I'm looking forward to +名詞 ~を楽しみにしている
I'm looking forward to +動詞 ing ~するのをを楽しみにしている
I'm looking forward to seeing you again. またあなたに会うのを楽しみにしている
I'm looking forward to the next class. 次の授業を楽しみにしている
*I look forward to seeing you again. と I look forward to seeing you again. は文法的にどちらも正解です。
<Words and Expressions>
gain weight 体重が増える
Don't tease me. からかわないで
【during +名詞 ~の間】
During my trip I enjoyed a lot of delicious food but I gained weight.
【I like ~】
I like movies. 私は映画が好きです
I like watching movies. 私は映画を見るのが好きです
I like to watch movies. 私は映画を見るのが好きです
例)動詞+ing enjoy, stop, mind, finish など
I enjoy dancing.(not enjoy to dance)
I don't mind getting up early. 早く起きるのを気にしない
Has it stopped raining? 雨はやみましたか
例) 動詞+to want, need, decide, try, hopeなど
What do you want to do?
I don't need to go home yet. 私はまだ家へ帰る必要がない
Alice has decided to sell her car. アリスは車を売ることを決めた
She tried to read her book, but I couldn't. 彼女は本を読もうとしたが出来なかった
【afterwards のちに、あとで】
I met my friend at the station, afterwards we went to the coffee shop.
Last night he ate delicious food afterwards he rushed.
主語 +have + 過去分詞
Did you have your hair cut. 髪を切ってもらいましたか
Will you have the sofa delivered? ソファを配達してもらいますか?
I had my computer repaired. コンピューターを直してもらった
It's not perfect but it's good enough.
It's up to you. あなた次第(あなたによる)
Who do you want to invite? 誰を招待したいですか
It's up to you. あなた次第です
How much ketchup do you want to buy for the party?
It depends on the price. 値段によります
Tonight, will you and your friend go to see a movie?
It depends on when my friend finishes her work.
At this rate do you think we will reach the summit in time to see the sunrise?
It depends on how many people are in front of us.
I'm looking forward to +名詞 ~を楽しみにしている
I'm looking forward to +動詞 ing ~するのをを楽しみにしている
I'm looking forward to seeing you again. またあなたに会うのを楽しみにしている
I'm looking forward to the next class. 次の授業を楽しみにしている
*I look forward to seeing you again. と I look forward to seeing you again. は文法的にどちらも正解です。
<Words and Expressions>
gain weight 体重が増える
Don't tease me. からかわないで
【during +名詞 ~の間】
During my trip I enjoyed a lot of delicious food but I gained weight.
【I like ~】
I like movies. 私は映画が好きです
I like watching movies. 私は映画を見るのが好きです
I like to watch movies. 私は映画を見るのが好きです
例)動詞+ing enjoy, stop, mind, finish など
I enjoy dancing.(not enjoy to dance)
I don't mind getting up early. 早く起きるのを気にしない
Has it stopped raining? 雨はやみましたか
例) 動詞+to want, need, decide, try, hopeなど
What do you want to do?
I don't need to go home yet. 私はまだ家へ帰る必要がない
Alice has decided to sell her car. アリスは車を売ることを決めた
She tried to read her book, but I couldn't. 彼女は本を読もうとしたが出来なかった
【afterwards のちに、あとで】
I met my friend at the station, afterwards we went to the coffee shop.
Last night he ate delicious food afterwards he rushed.
主語 +have + 過去分詞
Did you have your hair cut. 髪を切ってもらいましたか
Will you have the sofa delivered? ソファを配達してもらいますか?
I had my computer repaired. コンピューターを直してもらった
It's not perfect but it's good enough.
It's up to you. あなた次第(あなたによる)
Who do you want to invite? 誰を招待したいですか
It's up to you. あなた次第です
How much ketchup do you want to buy for the party?
It depends on the price. 値段によります
Tonight, will you and your friend go to see a movie?
It depends on when my friend finishes her work.
At this rate do you think we will reach the summit in time to see the sunrise?
It depends on how many people are in front of us.