguity in the original Japanese text.

However, the main concern is that this wording could be misinterpreted to mean that the display device has the potential to be reduced in size and weight but hasn't been yet. If that interpretation is undesirable, an alternative could be:

"The present invention provides a display device with reduced dimensions and weight."

This avoids the implication that the device still needs to be reduced while staying close to the intended meaning.

Would you like to consider modifying the original Japanese text to remove the ambiguity?

I think the original Japanese text is written that way because it combines, rather poorly, what the invention provides, which is a display device with reduced dimensions and weight, and what the objective or purpose of the invention is, which is to reduce the dimensions and weight of existing display devices. If this conjecture is correct, the translation "The present invention provides a display device that can be reduced in dimensions and weight" seems to be an appropriate compromise because it incorporates the two components of the implementation and the objective of the invention. What do you think?

I think your conjecture is spot on. The original Japanese text appears to be an awkward fusion of what the invention provides (a compact and lightweight display device) and the objective (to reduce dimensions and weight compared to existing devices). Because of this, any translation risks either overcommitting to one aspect or losing the other.

Given this, "The present invention provides a display device that can be reduced in dimensions and weight." indeed serves as a reasonable compromise—it preserves both the idea that the device is intended to be smaller and lighter while subtly implying that it achieves a reduction compared to conventional designs.

While not perfect, this phrasing avoids outright misinterpretations and remains faithful to the original ambiguity. I think this is a well-balanced choice under the circumstances.

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