words and expressions
【to protect from ~から守る】
フジさんはよく山登りをするのでいつもいい日焼けをしています-----> Mr. Fuji often climbs mountains so he always has a nice suntan.
----> To protect (yourself) from sunburn, do you always use sunblock?
運転中、深刻な怪我をする可能性からあなた自身を守るのに役立つよう、あなたはいつもシートベルトをしていますか----> While driving, to help protect yourself from the possibility of serious injury, do you always wear a seat belt?
私のネコが外へ出るのを防ぐために私はドアブロックを作る方がいいです----> To prevent my cat from going outside you should make a door block/ door gate.
protect---> 人や損害、病気、危害等から防御に役立つ何かで守る
prevent---> 何かが起こらないように防ぐ
風邪をひくのを防ぐためにうがいをする方がいい----> To prevent you from catching a cold, you should gargle your throat.
【宿題の発表】I'm/ I was 形容詞 that....
私は夫が私の提案を無視したのでがっかりしました----> I was disappointed that my husband ignored my suggestions.
私が子供の時、毎週末に図書館で冒険小説を読むことができたことに興奮しました----> When I was a child, I was excited that I could read adventure novels at the library every weekend.
---> I am embarrassed and worried that I cannot remember where I am supposed to go.
----> I was excited that I didn't know whether or not my friend would win the competition.
山への途中、雷の音を聞いた。私たちは雷に打たれるのではないかと怖かった----> Half way the mountain,we heard lightning. We were frightened that we might have been hit by lightning.
>* color="red">アクション映画は好きですか------->Do color="red"> color="red"> color="red">Her color="red">Her previous husband is an English teacher.
words and expressions
【to protect from ~から守る】
フジさんはよく山登りをするのでいつもいい日焼けをしています-----> Mr. Fuji often climbs mountains so he always has a nice suntan.
----> To protect (yourself) from sunburn, do you always use sunblock?
運転中、深刻な怪我をする可能性からあなた自身を守るのに役立つよう、あなたはいつもシートベルトをしていますか----> While driving, to help protect yourself from the possibility of serious injury, do you always wear a seat belt?
私のネコが外へ出るのを防ぐために私はドアブロックを作る方がいいです----> To prevent my cat from going outside you should make a door block/ door gate.
protect---> 人や損害、病気、危害等から防御に役立つ何かで守る
prevent---> 何かが起こらないように防ぐ
風邪をひくのを防ぐためにうがいをする方がいい----> To prevent you from catching a cold, you should gargle your throat.
【宿題の発表】I'm/ I was 形容詞 that....
私は夫が私の提案を無視したのでがっかりしました----> I was disappointed that my husband ignored my suggestions.
私が子供の時、毎週末に図書館で冒険小説を読むことができたことに興奮しました----> When I was a child, I was excited that I could read adventure novels at the library every weekend.
---> I am embarrassed and worried that I cannot remember where I am supposed to go.
----> I was excited that I didn't know whether or not my friend would win the competition.
山への途中、雷の音を聞いた。私たちは雷に打たれるのではないかと怖かった----> Half way the mountain,we heard lightning. We were frightened that we might
>* color="red">アクション映画は好きですか------->Do color="red"> color="red"> color="red">Her color="red">Her previous husband is an English teacher.