【Is there anything you want to talk about? 何か話したいことがありますか?】
I went to Tsukuba Space Center in Ibaraki with my friend on a one-day bus tour.
She was worried about walking for long distances/ a long way, but after getting off the bus, she walked more rapidly/ quickly than I expected. I smiled happily. We walked and looked around freely.
When we left, we took a bus to Hinuma for lunch. I enjoyed special lunch.
We enjoyed melon picking and afterwards we ate a half melon each.
Afterwards we wanted to buy a melon but we couldn’t do it because it was expensive.
何個のメロンを取りましたか-----------> How many melons did you pick?
その店のメロンはいくらでしたか----------> How much was the melon at the store?
その店のメロンはいくらでしたか---------> What was the price of the store’s melon/ melon at the store.
体重は何キロ?--------> What is your weight? *weightは名詞
体重は何キロ?---------> How much do you weigh? *weighは動詞
(歳は)いくつですか--------> How old are you?
(歳は)いくつですか---------> What is your age?
それは5千円でした---------> It was 5,000 yen.
あー、それは(値段が)高いですね---------> Oh, that’s a pretty penny.
それは高かったに違いない-------> It must’ve cost a pretty penny.
メロンの値段以外は良い一日でした--------> Except for the price of the melons, it was a very pleasant day.
ツアーがいくらだったか聞いてもいいですか-----------> May I ask how much the tour was?
それは私が思っていたより高いですね----------> It’s more expensive than I thought.
メロンの味はいかがでしたか/ メロンはどうでしたか----------> How was the taste of the melon? / how was the melon?
メロンの中の色は何色ですか----------> What color was the melon inside?
楽しそうな1日ですね-----------> Your day sounds enjoyable.
高かったけれど、価値がありました---------> It was expensive, but worth it.
【It's worth it. 価値がある】 *worthの後にitやdoing, a tryなどを付ける必要がある。
富士山登山は大変ですが、(登る)価値がある----------> Climbing Mt.Fuji was difficult but it was worth it. (itは Climbing Mt.Fuji )
このケーキを作るのはかなりの時間がかかるけど、それをやる価値はある--------> Making this cake took a long time, but it was worth it.
午前中は曇っていたけれど、午後には晴れた---------> In the morning it was cloudy but in the afternoon it was sunny.
朝に、午前中に---------> In the morning
午後に--------> In the afternoon
夕方に---------> In the evening
夜に----------> At night
昨日の午前、昨日の朝----------> Yesterday morning
昨日の午後----------> Yesterday afternoon
昨日の夕方---------> Yesterday evening
昨晩--------> Last night
今朝--------> This morning
今日の午後---------> This afternoon
今晩---------> This evening
今夜---------> Tonight
明日の朝----------> Tomorrow morning
明日の午後--------> Tomorrow afternoon
明日の晩----------> Tomorrow evening
明日の夜----------> Tomorrow night
【It looks +形容詞/ It looks like +名詞;~のように見える】
美味しそう(見た目が)-------> It looks delicious.
美味しそう(匂いが)--------> It smells delicious.
美味しい(食べてみて)--------> It tastes delicious.
この紅茶はリンゴの味がする----------> This tea tastes like apples.
彼女は私の友人のようだ(私の友人に似ている)----------> She looks like my friend.
この材料は絹のようだ(触った感じが)--------> This material feels like silk.
雨が降りそうだ---------> It looks like rain. *rainは名詞
彼女はダンサーのようだ---------> She looks like a dancer.
素晴らしい日のようだね(聞いた感じが)---------> It sounds like a wonderful day.
雨が降りそうだから私たちは傘を持って行くほうがよかった----------> It looks like rain so it looks like we should’ve brought our umbrellas.
この音楽は素晴らしい(聞こえる)----------> This music sounds wonderful.
