

Wooden cutlery, butter knives, bootsholders

2008-09-30 16:51:47 | Weblog
Today, I decided to go mat with the current lot. See below.

There are some more, still remaining in my shed for drying overnight.
I am quite satisfied with these results. They look lovely...
Some of these will be shipped within the next few days,

to K's shop, in particular.

Seen above are the spacers for the next lot of portable
bootsholders. They look simple enough, but they take a lot of time.
For a start you have to have the right thickness and

that means cutting with the bandsaw to 6 mm, then sanding down
to 5 mm.

Here above, I now have a complete set of chopstics
to be, all 13 pairs of them! 3 of them wilbe retained here
for domestic use and the rest will be given away as gifts.

As seen above, I also made provision for further 14
bootsholders. Right now, I have another 6 in the pipeline, and
10 of them will be shipped, and the remaining 10 will be

given away as gifts. Anyway, all these above are routine
jobs, as it were. Today's main conceren was what is shown
below, a new type of butter knives...

This schematic has been put into reality, as shown below.

The centre piece is oak, to be sandwiched by 2 pieces of
dark walnut. This is just experimental, so I only made one.

One on the right is a template. Mind you, I have not yet
firmly decided on the design. So much so, the centre piece
is not smoothe at all.

The main reason is the discontinuity at the sandwiched
portion of the stem. It is awfully difficult to sand down
the dark walnut pieces only.

Even if you can do it, no, you cannot possiblely do that!,
My expectation is that I will be sanding down the walnuts,
but also the oak piece as well, so that somooth curvature

is obtained. More on that tommorrow with schematics.

パエ-リャ 110

2008-09-30 16:51:32 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui, la lluvia ligera todo el dia!
Hace un poco frio, ademas...

Ahora vamos?

Resulto que el cuadro se llamaba DK!

El se cayo al seulo de la risa!

acto seguido

para no ser menos

Ella se saco un rotlador para escribir en el cuadro!

y, entonces se acerco corriendo el guardia del museo!

, nos pregunto por nuestra senyorita

y, nos llevo a donde estaba nuestra senyorita!

Esta es la calle por donde pasan muchos coches!

Sigamos de frente esta calle!

un cuadro de toda la familia mirando de frente

Copnchita, bastante, no?
Ahora entonces, la lengua inglesa!

I was anonoyed with him!

I think I have done a good job in explaining DK!

No thank you! I have got to keep my head clear today!

She seemed aware of my preoccupation!

She burst into my office, demanding DK!

Take your wife away for the weekend?

The hours went by and soon it was three o'clock!

She was shuffling around in the kitchen!

She was shedding the cabbage!

What s it that you want?!

Conchita, thise should suffice for now.
Take care and vaya con Dios!