- 虚空蔵とは宇宙のような無限の智慧と慈悲の心が収まっている蔵(貯蔵庫)を意味し、人々の願えを叶えるために蔵から取り出して智慧や記憶力、知識を与えてくれるとされています。
七宝です。 如来・無所著・等正覚がこの世に出現する時には、この七覚支(法という) 宝がこの世 に出現するのです」
以上のように仏さまは説かれました。もろもろの比丘たちは仏さまの説法を承り、歓喜して修 行に励みました。
お釈迦さまは転輪王の七宝になぞらえて、 七覚支法は如来の七宝であるとおっしゃっているわ けです。「是の如く」とは、それと同じようにということです。如来・無所著・等正覚が世に出 現される時も同様に、七覚支法という七宝が出現するわけです。如来とは真如の世界から来られ たお方という意味で、仏さまのことです。無所著も仏さまの別名です。仏さまは一切のものに執著執着しないので、無所著というわけです。あらゆるものの執着から離れたお方ですから、 仏さまのことを無所著といいます。等正覚もやはり仏さまの別名ですが、比類のない最高の正し 悟りを得られたお方という意味です。 如来も無所著も等正覚も、仏さまのことです。
仏さまがこの世に出現される時には、転輪王が七つの宝を得られるように、七つの宝ともいう べき七つの法が世間に出現するのです。
これは、念覚支択法覚支・精進覚支・喜覚支・息(軽安・猗)覚支・定覚支・捨覚支の七 つからなる修行法です。
七覚支法の詳しい説明は、拙著「輪廻する葦」(平河出版社)で説明しておりますが(二八四 三二四頁参照)、念のために簡単に説明すると、
5息覚支・・・・ 心身を軽快にする修行
6定進覚... 「滅尽定」「四禅定」を含む、特殊な瞑想法
7捨覚支・・・・(執著)する心を捨てる修行 ものごとにとらわれて執着
転輪王という偉大な王さまが出現される時には、 輪宝をはじめとした七つの宝が世の中に出て、 転輪王はそれを得て世界を統一し、立派な世の中を建設します。 同様に、如来が出現される時に は七つの法、七覚支法が現われ、如来はその法をもって世の中を救うのだ、とお釈迦さまはおっ しゃっているのです。
現代に、まさに如来が出現するという予言です。わたくしたちが生きている、今この時代に如 来が現われるぞ、という予言であるとわたくしは思うのです。
まず第一に、今この時代に如来が現われなければ、この世界は絶滅するということです。もし も今、如来が出現されなかったならば、この世界は壊滅します。 エントロピーの法則というもの がありますが、この法則に照らし合わせても、地球の壊滅は遠くない将来であるといわざるを得 ません。 どうしても今、如来が出現されなければならないのです。
第二の理由は、現在、わたくしたちの手によって、七覚支法が世に出ているからです。 今まで の日本は仏教国とはいいながら、七覚支法など目にしたこともなければ、聞いたこともなかった 人がほとんどでした。 「阿含経」の中にすでに説かれているものの、その「阿含経」自体が小乗 経典とけなされて、まったく顧みられなかったために、七覚支法をはじめとしたお釈迦さまの成 仏法・七科三十七道品のすべてが、だれにも修行されることなく、埋もれたままになっていたの です。
ところが阿含宗が登場して、 七科三十七道品の存在が世の中に広まってきました。七覚支法も わたくしが「輪廻する』を書いて、初めて世に出たといっても過言ではありません。 諸君がお
釈迦さまの成仏法・七科三十七道品の存在を知ったのは、わたくしの本を読んでからか、あるい は阿含宗に入行してからのはずです。
しかし、それは諸君だけではありません。 在家であるあなた方だけではないのです。 非常に著 名な大乗仏教の僧侶や学僧でさえも、わたくしの著書を読んでお釈迦さまの成仏法七科三十七 道品の存在を初めて知った、という人がほとんどです。
阿含宗が登場するまでは、「阿含経」を学んだことのない学者や学僧が大半を占めていました。 彼らの多くは大乗経典の研究者だったのです。大きな書店の宗教書のコーナーに行っても、「阿 「含経」の解説書など、皆無に等しい状態でした。もっとも、「阿含経」の研究書を出版しても、 だれも買わなかったと思いますが。
ところがわたくしが阿含宗を立て、「阿含経」を世の中に広め出してからは、大きな書店の宗 教書のコーナーに、「阿含経」に関する書籍が次々と並ぶようになったわけです。
そこでいえるのは、七覚支法という成仏法は阿含宗が登場して初めて、世の中に出現したとい うことです。それまでも存在はしていましたが、広く世間に知られていませんでした。しかし、 阿含宗の登場によって「阿含経」も、そこに説かれる七覚支法も、世間の知るところとなったの
今、この世は危機的状態の中にあり、その危機を救うためには、どうしても仏陀が出現されな ければなりません。 如来が現われなければならないのです。そうでなければ、この世界は壊滅す るとわたくしは思います。
しかしながら、この世界がそう簡単に壊滅するとは思えません。 とすると、なにかが出現し、 だれかが現われて、この世界を破滅から救うということになるでしょう。だれがこの世を救うの でしょうか?
