

Wooden cutlery, tea scooping spoons

2008-09-10 16:19:29 | Weblog
This morning, I was not quite sure how the day
might develop...

So, I coated the tongs, as you see bellow.

Since eatch tong is hole position specific plate
springs are placed side by side for identification.

This tong project has been all too conceptual unless
they are coated, particularly where the plate springs
are to be inserted.

So, coating at this stage is paramount to my mini project.
There are so many "ifs", and the whole thing is just
too iffy..., until coating of the trenches and holes

is complete. Once they are all connected there is no way
I can coat those areas, which will be subjected to
water and detergent later on in use.

These two were also coated... I then had to take my wife to
Kamakura, and what follows, containers, caught my attention.

These, already contain chopstics, of 190 mm length
for eating out. However, these "eating pretty in quiet
office corners" containers could not fit the chopstics in!

In fact, I had been made aware of that, and had made a separate
set of chopstics, and completely forgot about it all!

What follows is one of the three sets, of which one set
can go in the containers wihout modification, but, this set needed
to be shortened. Oh, I was in a complete mess about this!

What is what is bellow? This is a block of wood,
length at 210 mm, of wild cherry. I just spotted it
in the doorway.

I was not exactly sure why this had not been worked on before...
Anyway, I took the decision to turn it into chopstics,
in view of its length.

See? The block has been sliced into plates.

..., then into pieces as you see bellow.

What is shown bellow has brought a new idea.

The one at the top is a test piece for my chopstics
containers. There are a few barn marks inside the trench,
due to Joule heating, and I was going to throw this away.

However, it occured to me that the ends of it might turn into
tea leaves spoons. In any event, there are lots and lots of
redundant materials in my work.

The small block of wood was also to be thrown away,
too short for anything useful, was my contention...

However, as with A and B above, they can be utilised, as
in the shapes given here. A is the top profile, B
its side profile... Do you get my drifts?

C is something completely new to my world...
I am not sure what it might be usedful for, at all.
But, but, but, I want to make it!

Put in a nutshell, it is a wooden frame, into which
either bamboo or wooden pieces are inserted. Perhaps,
not in a mesh structure, as shown in blue and red.

What this might be useful for, can you tell me?
If you hit the right core, I will let you have a few of
them free, as my gifts!

What the hell am I going to do tommorrow?
I might pack up and do something entirely different?

パエ-リャ 92

2008-09-10 16:19:11 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Ahora vamos inmediatamente!

Faltan quince minutos para el programa !

Falta una semana para Navidad!

una base de madera

desde hace mas de treinta anyos

mas o menos a la edad de los diez anyos

Lo que dijo era tal vez algo pesimista...

Lo unico que sabemos es DOUNOKOUNO!

No me gusta ese programa!

A Conchita le duele la rodilla!

No me ha gustado ese comentarista!

Queria verla!

Ella ya esta durumiendo!

Conchita, basta con esto, no?
Ahora en la lengua de ingles!

He sold it for less than what he had paid for!

I was laughing my head off!

I badly needed an atmosphere of normality!

in almost no time

without blinking an eye lid...

I did something, and I find it hard to forgive me
for it!

Buy whatever you can lay your hands on!

He would go so far as to admit DOUNOKOUNO...

..., but, that is all in the past!

..., and you stand to lose a lot!

this year alone

That is the sticking point!

Conchita, that is the lot for now.
Vaya con Dios!