


I was overwhelmed her by kindness.

2014-12-31 17:00:03 | 英語・今日のレッスン

(words and expressions)

I couldn't agree more.   大賛成です。まったく同感です(これ以上同感できない→まったく同感)

grateful (形容詞) 感謝する
gratitude (名詞)感謝、感謝の気持ち

realization (名詞)本当だとわかること
old-school 伝統的スタイル、時代遅れ

【gratitude 感謝 】

I was grateful for 3 things ; my parents, the beautiful environment of Takasaki city, and a peaceful country like Japan while taking care of my grandchild.

I felt three king of gratitude. わたしは3つの大きな感謝を感じた

I was grateful for 3 things,  私は3つのことに感謝した
;My parents, the beautiful environment of Takasaki city, and living a peaceful country like Japan.

while taking care of my grandchild. 孫を世話している間

I'm grateful to you for helping me develop my English. 私は私の英語を向上させるために助けてくれたあなたに感謝します
I'm grateful to you for helping me with my English.


interesting interested  おもしろい,興味がある
confusing confused    混乱する
inspiring inspired   感情的に刺激される、鼓舞される(music, speech, movie)
motivating motivated 動機づける 精神的に刺激される
stimulating stimulated 肉体的に刺激される(shower)
overwhelming overwhelmed  圧倒される
I was overwhelmed by her kindness.  彼女の親切さに圧倒された
surprising surprised   驚いた
I was surprised by her reaction.  私は彼女の反応に驚いた

response 考えた後の反応   reaction  考える前の反応


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Did you get injured?

2014-12-21 15:49:21 | 英語・今日のレッスン

worlds and phrases

perfect 非の打ち所のない、完璧な《名・形》pə́ːrfikt 《動》pərfékt (同じスペルでアクセントが変わる)

impatient 性格などが 性急な、我慢できないたちの

復習)For the most part だいたいにおいて

rarely  あまり、めったにない

Oops ウップス おっと、しまった、うわっ
Oh my god.  なんてことだ!

quite かなり
pretty 結構、まぁまぁ

Thank you for 動名詞

Thank you for waiting.  待ってくれてありがとう

Thank you for taking my picture. 私の写真を撮ってくれてありがとう

Thank you for calling (to me). 電話してくれてありがとう

Thank you for closing the curtain. カーテンを閉めてくれてありがとう

Thank you for taking me to the station. 駅まで送ってくれてありがとう
→My pleasure. どういたしまして

【武道(a martial art)についての話】

When it comes to learning Karate I'm particular about what style (of Karate) I study.

Are you studying Karate now? 今、空手を勉強していますか?(習っていますか)

How long have you studied it? どのくらい(期間)それを勉強していますか

Five years. 5年間です

What belt are you? ベルトは何ですか?→何色の帯ですか?何段ですか?

Besides karate have you studied anything else?

When I was a child  子どものとき
When I was single 独身のとき(singleは形容詞)
When she was married 彼女が結婚していたとき

When I was a child I did Sumo.  私が子どものとき相撲をやっていた

We can do Karate. 空手をする do +武道名 

Until what age? 何歳まで?
Until what time? 何時まで?

Why did you stop?  どうして止めたのですか?

Because I graduated from elementary school. 私が小学校を卒業したからです

While doing these sports did you get any injuries? injuries=名詞

【Did you get injured? get+形容詞】

Did you get injured? (injured=形容詞)get +形容詞

Did you get sick? 病気になりましたか
Did you get impatient?  我慢しましたか
Did you get lost? 道に迷いましたか


Where did you go again?  どこへ行ってきたのでしたっけ

How was the weather? 天気はどうでしたか?

Except for the last day it was cloudy. 最後の日以外は曇りでした

How long did you stay? 何日泊まりましたか

How long were you there? 何日そこにいましたか

Four days. 4日間です

How was it? どうでしたか?

How was the movie you saw last night?  夕べ、君が見た映画はどうでしたか

On a scale of one to ten. Six! 1から10で評価すると。。。6です

The hotel was not as good as I expected. ホテルはわたしが思っていたほどよくなかったです

That's too bad. それは残念でしたね
I'm sorry to hear that. それは残念でしたね / お気の毒に

How were the castle?  お城はどうでしたか?

They were better than I expected.  私が思っていたよりよかったです

Were the castles crowded?  それらのお城は混んでいましたか?

No. It was the off season. いいえ、オフシーズン(閑散期)でしたから

Did you enjoy some special local food. 地元の特別な食事を楽しみましたか

【 was(were) not as 形容詞 as I expected 私が思っていたほど~でない】

The cup was not as heavy as I expected. 

The exam was not as difficult as I expected.

The restaurant was not as crowded as I expected.

【It was off season オフシーズンでした】

It was off season.  オフシーズンでした(閑散期)
It was peak season. ハイシーズンでした(繁忙期)
It was high season. はいシーズンでした(繁忙期)

【good , well】

quite good.  かなりいい
pretty good.  結構、まぁまぁいい

I did quite well. 私はかなりよかったです
She did pretty well.  私は結構よかったです

It was quite good.  かなりよかったです

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You will surely be tired.

