for today 科学に目を向けよう


(旅の相棒募っています 乙女)

都市 直下型地震

2011年09月25日 17時40分24秒 | ニュースを読んで

のんきにしていられるのは、意識していないからなのでしょう。 大変な数値です。what will save our lives ?





A woody yellowish bird little bigger than a hand ,with her eyes closed,   was kept at the corner of a front gate, which I found on Sunday noon.  It was not there yesterday.   

Goddess,   the next morning, it was properly taken care to heaven by someone else. 9/27

Several years ago, it was a black one in front of the guest room in the south part of the garden.

More than those years ago, it was a broken tv anntena, in front of a house.  It was forgotten maybe, so I called to the garbage gathering center.

If you find some living things ,which is almost unhappy condition, do not touch !

    今、百段階段は混まずに見学が楽しめます。お雛様のころは、本当に混雑していました。 The  poster was like that of  a Edo shop name. It implies something on letters.