- 仏陀の呼吸法は呼吸作用のコントロールだけでなく、「チャクラ」「プラーナ」「クンダリニー・エネルギー」「ムドラー」「瞑想」「マントラ詠唱」などの技法を統合したもの。
- 仏陀の成仏法は四つの呼吸法によって完成される。
- 仏陀の気道法は四神足法で死道を用い、気道を重要視。これが後に道教の仙道に影響を与えた可能性がある。
- 道教の修行法には仏陀の成仏法の要素が受け継がれ、内気の法や行気の法が阿含経に説かれるシャカの「行息の法」と関連している。
- 仏陀の気道法はクンダリニー・ヨーガの気道法を補足し、泥丸と呼ばれる部位が重要。泥丸は仏陀が説く「涅槃」を指し、涅槃への到達と関連づけられる。
- クンダリニー・ヨーガと道教の気道法は仏陀の気道法を基に発展し、道教の内気の法には泥丸があり、これが仏陀の気道法との関連を示唆している。
- 仏陀の気道法を完璧に知ることは難しいが、クンダリニー・ヨーガと道教の修行法を通じて関連が理解され、仏陀の気道法の一部が復元されたと主張。
- クンダリニー・ヨーガの気道は三本あり、スシュムナー管が中心。ピンガラとイダーは補助的な気道であり、エネルギー放射に関与。
- クンダリニーがスムーズに上下すると修行が進み、最終的にサハスラーラ・チャクラに到達。仏陀の奇蹟やミラクルの池の伝説もこれに関連。
- 仏陀の気道法はクンダリニー・ヨーガの不十分な部分を補足しており、ピンガラとイダーの気道を使用してエネルギー放射を行ったと考えられる。
- 仏陀は弟子たちにクンダリニー・ヨーガを用いさせなかった理由として、その法が不安定で不確実であったことを指摘。代わりに完璧な成仏法を教えた。
- 仏陀の成仏法は四つの呼吸法によって完成される。
- 仏陀の気道法は四神足法で死道を用い、気道を重要視。これが後に道教の仙道に影響を与えた可能性がある。
- 道教の修行法には仏陀の成仏法の要素が受け継がれ、内気の法や行気の法が阿含経に説かれるシャカの「行息の法」と関連している。
- 仏陀の気道法はクンダリニー・ヨーガの気道法を補足し、泥丸と呼ばれる部位が重要。泥丸は仏陀が説く「涅槃」を指し、涅槃への到達と関連づけられる。
- クンダリニー・ヨーガと道教の気道法は仏陀の気道法を基に発展し、道教の内気の法には泥丸があり、これが仏陀の気道法との関連を示唆している。
- 仏陀の気道法を完璧に知ることは難しいが、クンダリニー・ヨーガと道教の修行法を通じて関連が理解され、仏陀の気道法の一部が復元されたと主張。
- クンダリニー・ヨーガの気道は三本あり、スシュムナー管が中心。ピンガラとイダーは補助的な気道であり、エネルギー放射に関与。
- クンダリニーがスムーズに上下すると修行が進み、最終的にサハスラーラ・チャクラに到達。仏陀の奇蹟やミラクルの池の伝説もこれに関連。
- 仏陀の気道法はクンダリニー・ヨーガの不十分な部分を補足しており、ピンガラとイダーの気道を使用してエネルギー放射を行ったと考えられる。
- 仏陀は弟子たちにクンダリニー・ヨーガを用いさせなかった理由として、その法が不安定で不確実であったことを指摘。代わりに完璧な成仏法を教えた。
Buddha's breathing method not only controls breathing, but also integrates techniques such as chakras, prana, kundalini energy, mudras, meditation, and mantra chanting.
- The Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood is completed through four breathing techniques.
- The Buddha's airway method uses the path of death in the Four Gods foot method, and places importance on the airway. This may have later influenced the Xian Dao of Taoism.
- The Taoist training methods have inherited elements of the Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood, and the law of shyness and the law of action are related to Shaka's ``law of action and breath'' expounded in the Agon Sutra.
- The Buddha's airway method supplements the airway method of Kundalini Yoga, and the area called the mud circle is important. The mud circle refers to ``Nirvana'' as preached by Buddha, and is associated with reaching Nirvana.
