Did you go to anywhere? どこかへ行ってきましたか? (Where did you go?よりもソフトな聞き方)
Did you go with anyone? 誰かと一緒に行きましたか?
Just the two of you? 2人だけ? (Did only the two of you go?)
How was the weather? 天気はどうでした
How many times have you been to Hawaii? 何回ハワイに行ったことがありますか?
What was the (name of the)hotel you stayed at? 何という(名前の)ホテルに泊まりましたか?
Have you stayed there before? 以前にそこに泊まったことがありますか
Was that the first time for you to go to the palace? その宮殿へ行くのは初めてでしたか?
The portion was bidgger than in Japan. 一人分が日本より多い
May I ask how much your tour was? ツアーがおいくらだったか聞いてもいいですか?
How long was the flight? 飛行時間は?
【Were you able to ~? ~が出来ましたか?】
Were you able to find parking nere the station?
May I ask how old you are? *語順に注意
I was just going to say that.
I was just thnking (about) that.
I was just thinking (about) him.
Did you go to anywhere? どこかへ行ってきましたか? (Where did you go?よりもソフトな聞き方)
Did you go with anyone? 誰かと一緒に行きましたか?
Just the two of you? 2人だけ? (Did only the two of you go?)
How was the weather? 天気はどうでした
How many times have you been to Hawaii? 何回ハワイに行ったことがありますか?
What was the (name of the)hotel you stayed at? 何という(名前の)ホテルに泊まりましたか?
Have you stayed there before? 以前にそこに泊まったことがありますか
Was that the first time for you to go to the palace? その宮殿へ行くのは初めてでしたか?
The portion was bidgger than in Japan. 一人分が日本より多い
May I ask how much your tour was? ツアーがおいくらだったか聞いてもいいですか?
How long was the flight? 飛行時間は?
【Were you able to ~? ~が出来ましたか?】
Were you able to find parking nere the station?
May I ask how old you are? *語順に注意
I was just going to say that.
I was just thnking (about) that.
I was just thinking (about) him.