words and expressions
one out of three 3つのうちの一つ
two out of ten doctors recommend this medicine. 10人の医師のうち2人はこの薬を勧める
be supposed to ~することになっている
Men are supposed to stand up when a woman comes at a table in Western culture.
ladies first レディファースト (lady firstではない)
Please go ahead. お先にどうぞ
After you. お先にどうぞ(直訳すると;あなたのあとで)
scenic (形容詞)眺めの良い
I hope you feel better soon. お大事にしてください(直訳;あなたがすぐに良くなることを希望します)
comfortable in this chair 快適な椅子
comfortable in these shoes 快適な靴
comfortable on this bike 快適なバイク
picky eater 食わず嫌い
be particular about 好みにうるさい= be picky about
"picky, picky, picky" 「うるさい、うるさい」(着ている服を批判された時など)
travel abroad / go abroad 海外旅行をする
【roundabout 遠回り、遠回し・route 経路】
in a roundabout way 遠回しに、間接的に
He invited her to the party in a roundabout way. 彼は彼女に遠回しにパーティへ誘った
The taxi driver went to the hotel in a round about way.
We took the scenic route. / We took the scenic way. 私たちは眺めのいい道を行った
Let's take the scenic route. 眺めのいい道を行きましょう
【宿題の確認・ like, unlike, it's unlikely that~】
The former Prime Minister Fukuda Yasuo said, "Unlike you, I can view objectively."
Unlike the shoes I bought last year, I'm comfortable in these new shoes.
He is very busy so it's unlikely that he will finish his work by himself.
Her eyes are very much like yours. 彼女の眼はとてもあなたのようです
【put something on. wear】
Put something on 着ている動作ー身に着けている
wear 着ている
I'm putting a shirt on. 私はシャツを着ているところです
I'm wearing a shirt. 私はシャツを着ています
During summer he doesn't want to wear socks. 夏の間、彼はく下を履きたがらない
【接続詞 and, but, or, not only A but B, even though】
A but B AだけどB 相反することを言うとき
Today, it's raining but it's warm.
He is old but energetic. 彼は歳を取っているけれどエネルギッシュだ
After climbing mountains, he is tired but happy. 登山の後、彼は疲れているが幸せです
even though A, B AだけれどもB
Even though he was tired, he was happy. 彼は疲れていたけれど幸せでした
A and B AとB
He is happy and proud. 彼は幸せで満足している
Today is cold and windy. 今日は寒くて風が強い
A or B AかB/ (否定文で)AもBもない
He isn't tired or hungry. 彼は疲れていないし空腹でもない
He doesn't like shusi or sukiyaki. 彼は寿司もすき焼きも好きではない
not only A but B AだけでなくB
Not only can she speak English but she can speak French. 彼女は英語だけでなくフランス語も話せる
During my trip, not only did I go to China but I went to Taiwan.
When I first met her, I was surprised by the fact that not only could she speak English but she could speak French too.
Is she happy? 彼女は幸せですか
Not only is she happy but she is proud. 幸せなだけでなく満足しています
=She is not only happy but she is proud.
宿題)①Even though A,B ②A but B ③A and B ④A or B ⑤not only~ 5つの例文を作る
基本的表現(Special List)をまとめました。右横の項目(プリント解説1)または こちら をクリックしてご覧ください
words and expressions
one out of three 3つのうちの一つ
two out of ten doctors recommend this medicine. 10人の医師のうち2人はこの薬を勧める
be supposed to ~することになっている
Men are supposed to stand up when a woman comes at a table in Western culture.
ladies first レディファースト (lady firstではない)
Please go ahead. お先にどうぞ
After you. お先にどうぞ(直訳すると;あなたのあとで)
scenic (形容詞)眺めの良い
I hope you feel better soon. お大事にしてください(直訳;あなたがすぐに良くなることを希望します)
comfortable in this chair 快適な椅子
comfortable in these shoes 快適な靴
comfortable on this bike 快適なバイク
picky eater 食わず嫌い
be particular about 好みにうるさい= be picky about
"picky, picky, picky" 「うるさい、うるさい」(着ている服を批判された時など)
travel abroad / go abroad 海外旅行をする
【roundabout 遠回り、遠回し・route 経路】
in a roundabout way 遠回しに、間接的に
He invited her to the party in a roundabout way. 彼は彼女に遠回しにパーティへ誘った
The taxi driver went to the hotel in a round about way.
We took the scenic route. / We took the scenic way. 私たちは眺めのいい道を行った
Let's take the scenic route. 眺めのいい道を行きましょう
【宿題の確認・ like, unlike, it's unlikely that~】
The former Prime Minister Fukuda Yasuo said, "Unlike you, I can view objectively."
Unlike the shoes I bought last year, I'm comfortable in these new shoes.
He is very busy so it's unlikely that he will finish his work by himself.
Her eyes are very much like yours. 彼女の眼はとてもあなたのようです
【put something on. wear】
Put something on 着ている動作ー身に着けている
wear 着ている
I'm putting a shirt on. 私はシャツを着ているところです
I'm wearing a shirt. 私はシャツを着ています
During summer he doesn't want to wear socks. 夏の間、彼はく下を履きたがらない
【接続詞 and, but, or, not only A but B, even though】
A but B AだけどB 相反することを言うとき
Today, it's raining but it's warm.
He is old but energetic. 彼は歳を取っているけれどエネルギッシュだ
After climbing mountains, he is tired but happy. 登山の後、彼は疲れているが幸せです
even though A, B AだけれどもB
Even though he was tired, he was happy. 彼は疲れていたけれど幸せでした
A and B AとB
He is happy and proud. 彼は幸せで満足している
Today is cold and windy. 今日は寒くて風が強い
A or B AかB/ (否定文で)AもBもない
He isn't tired or hungry. 彼は疲れていないし空腹でもない
He doesn't like shusi or sukiyaki. 彼は寿司もすき焼きも好きではない
not only A but B AだけでなくB
Not only can she speak English but she can speak French. 彼女は英語だけでなくフランス語も話せる
During my trip, not only did I go to China but I went to Taiwan.
When I first met her, I was surprised by the fact that not only could she speak English but she could speak French too.
Is she happy? 彼女は幸せですか
Not only is she happy but she is proud. 幸せなだけでなく満足しています
=She is not only happy but she is proud.
宿題)①Even though A,B ②A but B ③A and B ④A or B ⑤not only~ 5つの例文を作る
基本的表現(Special List)をまとめました。右横の項目(プリント解説1)または こちら をクリックしてご覧ください