- Kundalini Yoga and the Taoist airway method were developed based on the Buddha's airway method, and the Taoist internal qi method has mud circles, which suggests a connection with the Buddha's airway method.
- Although it is difficult to fully understand the Buddha's airway method, he claims that the relationship between Kundalini Yoga and Taoist training has been understood, and that a portion of the Buddha's airway method has been restored.
- Kundalini Yoga has three airways, the Sushumna tube being the main one. Pingala and Ida are auxiliary airways and are involved in energy radiation.
- When the kundalini rises and falls smoothly, the practice progresses and eventually reaches the sahasrara chakra. The miracles of Buddha and the legend of the Miracle Pond are also related to this.
- The Buddha's airway method supplements the deficiencies of Kundalini Yoga, and it is believed that he used the Pingala and Ida airways to radiate energy.
-The Buddha pointed out that the reason why he did not allow his disciples to use Kundalini Yoga was that the Dharma was unstable and uncertain. In his place he taught the perfect method of attaining Buddhahood.
- The Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood is completed through four breathing techniques.
- The Buddha's airway method uses the path of death in the Four Gods foot method, and places importance on the airway. This may have later influenced the Xian Dao of Taoism.
- The Taoist training methods have inherited elements of the Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood, and the law of shyness and the law of action are related to Shaka's ``law of action and breath'' expounded in the Agon Sutra.
- The Buddha's airway method supplements the airway method of Kundalini Yoga, and the area called the mud circle is important. The mud circle refers to ``Nirvana'' as preached by Buddha, and is associated with reaching Nirvana.
- Kundalini Yoga and the Taoist airway method were developed based on the Buddha's airway method, and the Taoist internal qi method has mud circles, which suggests a connection with the Buddha's airway method.
- Although it is difficult to fully understand the Buddha's airway method, he claims that the relationship between Kundalini Yoga and Taoist training has been understood, and that a portion of the Buddha's airway method has been restored.
- Kundalini Yoga has three airways, the Sushumna tube being the main one. Pingala and Ida are auxiliary airways and are involved in energy radiation.
- When the kundalini rises and falls smoothly, the practice progresses and eventually reaches the sahasrara chakra. The miracles of Buddha and the legend of the Miracle Pond are also related to this.
- The Buddha's airway method supplements the deficiencies of Kundalini Yoga, and it is believed that he used the Pingala and Ida airways to radiate energy.
-The Buddha pointed out that the reason why he did not allow his disciples to use Kundalini Yoga was that the Dharma was unstable and uncertain. In his place he taught the perfect method of attaining Buddhahood.
呼吸法、といっているけれども、たんなる呼吸作用のコントロール法ではなく、このあとで説く「チャクラ」「プラーナ」「クンダリニー・エネルギー」(気道) 「ムドラー」「瞑想」「マントラ詠唱」など、すべての技法を綜合しておこなわれるもので、仏陀の成仏法の最終段階のものである。
この四つの呼吸法 (繰り返していうが、たんなる呼吸法ではない)で、仏陀の成仏法は完成されるのである。
「行息」 気息を行らす、
Although it is called the breathing method, it is not just a method of controlling the breathing action, but all techniques such as "chakra", "prana", "kundalini energy" (airway), "mudler", "meditation", and "mantra chanting". It is the final stage of the Buddhist mantra meditation.
These four breathing methods (again, not just breathing methods) complete the Buddhahood's Buddhahood method.
I will explain this breathing method later. Oak
I will explain this breathing method later. Oak
Buddha's airway law
If you read the previous section, you'll probably understand. The Buddha also used the dead path in the Iddhipada method.
"Breathing" To breathe, there must be a way to go around. That way is the airway.
However, the airway of the Buddha is quite different from the airway of Kundalini Yoga.
It can be said to supplement the deficiencies in the Kundalini Yoga airways-the inadequate rather than the deficiencies.
Why can you say that?
I think that the Buddha's breathing method later moved to China and became a Taoist sendo. In other words, the origin of Taoist training lies in the Buddhahood's Buddhahood method.
One of the basic practices of Taoism is the "law of shyness." In addition, there is a "law of spirit". These are none other than Shaka's "law of breath", which is explained in Agama.
The following is one proof that Taoism has accepted the Buddhahood of the Buddhahood. There is a part called Mudmaru in the airway of the Taoist shyness law that I just mentioned. At the top of the head, in Kundalini Yoga, it is the part corresponding to the Sahaslara chakra, which is the best part of Satori in Taoism.
