Kirsten Korosec@kirstenkorosec / 9:49 am JST • October 24, 2019
Image Credits: Tesla
Tesla CEO Elon Musk forecast that the company’s energy business will eventually be the same size as — or even bigger than — its automotive sector, the latest sign that the company plans to put more time and resources to scaling up its solar and storage products.
“It could be bigger, but it will certainly be of a similar magnitude,” Musk said during an earnings call Wednesday. The company surprised Wall Street by reporting a return to profitability in the third quarter.
The bulk of Tesla’s revenue is generated from sales of its Model S, Model X and Model 3 electric vehicles. In the third quarter, automotive revenues were $5.35 billion. The company doesn’t break out revenue generated from solar, energy storage or other products and services. However, the total revenue in the third quarter was $6.3 billion, which gives some indication of the size of automotive compared to its other businesses.
Tesla’s energy and solar businesses languished for nearly two years as attention and resources were directed to the Model 3. That diversion of resources included redirecting to the car battery cell production lines meant for its home Powerwall and commercial Powerpack energy storage products because the company didn’t have enough cells.
“We had to do it because if we didn’t solve the Model 3, Tesla wouldn’t survived,” he said. “So, unfortunately that shorted other parts of the company.”
Now, the company is committed to scaling up energy storage and solar. Kunal Girotra, who initially joined Tesla in 2015 as a senior product manager for Powerwall, was promoted to senior director of the company’s energy operations.
In the third quarter, Tesla deployed 43 megawatts of solar, a 48% increase from the previous quarter. Solar installations are still 54% lower than the same period last year.
Energy storage deployments have continued to grow, reaching an all-time high of 477 MWh in the third quarter, according to earnings posted Wednesday.
Part of this new effort includes its solar roof tile product, which was originally unveiled in 2016. Musk said that a new, third iteration of its solar roof tile will debut Thursday afternoon.
Tesla(テスラ)のCEOであるElon Musk(イーロン・マスク)氏は、同社のエネルギー事業は最終的には自動車部門と同じくらいか、それ以上のものになると予測している。
テスラの収益の大部分は、Model S、Model X、Model 3といった電気自動車の販売によって得られるもの。これらの車による第3四半期の収益は、53.5億ドル(約5810億円)だった。同社は、太陽光発電、エネルギー貯蔵、その他の製品やサービスによる収益の内訳を公表していない。それらを含めた第3四半期の総収益は63億ドル(約6842億円)であり、この数字から他の事業と比較した自動車事業の規模をうかがい知ることができる。
テスラのエネルギー貯蔵およびソーラー発電設備事業は、ほぼ2年間に渡って衰退するままとなっていた。同社はModel 3に注力し、リソースも集中させていたからだ。例えば、家庭用のPowerwallやビジネス用のPowerpackといったエネルギー貯蔵製品向けのバッテリーセルの生産ラインを、自動車用に振り向けていた。バッテリーセルの絶対量が不足していたからだ。
「まずModel 3をなんとかしなければテスラ自体が生き残れなかったので、そのような措置を取らざるを得ませんでした」とマスク氏は説明した。「そのために、残念ながら会社の他の部分を犠牲にしたのです」。
現在、同社はエネルギー貯蔵とソーラー発電設備の事業拡大に取り組んでいる。Powerwallのシニアプロダクトマネージャーとして2015年にテスラに入社したKunal Girotra(キュノ・ジロトラ)氏は、エネルギー部門のシニアディレた。