西尾治子 のブログ Blog Haruko Nishio:ジョルジュ・サンド George Sand


"George Sand Association at 40: Past, Present, Future"

2016年03月18日 | 手帳・覚え書き
"George Sand Association at 40: Past, Present, Future"

The George Sand Association (GSA) began at Hofstra
University in 1976 as The Friends of George Sand –
thus creating not only a North American home for
studies on George Sand’s work but also establishing
the Hofstra University Cultural Center.

In 1984 the society was recast as the George Sand
Association and officially registered as an Allied
Organization of the MLA. The initial publication,
The Friends of George Sand Newsletter, was
reorganized as a scholarly journal (with CELJ status)
in 1984 as George Sand Studies; and in 1992,
it was restructured in the format we have today.
During this time, twenty-two international
conferences have been sponsored and/or
co-organized by the society in the US, Canada,
France, Italy, Ireland, Hungary and Germany.
2016 marks the 40th anniversary of the group
that launched and has sustained Sand studies
in North America and abroad. We return to
Hofstra University to celebrate this anniversary
and especially to brainstorm and develop ideas
for the future of GSA.

Friday, 23 September 2016, we invite you
to participate in a one-day symposium to
acknowledge this benchmark in Sand studies.
We invite you to send a brief proposal for a
15-minute presentation that highlights some
aspect of the society’s contribution and
inspiration to your work on Sand.

Please send proposals no later than 15 January
We are also hoping to organize a round table
for 4-7 speakers who could speak for 5-10
minutes on a topic related to the past, present,
and future of the society. This topic could focus on:
 works by Sand that are rarely studied;
 works that have become better known thank
s to studies occasioned by GSA;
 publications and/or events sponsored
or inspired by GSA;
 and other suggestions.

This moment of acknowledgment will be further
enhanced by the presentation of the long- awaited
volume Approaches to Teaching George Sand’s
Indiana in the MLA “Approaches to Teaching” series,
edited by David A. Powell and Pratima Prasad.

A modest registration fee of $35 will include coffee
in the morning and after lunch, a buffet lunch, and
a closing cocktail. Lodging will be provided at the
nearby Marriott. For those who arrive early enough
on Thursday evening before the symposium, we will
convene for a welcome dinner at a local restaurant.

At the close of the symposium, we will have a small
cocktail and then we will enjoy dinner at another
local restaurant.
Hofstra University is serviced by flights to JFK and
LaGuardia, both at very close proximity to the
Marriott and to campus. A shuttle bus will facilitate
movement from the hotel to campus and back
(a 10-minute ride). Details will soon be posted
on the GSA and the Hofstra University Cultural
Center websites.
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