However, the airway of the Buddha is quite different from the airway of Kundalini Yoga.
It can be said to supplement the deficiencies in the Kundalini Yoga airways-the inadequate rather than the deficiencies.
Why can you say that?
I think that the Buddha's breathing method later moved to China and became a Taoist sendo. In other words, the origin of Taoist training lies in the Buddhahood's Buddhahood method.
One of the basic practices of Taoism is the "law of shyness." In addition, there is a "law of spirit". These are none other than Shaka's "law of breath", which is explained in Agama.
The following is one proof that Taoism has accepted the Buddhahood of the Buddhahood. There is a part called Mudmaru in the airway of the Taoist shyness law that I just mentioned. At the top of the head, in Kundalini Yoga, it is the part corresponding to the Sahaslara chakra, which is the best part of Satori in Taoism.
Where did the name Mudmaru come from?
This is a transcription of the "Nirvana" or Nirvana that the Buddha preaches. It was named because it reaches Nirvana when this part is awakened.
This is very interesting because it talks about the connection between Buddhist practice, Kundalini yoga, and Taoism. In addition to this, there are some similar examples.
This is a transcription of the "Nirvana" or Nirvana that the Buddha preaches. It was named because it reaches Nirvana when this part is awakened.
This is very interesting because it talks about the connection between Buddhist practice, Kundalini yoga, and Taoism. In addition to this, there are some similar examples.
しかし、クンダリニー・ヨーガと道教の修行法を、阿含経の中にある仏陀の修行 と対照しつつ実践を重ねていくと、おのずから男罪と浮かんでくるものがあのであ
しかし、クンダリニー・ヨーガと道教の修行法を、阿含経の中にある仏陀の修行 と対照しつつ実践を重ねていくと、おのずから男罪と浮かんでくるものがあのであ
わたくしが、仏陀を、クンダリニー・ヨーガの完成者であると断定するのは、この 点からである。
さきにあげたミラクルの池の伝説や、雑阿含経に説かれる仏陀の奇蹟- 上半身か
Of course, not all Taoist airway laws are the same as Buddha's airway laws.
It was said that he accepted the Buddhist airway law and developed it into something unique to Taoism.
Is. The prototype is in the Buddha, and it can be traced back to the Buddha. and
It also involves Kundalini Yoga at the same time.
It is extremely difficult to know the practice of the Buddhahood Buddhahood. That's very
It is only scattered in Agama, and it can be said that it is almost impossible.
However, the practice of Kundalini yoga and Taoism is the practice of the Buddha in Agama.
It was said that he accepted the Buddhist airway law and developed it into something unique to Taoism.
Is. The prototype is in the Buddha, and it can be traced back to the Buddha. and
It also involves Kundalini Yoga at the same time.
It is extremely difficult to know the practice of the Buddhahood Buddhahood. That's very
It is only scattered in Agama, and it can be said that it is almost impossible.
However, the practice of Kundalini yoga and Taoism is the practice of the Buddha in Agama.
If you practice it in contrast to it, there are things that naturally come to mind as male sins.
To. And as I gained more experience, refined, and practiced, suddenly with a flash of light.
There is something that shows the shape.
I aspired to Buddhism at the age of thirty, and since then I have continued to seek the Buddhahood method of Buddhahood.
Forty years later, I was finally able to recover from this and be convinced that I had mastered it.
And at that moment, I took it. This law is the earth that is about to be destroyed
That it was the ultimate savior's law to save.
To. And as I gained more experience, refined, and practiced, suddenly with a flash of light.
There is something that shows the shape.
I aspired to Buddhism at the age of thirty, and since then I have continued to seek the Buddhahood method of Buddhahood.
Forty years later, I was finally able to recover from this and be convinced that I had mastered it.
And at that moment, I took it. This law is the earth that is about to be destroyed
That it was the ultimate savior's law to save.
The perfect Buddha airway
By the way, in the previous section, the law of the Buddha's airway is Kundalini Yoga.
He said that it supplemented the inadequate part of the law.
What does that mean?
There are three airways in Kundalini Yoga.
He said that it supplemented the inadequate part of the law.
What does that mean?
