7. 「原発の停止で電力供給は綱渡りだ。」とありますが、貴社は、事故前まで原発を止めれば、3割ほど電気が足りなくなるとずっと喧伝しておりました。2000年より私は、中央電力協議会のデータから、火力水力で8月の最大需要電力も賄えるという棒グラフ(なぜか英文グラフのみ)と数値を見ており、貴社を含むすべての主要マスコミ会社に、この原発がなくとも電気が足りているというグラフと地震と原発の危険性についてFAX送信していましたが、無視され続け、非常に不思議に思っていました。そして、原発事故後、なくても足りているという事実が明らかになっています。事故前に長年、(30%電力足りなくなるという)虚偽の事実を垂れ流しながら、地震国にこれだけの原発建設を推進したことに、罪の意識はないのですか?
You say the nation's power supply is facing tough situation, but you always proclaimed that 30% of electricity will be in short before the accident. In 2000, I found that the August maximum demand exceeded installed capacity of thermal and hydro generators in Japan in the graph (but only in English!) and figures provided by the Central Electric Power Council. I kept sending FAX to all the major media companies with this graph and the potential risk of earthquake and nuclear power plants, which were ignored by all the companies including Yomiuri. Doesn't your company feel sense of guilt for having spread false data (30% shortage without nuclear power) for many years before the accident and promoted nuclear in this earthquake prone country?
8. 「火力の燃料費高騰で電気料金も上がっている。」といいますが、貴社では、今回の原子力事故における被災者への補償(特に顕著になってきている健康被害への医療費を含む)、漏れ続ける放射性物質の管理、使用済み核燃料の管理などの半永久的にかかる膨大な費用に触れずに、このようなおかしな論調を出すのはなぜですか?
You say, "The price of electricity has gone up after the price hike for fuel for thermal power", but why do you bring up this argument ignoring the enormous amount of price to be paid for compensation for the disaster victims (including medical cost for those who are getting health hazards already), for controlling releasing radioacftive materials, storage of wastes and spent fuels, etc?
9. 福島の子供たちの甲状腺異常や甲状腺がんに全く触れていないのは、なぜですか?また本来であれば、子供たちの疎開を主張すべきではないですか?将来福島の子供たちに病気が多発した場合、貴社はこの最も大事な報道を回避した責任を取る覚悟はありますか?その場合、貴社のどの部署のどなたが責任を取ってくださいますか?
Why do you NOT touch upon thyroid abnormalities and thyroid cancer among Fukushima children at all? Isn't it your moral duty to argue the necessity of collective evacuation of children from Fukushima? If health hazards become eminent, is your company ready to take any kind of responsibility for the negligence of avoiding this most important news? In that case, please list the names and their departments of those responsible for these negligence.
10. 質問から見られるように、貴社の報道は、社会的責任を果たすことを規定した国際法であるISO 26000 に反しているのではないでしょうか?この点において、調査を求め、国民の命にかかわる問題ですので、なるべく早期に改善策を提示していただきたいと思います。
As you can see from the questions above, I am afraid that your news reports may violate ISO 26000, international regulation which stipulates corporate responsibilities. I would ask you to investigate on this matter and show some remedial measures as early as possible since lives of people are at stake in Japan.
You say the nation's power supply is facing tough situation, but you always proclaimed that 30% of electricity will be in short before the accident. In 2000, I found that the August maximum demand exceeded installed capacity of thermal and hydro generators in Japan in the graph (but only in English!) and figures provided by the Central Electric Power Council. I kept sending FAX to all the major media companies with this graph and the potential risk of earthquake and nuclear power plants, which were ignored by all the companies including Yomiuri. Doesn't your company feel sense of guilt for having spread false data (30% shortage without nuclear power) for many years before the accident and promoted nuclear in this earthquake prone country?
8. 「火力の燃料費高騰で電気料金も上がっている。」といいますが、貴社では、今回の原子力事故における被災者への補償(特に顕著になってきている健康被害への医療費を含む)、漏れ続ける放射性物質の管理、使用済み核燃料の管理などの半永久的にかかる膨大な費用に触れずに、このようなおかしな論調を出すのはなぜですか?
You say, "The price of electricity has gone up after the price hike for fuel for thermal power", but why do you bring up this argument ignoring the enormous amount of price to be paid for compensation for the disaster victims (including medical cost for those who are getting health hazards already), for controlling releasing radioacftive materials, storage of wastes and spent fuels, etc?
9. 福島の子供たちの甲状腺異常や甲状腺がんに全く触れていないのは、なぜですか?また本来であれば、子供たちの疎開を主張すべきではないですか?将来福島の子供たちに病気が多発した場合、貴社はこの最も大事な報道を回避した責任を取る覚悟はありますか?その場合、貴社のどの部署のどなたが責任を取ってくださいますか?
Why do you NOT touch upon thyroid abnormalities and thyroid cancer among Fukushima children at all? Isn't it your moral duty to argue the necessity of collective evacuation of children from Fukushima? If health hazards become eminent, is your company ready to take any kind of responsibility for the negligence of avoiding this most important news? In that case, please list the names and their departments of those responsible for these negligence.
10. 質問から見られるように、貴社の報道は、社会的責任を果たすことを規定した国際法であるISO 26000 に反しているのではないでしょうか?この点において、調査を求め、国民の命にかかわる問題ですので、なるべく早期に改善策を提示していただきたいと思います。
As you can see from the questions above, I am afraid that your news reports may violate ISO 26000, international regulation which stipulates corporate responsibilities. I would ask you to investigate on this matter and show some remedial measures as early as possible since lives of people are at stake in Japan.