

Wooden cutlery, boots holders, spoons

2008-09-28 16:49:43 | Weblog
I was not taking things easy today, but the mere fact
that I overslept a bit took a toll in the end, added to
the fact that I had to take my wife to her regular session.

Above is showing you a set of coating aids, a tong and a
plastic glove. The tong idea has turned out to be superb!
In the absence of the tong I would have to employ

two gloves, and they are rendered pretty much useless
after one coating session. The glove you are looking at,
on the other hand, has been used more than 5 times by now.

The main reason being that my right hand is rarely in contact
with polyurethane sodden workpieces.

Hereafter, two images follow, showing you today's coating.

They look pretty, do they not? Polyurethane is notoriously
difficult to work with, but by now I am used to it...

Further two images down below are today's physical
output. My intuitive view is that spoons will be ready
for coating and the boots holders for nailing by

close of tommorrow.

Following two photos relate to my workshop. People passing by,
walking their dogs and kids admire my workshop, saying
"How pretty this!", "Cute!" and all other kind of things

to marvel at my treasure... Comforting to know that
some people do take notice of the tiny presence of it all...

You may wonder what this black thing might be. It is an
empty box, a void, for my (nearly) zero impedence free
space for my dusts controller.

Dusts created and collected inside my workshop are
channelled into this void and settle down on the
bottom. About time I cleared them out...

パエ-リャ 108

2008-09-28 16:49:23 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Que tiempo hace alla?

Aqui ahora hace mucho frio, y ademas hace viento
fuerte! Vamos?

Poneos en fila que vamos al museo!

No te creas que el espanyol es facil!

Lo sabiamos desde hacia una semana!

Nos tiramos todos a la puerta!

las que estan alla

un hombre al que le gustaban los animales

Ella nos queria llevar a verla!

el que se portara mal

Alla esta la maestra con la que estudiamos!

No conozco el museo al que fuisteis!

Conchita, basta con esto! Desde aqui en la otra

to cut a long stroy short

There is something about the look in her eyes!

He rolled onto his side!

He stretched out beside me!

and that in one stroke!

There was a stroke of luck!

Good to know that something has never changed!

There is a time when DK!

There was an article in the paper tt DK!

to best illustrate this if DK

anything between 20 to 30!

Conchita, this should suffice for today.
Take care and vaya con Dios!