2014-12-14 11:49:08 | 英語・今日のレッスン
words and expressions

exception 例外

athlete 選手、アスリート

【 As far as ~に関する限りは、~の範囲までは】

I've only been as far as Kyoto.  京都に関しては1度だけ

As far as I know, there are only two exceptions. 私の知る限りで2つの例外がある


Has anyone been to Kyoto? 誰か京都に行ったことがありますか

Have you been to this restaurant before?

Have you been to Kyushu before this trip?

Three years ago, to help my son move.

Does he still live there? まだ彼はそこに住んでいますか?

What kind of work does he do? (What does he do?)

Why is he going to university in Kyushu?

He has to study three more year.

【Three more year  あと3年】数字+more+名詞(year, day, hour, minute,etc)

To finish I need 15 more minutes.

To make this cake I need six more eggs.

We have time for 2 more questions.

【 You must be proud of him. あなたは彼のことが誇りに違いない。/ あなたはさぞお喜びにちがいない】

You must be an English teacher.

現在形)You must be tired. あなたは疲れているに違いない

過去形)You must have been tired. あなたは疲れていたに違いない

未来形)You will surely be tired. あなたは疲れるに違いない

It must have been painful.  それは痛かったに違いない

【If this kind of ~ do you know ~ もしこのような~したら、知っていますか?】

If this kind of cloud is over a mountain, do you know what kind of weather there is?

Nasty! 悪い天気だね!

If this kind of flower is on the hill do you know what season it is?

If you see this kind of flower do you know what season it is?

If you see this kind of animal do you know what country you are in?

【be particular about  ~にこだわる】

I'm particular about how to I put my dishes away in the cupboard.

He's particular about where he sits at a restaurant.

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She is particular about clothes.

2014-12-07 13:17:42 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

nasty ひどい
It's a nasty day.  (天気が)今日はひどい天気です
It's a nasty weather isn't it? 今日はひどい天気ですね
It's not nice day.  (天気が)今日はいい天気ではないですね

* 天気は人により感じ方が違う。雨や曇りがいいと思う人もいるので It's a bad weather. というのはよくない。

naughty (形容詞)いたずらな
a naughty boy いたずらっ子

Don't tell! 言わないで ← 秘密(secret)のときに使う

Either way どっちみち

【~してくれてありがとう/ ~をありがとう】

Thank you for waiting. 待ってくれてありがとう
Thank you for asking. 尋ねてくれてありがとう
Thank you for the coffee. コーヒーをありがとう
Thank you for the advice. アドバイスをありがとう
Thank you for the suggestion. 提案をありがとう

Thank you for 動名詞 ~してくれてありがとう
Thank you for 名詞 ~をありがとう


Last week I went to Kyoto to see the autumn leaves.

(go to 場所 to 動詞 ~するために行く)
(go to 場所 for 名詞 ~のために行く)

Last week I went to my friend's house for her birthday.
I went to Tokyo for an interview.

I went to Tokyo to have an interview.

I went to Takasaki shrine for a wedding. 私は高崎神社へ結婚式のために行った
I went to Takasaki shrine to attend a wedding. 私は高崎神社へ結婚式に出席するために行った
I went to Takasaki shrine to take part in a wedding. 私は高崎神社へ結婚式に出席する(参加する)ために行った

How was it? どうでしたか

Did you go with anyone? 誰かと一緒に行きましたか?

* Who did you go with? ←尋問のように聞こえます。上記のように聞きましょう

How did you go? どうやって行きましたか(交通手段)

★By Shinkansen.

How long did it take? どのくらい(時間)かかりましたか?

★About four hours.

On the way, did you see Mt.Fuji?  途中で富士山が見えましたか?

Did you take a picture? 写真を撮りましたか

Did you bring it?  それを持ってきましたか?

Would you please bring it next time? 次回その写真を持ってきていただけますか?

★(If you insist)そこまでおっしゃるなら Of course./ Certainly./ Sure. Absolutely. もちろん

How long did you stay? 何日滞在しましたか?(泊まりましたか)
How long were you there? 何日そこにいましたか?
How long were you in Kyoto? 何日京都にいましたか?

Where did you think the best view of the autumn leaves in Kyoto was?

☆Did the flyer inspire you to go to Kyoto?

Did you have any problems?

【What do you think~? ・ Do you know where~?】

Where did you think the best view of the autumn leaves in Kyoto?

Do you know where the best view of the autumn leaves in Kyoto was?


Why do you think she slumped down into the chair after as soon as she got into the room?

Who do you think the woman sitting near the door is?

How much did you think the entrance fee for Kiyomizu temple was?

What time do you think she will perform?


She is particular about her clothes.

She is particular about where she sits at restaurant.

*宿題* 例文を2つ作る
主語+be動詞+particular +about +名詞
主語+be動詞+particular +(about) +疑問詞 +節(主語+動詞)

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