There are three airways in Kundalini Yoga.
Top secret breathing method "
Let's go
One is the Sushmuner tube and the other two are the Pingala and Eider airways.
The central airway is the Sschmuner's canal. This is the tail bone, as I mentioned earlier.
It starts from and reaches the medulla oblongata.
When Kundalini awakens with the power of a special idea, the energy is explosive.
Ascend the Sschmuner's canal to the medulla oblongata. At the same time, Kundalini is Pingala, Ida's
Ascends the airways and acts as a kundalini energy regulator and other ancillary function.
The pingala on the right side of the spinal cord is called the airway of the sun and is the airway that controls heat.
The ider on the left, called the lunar airway, controls the flow of cold air. If you accidentally pingara
When Kundalini wakes up, he has a tremendous body that is completely out of control from the outside.
In the worst case, the practitioner will literally turn black and burn to death because of the internal heat.
It is said that there is.
Gopi Krishna, the author of Kundalini, is in danger of himself because of this mistake.
It describes the experience of being able to survive the death.
It is this that I conclude that the Buddha is the perfector of Kundalini Yoga.
The central airway is the Sschmuner's canal. This is the tail bone, as I mentioned earlier.
It starts from and reaches the medulla oblongata.
When Kundalini awakens with the power of a special idea, the energy is explosive.
Ascend the Sschmuner's canal to the medulla oblongata. At the same time, Kundalini is Pingala, Ida's
Ascends the airways and acts as a kundalini energy regulator and other ancillary function.
The pingala on the right side of the spinal cord is called the airway of the sun and is the airway that controls heat.
The ider on the left, called the lunar airway, controls the flow of cold air. If you accidentally pingara
When Kundalini wakes up, he has a tremendous body that is completely out of control from the outside.
In the worst case, the practitioner will literally turn black and burn to death because of the internal heat.
It is said that there is.
Gopi Krishna, the author of Kundalini, is in danger of himself because of this mistake.
It describes the experience of being able to survive the death.
It is this that I conclude that the Buddha is the perfector of Kundalini Yoga.
From the point.
The legend of the miracle pond mentioned earlier and the miracle of the Buddha explained by Samsung-the upper body?
The miracle of putting out fire and water from the lower half of the body is done using this Pingara and Ida.
It is energy radiation. This miracle is unique to the Kundalini Yoga completer
Now, as Kundalini awakens and the energy moves up and down the airway smoothly, Osamu
When the line goes smoothly, the Kundalini reaches the Sahaslara chakra, where the training begins.
Complete. (However, practitioners who can reach this point are rare in ancient times.)
Thus, the kundalini reaches from the caudal bone to the medulla oblongata and then rises further.
And finally, it's supposed to reach the top of the Sahaslara chakra.
However, it is clear what the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara is.
It is not.
The spinal column runs from the tail bone to the medulla oblongata, so it's a straight road.
I'm sorry. However, what is the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara?
The legend of the miracle pond mentioned earlier and the miracle of the Buddha explained by Samsung-the upper body?
The miracle of putting out fire and water from the lower half of the body is done using this Pingara and Ida.
It is energy radiation. This miracle is unique to the Kundalini Yoga completer
Now, as Kundalini awakens and the energy moves up and down the airway smoothly, Osamu
When the line goes smoothly, the Kundalini reaches the Sahaslara chakra, where the training begins.
Complete. (However, practitioners who can reach this point are rare in ancient times.)
Thus, the kundalini reaches from the caudal bone to the medulla oblongata and then rises further.
And finally, it's supposed to reach the top of the Sahaslara chakra.
However, it is clear what the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara is.
It is not.
The spinal column runs from the tail bone to the medulla oblongata, so it's a straight road.
I'm sorry. However, what is the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara?
I did not let the Buddha use Kundalini Yoga earlier for his disciples.
It's because it's too radical, but it wasn't the only thing.
The Kundalini Yoga chakra development method was unstable and uncertain.
The Buddha created the perfect Buddhahood method and taught it to his disciples.
Buddha's practice is still going on
It's because it's too radical, but it wasn't the only thing.
The Kundalini Yoga chakra development method was unstable and uncertain.
The Buddha created the perfect Buddhahood method and taught it to his disciples.
Buddha's practice is still going on
Buddha Japan Journal
Buddha Japan journal
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