

続 米国のCIAとつながりがあるのですか? 読売新聞社へ公開質問

2013-04-15 19:19:20 | 言いたいことは何だ
2. フィルター付きベントの設置を過剰とする論調を、米国が当面不要としているからと、意味不明のことを言っていらっしゃいます。いまだに貴社は、米国のCIAとつながりがあるのですか?
You argue that the requirement of filetered vents is "excessive" because the US Department of Energy says so, which is totally nonsense. Are you still connected with CIA even today?
Given that a large amount of radioactive materials were released from Fukushima nuclear accident, there should have been filtered vents installed beforehand if the technology was the establised one. Wasn't there any criminal negligence especially considering the residents' exposure in Fukushima? Or is your company purposely intending to expose people to radiation for some purpose?
4. 新規制では、活断層の定義を40万年前に動いたものを含めるとされていますが、米国カリフォルニア州が1971年に制定した活断層法では、100万年前以降に動いたものを活断層と定義しています。このギャップをどう考えますか?
In the new regulation, the definition of active faults is set to be the one which has moved within the past 400,000 years. However, in California Active Fault Law stipulated in 1971, an active fault is defined as the one which has moved within the past 1,000,000 years. What do you think of this gap?
You argue that it is unscientific to ensure that there is no active faults 100%, which is exactly correct. In 2000 Western Tottori Earthquake and 2008 Iwate Miyagi Inland Earthquake, large quakes occured where no active faults had been found before and active faults emerged after the quakes. Therefore, isn't it scientific to think that there should not be any nuclear power plant in Japan?
6. 活断層が動いても大丈夫なように、とおっしゃいますが、それこそ非科学的であり、原子炉の直下または直近で活断層が動いた場合、制御棒の挿入不能や主要配管の破断がありえます。福島原発事故でも、津波の前からの配管破断による放射能漏れが疑われています。このような当たり前の事態の可能性を、なぜ無視するのですか?
You call for reinforcement of nuclear plant so that it can withstand seismic activities, which is totally unscientific. If active faults moves directly below or in vicinity of reactor core, inability of insert of control rods or rupture of main piping system could occur. It is highly suspected the piping rupture did occur in Fukushima before Tsunami reached. Why do you ignore these phenomena which can be easily predicted?

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