あなたの犬は外に出たいようだ---------> Your dog looks like she wants to go out. *sheはyour dog
【Is there anything you want to talk about? 何か話したいことがありますか?】
I went to Tsukuba Space Center in Ibaraki with my friend on a one-day bus tour.
She was worried about walking for long distances/ a long way, but after getting off the bus, she walked more rapidly/ quickly than I expected. I smiled happily. We walked and looked around freely.
When we left, we took a bus to Hinuma for lunch. I enjoyed special lunch.
We enjoyed melon picking and afterwards we ate a half melon each.
Afterwards we wanted to buy a melon but we couldn’t do it because it was expensive.
何個のメロンを取りましたか-----------> How many melons did you pick?
その店のメロンはいくらでしたか----------> How much was the melon at the store?
その店のメロンはいくらでしたか---------> What was the price of the store’s melon/ melon at the store.
体重は何キロ?--------> What is your weight? *weightは名詞
体重は何キロ?---------> How much do you weigh? *weighは動詞
(歳は)いくつですか--------> How old are you?
(歳は)いくつですか---------> What is your age?
それは5千円でした---------> It was 5,000 yen.
あー、それは(値段が)高いですね---------> Oh, that’s a pretty penny.
それは高かったに違いない-------> It must’ve cost a pretty penny.
メロンの値段以外は良い一日でした--------> Except for the price of the melons, it was a very pleasant day.
ツアーがいくらだったか聞いてもいいですか-----------> May I ask how much the tour was?
それは私が思っていたより高いですね----------> It’s more expensive than I thought.
メロンの味はいかがでしたか/ メロンはどうでしたか----------> How was the taste of the melon? / how was the melon?
メロンの中の色は何色ですか----------> What color was the melon inside?
楽しそうな1日ですね-----------> Your day sounds enjoyable.
高かったけれど、価値がありました---------> It was expensive, but worth it.
【It's worth it. 価値がある】 *worthの後にitやdoing, a tryなどを付ける必要がある。
富士山登山は大変ですが、(登る)価値がある----------> Climbing Mt.Fuji was difficult but it was worth it. (itは Climbing Mt.Fuji )
このケーキを作るのはかなりの時間がかかるけど、それをやる価値はある--------> Making this cake took a long time, but it was worth it.
午前中は曇っていたけれど、午後には晴れた---------> In the morning it was cloudy but in the afternoon it was sunny.
朝に、午前中に---------> In the morning
午後に--------> In the afternoon
夕方に---------> In the evening
夜に----------> At night
昨日の午前、昨日の朝----------> Yesterday morning
昨日の午後----------> Yesterday afternoon
昨日の夕方---------> Yesterday evening
昨晩--------> Last night
今朝--------> This morning
今日の午後---------> This afternoon
今晩---------> This evening
今夜---------> Tonight
明日の朝----------> Tomorrow morning
明日の午後--------> Tomorrow afternoon
明日の晩----------> Tomorrow evening
明日の夜----------> Tomorrow night
【It looks +形容詞/ It looks like +名詞;~のように見える】
美味しそう(見た目が)-------> It looks delicious.
美味しそう(匂いが)--------> It smells delicious.
美味しい(食べてみて)--------> It tastes delicious.
この紅茶はリンゴの味がする----------> This tea tastes like apples.
彼女は私の友人のようだ(私の友人に似ている)----------> She looks like my friend.
この材料は絹のようだ(触った感じが)--------> This material feels like silk.
雨が降りそうだ---------> It looks like rain. *rainは名詞
彼女はダンサーのようだ---------> She looks like a dancer.
素晴らしい日のようだね(聞いた感じが)---------> It sounds like a wonderful day.
雨が降りそうだから私たちは傘を持って行くほうがよかった----------> It looks like rain so it looks like we should’ve brought our umbrellas.
この音楽は素晴らしい(聞こえる)----------> This music sounds wonderful.
あなたの犬は外に出たいようだ---------> Your dog looks like she wants to go out. *sheはyour dog