

Wooden cutlery, spoons, chopstics

2008-09-23 16:54:07 | Weblog
Today was nice and sunny, not too warm...

As per below, the latest standing order items are
drying, after the first wet sanding, leaving behind
very murky water in the sink...

So, the day seemd to continue as usual, and then
I remembered the mail from the gallery and I rang up,
and ended up going there by bicyle.

What is shown below is part of that gallery...

At the moment the gallery is devoted glassware, but you may
see my little pieces here and there. My piece have been on
display for the last two weeks, and the net income to me

was something like half of the average pocket money/month
for typical employees. Not too bad for the duration?

As a result, I now have a new standing order. It seem that
the owner of the gallery has become aware of the potential
of my works...

Acually, before going there I had workd on the brush
hanger as you can see below.

All I need to do now is to put them, members, into the
final shape, although it can be a little messy.

Coming back from the gallery I then started working on
my boots holders, as shown below.

When you are working with a number of the same objects
the most important cnsideration is to streamline steps.
Pieces are placedwith the spacer in between so that

you do not rely on extra reference lines drawn on the
end of the pieces, in order to judge the area for
adhesive application.

Above schematic is meant to show you the state in which
member pieces are put together, waiting for adhesive

A is the top profile and the red bar is the spacer.
See that the spacer protrudes at the end? This is deliberate,
because this end will be eventually rounded.

With B, I realise that there has been a shift of the spacer
and the eventual side profile. The idead here is that the top
of the spacer also sticks out from the upper end.

These protrusions are to be sanded down, of course.

See above? They are now drying for tommorrow, all crumped.
I used to use crumps as seen below, but, they exert an
enormous shear forces on the handles.

The effects of which are that members of the handles are
off-set to each other during solidification and
it is totally unacceptable!

Tommorrow, I will have to scrutinize all of the
standing orders and see where I should start.

パエ-リャ 104

2008-09-23 16:53:49 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estas bien? Tu familia?

Aqui hoy hace calor, pero hace viento tambien,
agradable, creo...

Ahora, vamos?

Ver el cielo en la noche parace unapintura!

La Noche Estrellada

Es un poco imresionante, no!?

carne y venduras asadas entre piedras calientes,
en un agujero en la tierra

dounokouno donde antiguamente pasaba el camino real

Mexico tiene una variada y sorprendente geografia!

aire frio con aroma a montanya

algo especial, algo diferente

Conchita, basta con esto para hoy, no?
Desde aqui en la lengua inglesa!