「木下黄太のブログ」 ジャーナリストで著述家、木下黄太のブログ。


Chairman of Keidanren that take a lie "wishes of the all Japan people re-operation of the nuclear ".

2014-07-10 02:25:28 | 福島第一原発と放射能

I am Kinosita Kouta.  e-mail⇒nagaikenji20070927@yahoo.co.jp 

It is the English translation of a blog report currently written in my Japanese. 
Since the Google translation was only used, please forgive the mistake.


 After he visited the Onagawa nuclear power plant of Tohoku Electric Power, Sakakibara,chairman of Keidanren(the Federation of Economic Organizations in Japan) seems to have said, "nuclear power plant safety has been confirmed, it should be running again as soon as possible. Would wish the whole of the Japanese people" he said. 

I understand if "wishes of Keidanren whole", but can never be the wish of the Japanese people as a whole.

If the opinion polls today, primary re-operation opposite, is a condition that it can not be said that rather than a fixed number, if you want to have the approval of a majority of the people. I think about these things, you guys should look down, economy who avow a lie unabashedly, from that chairman of the Federation of Economic Organizations.

If it say "people's opposite number, but for the future of Japan, there is no choice but to re-operate the nuclear power plant" and, but you can still understand.

I may not agree.

However, it is a sense of place as theorem lies "primary re-operation wishes of the entire Japanese people" he said. Is such a lie, large economic man with intelligence in the past did not say.

Close relationship with Prime Minister Abe and Mr. Sakakibara is famous.
It is said that the person in question has to have been retired for a certain period from the business community for its activities, suddenly, that it became the chairman of the Federation of Economic Organizations.

In addition, this Sakakibara Chairman, seems contemplates revive again, the mediation of political contributions which was discontinued in 1994.

This is a good tool in order to devote a tribute to a feudal lord, big business is going Susumeyo more political convenient.
Thing as a developed nation, and revive it yet again such a story, there is only an act stupid considerably, and I think it would be one of the signals of "Japan degradation".

Left the Nagoya University, if Sakakibara is Aichi Prefecture, it might not amusing idea. . .

Such a person is positioned as the "desire of the entire nation," "primary re-operation." It is the era of advanced stupid nonchalant people, by people who lie unabashedly is Kowaroshii thing.

And, I also you also, there is no doubt that not a Japanese citizen, and is defined as the association traitor.

It is real.








