

Wooden cutley, tongs, chopstics

2008-09-08 17:35:55 | Weblog
Today, I do not have much to show in terms of

This is because I did not do any fabrication work
today. In fact, it was just about probable that
my wife and I went to our another house in Musashino.

We did not, as it was very warm, out there there are
lots and lots of mosquitoes. Instead, we went to a
pasta restaurant in Hakone, which is fairly well known.

What follow is an illustration of the pasta tong we used
there. It was no good... pasta wanting to cling to the
teeth, not wanting to be separated from them.

I should have taken a photo, but, the idea may be
uderstood by what follows.

As I remember there was a distinct vend, near the teeth,
but I do not remember the excat vending shape. More of the problem was that the teeth were very long, at something like 30-40 mm.

However, the most critical issue was the sharp edges of the
teeth. Naturally, all was made of SS, and the sharp
edges kept the pata to their edges.

We had to try and remove the pasta with a fork, which is
silly. You would expect, whatever you pick up with your tong
(special purpose tong?) would come down naturally...

That did not happen... As you know I am very
observant when things come to cutlery world.
It really was the sharp metal edges that were

causing the problem. They were just too sharp
for the purpose.

In fact, if I really, really put my mind to it,
something totally different must be employed, I think...

Easy and instant separation of the pasta from the tong...

I will think about it, because, I still have a similar
problem with my somen, hiyamugi handling...
transfer fom the larger serving plate into

individual pots. Another issue is when they are
semi-dry?, or when they are intentionally made wet
(i.e. sprikled with a bit of water) for easy handling...

パエ-リャ 90

2008-09-08 17:35:33 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Hoy tambien hace mucho calor! Volvi a casa ahora
mismo, y, solo un poco para hoy! Vamos!

Que estas haciendo?!

Que tiempo hace alla?

Sigue lloviendo aqui!

Dormiste bien?

Se fue hcae casi una hora!

A papa le gusta levanterse temprano!

pero, para papa no es ningun problema acosterse tarde!

en caso de que eso sea verda...

Conchita, bastante para hoy!
Ahora, en ingles!

I missed out on that!


If you mess about for a while the answer may crop out!

How long do they go on for?

It needs topping up a bit!

We like people come to us and say IROIRO!

Hi! You seem to be everywhere!

Conchita, that is the lot for now. Take care!