

Wooden cutlery, my chopstics

2008-09-07 17:03:02 | Weblog
This morning was spent on going mat with the current
lot. After that, I had to take my wife to her regular gathering
with friends.

OK, I normally coat my objetcs 10 times including everything,
but I decided this morning that I could go matting with them.
The strongest reason was that their grain was so fine, and

extra few protective coatings would not have made much difference.

"My chopstics containers" followed suit, and one of them
will be given as a gift to a former colleague of mine, when
we go to our house in Musashino for airing the house. She lives

With these, they are all paired up, exactly. Only today,
I temporarilly lost the pairing with a few of them, but
I now have a full controll.

Other outpus from today? Yes, see bellow.

Albeit slowly, I am making a progress, with two
taking shapes...

I was wondering about the hole ellongation and all that
it meant for my processing. At one stage I was tempted to
make 4 ellongated holes...

However, I decided against it. See what follows.

As you see with A, if you remove one of the holding
pieces then it becomes just about feasible to
pencil mark the hole positions, even if the red

plate spring is deep down in the trench. And, if you can
do that, you can easily reverse the process and
come up with the hole positions.

With B and C, I am talking about the method of
securing enough depth for the mini nuts thickness.
You do not want them sticking out from the holding

handles. You want to cover them up, eventually...

All of this requires intuitive decisions while
working with the holes, but deviations from what you
really want is inevitable, as shown on the left with C.

However, at this stage of penetration the damage is
superficial, and you can move your bit accordingly,
as shown here, slightly to the right, so that

you have concentric circles that you can recognise.
The net result is shown as B.

Making things the way you want, no matter what,
is a delicate business, as ever, and I pride myself
as one of those dedicated artesans in the world of

wooden cutlery...

パエ-リャ 89

2008-09-07 17:02:15 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui hoy, hace mucho calor...
Quisiera una poca de la lluvia!
Pero, la situacion no esta nada favorable
para las lluvias ligeras como en Londres...

Comiendo bien?, cantando bien?, escuchando
las musicas? Bueno, vamos!

En caso de que el sono sea bajo

Yo quiero cambiarla por una mas larga!

Finalmente, vamos a unirlas con un hilo fuerte y fino!

Y asi termina la fabricacion!

Yo soy un artesano, y me siento orgulloso
de ser uno!

Y me gustaria que ellos herederan mi arte!

El enferno va mejorando cada dia!

Vengo diciendo que es verdad!

La gente anda corriendo!

Yo sigo estudiando espanyol tambien

Yo continuo leyendo los libros!

Conchita, desde aqui en ingles...

He was selfconscious about it!

It is now, or never!

then, as now, ...

May I just remind you that dounokouno!?

all afternoon today?

You are not going to believe this, ...

DK is holding up the traffic on the bridge!

not very far down this street from here!

Excuse me! I think I got lost. Could you help!?

They made an example of him!

I should think so...

Conchita, that is the lot for now!
Vaya con Dios!