for today 科学に目を向けよう


(旅の相棒募っています 乙女)

when and to which place

2011年09月29日 13時25分19秒 | 自由句

I decide it where to go by myself when I find it  good.

But people try to put the special meaning to the place, I know.

 Why do they give same meaning ?  They are somewhat influenced under the media circumstances ,maybe yes no problem .

Africa      how nice to see animals and the nature but too far 

the north, Hokkaid, Ruccia         good to go in a hot weather, good to go to see the  musium away from the crowded people

the south, Okinawa                   good to enjoy resort , but not good in the typhoon season

the east, USA                           vast continent, usa  canada

the west EU                             historicaly reserved : most  Asian people take fancy of there

the south is comfortable and the north is severe for normal Japanese people speaking about the weather.






都市 直下型地震

2011年09月25日 17時40分24秒 | ニュースを読んで

のんきにしていられるのは、意識していないからなのでしょう。 大変な数値です。what will save our lives ?





A woody yellowish bird little bigger than a hand ,with her eyes closed,   was kept at the corner of a front gate, which I found on Sunday noon.  It was not there yesterday.   

Goddess,   the next morning, it was properly taken care to heaven by someone else. 9/27

Several years ago, it was a black one in front of the guest room in the south part of the garden.

More than those years ago, it was a broken tv anntena, in front of a house.  It was forgotten maybe, so I called to the garbage gathering center.

If you find some living things ,which is almost unhappy condition, do not touch !

    今、百段階段は混まずに見学が楽しめます。お雛様のころは、本当に混雑していました。 The  poster was like that of  a Edo shop name. It implies something on letters.




2011年09月23日 20時55分00秒 | ニュースを読んで


10年ほど前にA新聞の記事を読んでK市に出かけました。 上記記事に発展する以前の海外での事情を聞きました。



2011年09月21日 08時27分57秒 | 日常の発見








I remembered another 'migaki' , it will be uttered ' grade-up or  improvement ' something like that.  Why do I not have a chance meeting?


what I did after a  lovely single             take several courses at universities, a colledge, some institutions

                                                       take  lessons of paintings, how to enterprise, how to put on kimono, an instructor of yoga, reading

                                                       enjoy tea ceremony , horse riding , walking in a pool , swimming course, changing of music instructor

                                                       of course, i worked outside several times

                                                       come to be a member of esthetic shop

                                                       I have been living just normaly taking care of children .

                               take counseling at several hospitals

                                                       visit several countries , most of them are related to  Sino-Iranica

                                                       visit Japanese tourist places , Nagasaki, Shimane, Ise, Kyoto, Tohoku and Kanto area .

                                                       volunteer as a host family

                                                       5 or 6 times to remove polype

                                                       publishment of 「シ」 and e-book

next 'migaki'                                     saburina? in my lovely age !!!! 

I would not like to go out in the dark alone.  I , not a drinker, can go out to the bar though. 

 If the meeting is attractive  and pleasant, I surely would like to go.

I showed two kinds of name cards of mine to the  lawyer for an   advice  about the publishment.  He was the fourth lawyer .

I usually show my plain card if necessary, on which only name and address is mentioned. I like it myself. 

 I mentioned my thanks on the board of BPO , I took it the last . 

けれど、私の知り用のない人たちの苦心した応援を嬉しく、感謝いたします。 メディアを通じて、人間性が覗けるような場面を知ることになり、まあるく受け止められました。