その如来とは、阿含宗なのだとわたくしは思います。 如来とは、 わたくしであり、あなた方な のです。お釈迦さまの成仏法・七科三十七道品を広めているわたくしや諸君が、この世を救う如 来である、とわたくしは考えています。 成仏法を世に出す努力をする人たち、その人たちがすな わち如来なのです。お釈迦さまの成仏法を世に出すということは、お釈迦さまを世に出すことに ほかなりません。さらに、お釈迦さまを世に出すということは、自分自身が如来となることでは ありませんか。
自分自身が如来となり、お釈迦さまの成仏法をこの世に広めることによって、世界は壊滅から 救われる。わたくしはこのお経を、そのような予言経であると解釈しております。
『七宝経』は短いお経でありますが、内容はじつに意味深長です。 わたくしたちは一生懸命に努 力して、この予言を現実のものにしなければいけません。お釈迦さまの成仏法を身につけ、成仏 法を世に出していくのです。その功徳によってわたくしたちも成仏し、名実ともに如来になるの です。お釈迦さまは、
このように大切なことが説かれている「阿含経」が、日本では千数百年以上も顧みられること もなく埋もれていました。そのことを考えますと、心の底からつくづく嘆息せざるを得ません。 しかしながら、考えようによると、これまでの世界は「阿含経」をさほど必要とすることのな い、比較的によい時代であったのかもしれません。昔は、人間の力で地球を破壊することなど、 とうてい不可能でした。ところが今は違います。 地球を何回も破壊して、それでもまだ余りある ほどの核を人類は保有しています。そのような破滅に瀕した地球を救うためにこそ、「阿含経」 は温存されてきたのかもしれません。非常時のために、大切にしまわれてきたとも考えられます。 それをわたくしたちが発見して、世界を救うために世に出しつつあるのです。これ以上の梵行は ありません。
わたくしたちは手を握り合って、この活動を宗教運動というような小さな枠内だけではなく、 大きな大きな社会運動にまで盛り上げていき、この地球の壊滅を救うように努力しなければいけ 中阿含経・七宝
孤独のあった森林(ジェータヴァナ) の別訳 小部経典 南方上座部の聖典・バーリ五部の一つで、 十五分からなる。 パーリ五部の他の四部「長部経』 中部経典 部経典」 「増支部経典」は、それぞれ漢訳」「中阿含経」「阿含経」 「増一阿含経』にほぼ対応するが、『小部経典」 に含まれるお経のいくつかは単として漢訳され、「小阿含経」というものはされなかった。『小部経典」の集成が他の四部 に比べて遅れたためと考えられるが、このことと経典の内容の新古とは別問題とされる。単として訳された「小部経典』所 収の経典には、「法句経」「法句経」「義経」 などがあるが、いずれもお釈迦さまの口の説法を知るための重要な経典と して、学問的にも重要視される
人のバラモンのうち、いちばん若いバラモンであるアンニャー・コンダンニャだけが、シッダッダ太子が必 出され、仏陀となられることを予言した。また彼は、シャダッタ太子の出家に随行した、いわゆる五比丘の一人で、仏弟子 として最初にを得た人物でもある
*4エントロピーの法則 熱力学第二法則。「物質とエネルギーは一方向のみに変化する。 すなわち使用可能なものから使用不 可能なものへ、あるいは利用可能なものから利用不可能なものへ、あるいはまた秩序化されたものから無秩序なものへ変化す る」こと。Jリフキン著の『エントロピーの法則』(祥伝社)によって、一般によく知られるようになった
The way to use the kundalini energy of the mind is completely different from the Sandriny Yoda method, and it is a method of "using, mari, kundalini energy!"
How is it done?
I want to be free, but it's far from Kundalini
"I want to come", knowing the energy points (acupuncture points) and using this, I'm shining.
This is the most secret of Taoism, and very few people know it. (I think that this acupuncture point, the part called the acupoint in China, is a kind of chakra) (Henri Masbello mentions this in his book) is a little away from the Kundalini chakra. It is in. Taoism, as it is now, uses this chakra to evoke a strong "ki". It can be said to be an alternative to Kundalini. I don't know Kundalini itself.
In the Buddha's Iddhipada method, this Taoist chakra is used to first evoke a strong "Qi" energy. Next, send this "ki" to the favorite Kundalini chakra.
This "ki" is slowly moved around the sleeping area of the kundalini.
Kundalini slowly begins to wake up.
Michiatsu said that he would use this "ki" to awaken the kundalini, and he might have used it to complete the method of using only "ki".
I am wondering if it has disappeared someday. In other words, I think that only a small starting motor for starting a huge motor called Kundalini was transmitted to.
I can only admire this secret method of the Buddha, who uses the radical energy of Kundalini in a wonderfully controlled manner.
However, this is not the only secret method of the Buddha. The Buddha teaches us even more surprising secrets.
In a nutshell, the airways of Bingala and Eider are used for accelerators and brakes. However, I don't know if this is Kundalini Yoga's Pingala, Eider itself.
Or it may be an airway that was newly created with anxiety. For Kundalini Yoga's Bingala and Ida, as mentioned earlier, rise three times through the spinal column, but these two airways of the Buddha are on the opposite side, the belly.
Because it is Satofull. However, I suspect that, given the function of these two airways, this is still Pingala and Ida, and that the Buddha was changed in this way. Therefore, these two airways are still called Pingara and Ida.
I will call it by name.
Now, from the functions of these two airways, what kind of function does the Pingara airway have for kundalini energy?
Eider's airways have the function of calming and condensing.
In other words, as I said earlier, it acts as an accelerator and a brake.
It is used as follows.
Two Sushmuner tubes
As mentioned earlier, in Kundalini yoga, from the tail paper bone to the medulla oblongata, the spine
The Sschmuner pipe runs straight through the pillar. Awakened Kundalini climbs here
Let's go
Buddha's Law 16
According to the Buddha's law, there is another Sushmuner tube. In other words, there are two. Kundalini
-The opposite of yoga, from the caudal skull through the perineum, straight to the midline of the abdomen, through the brain ring
The airway leading to the throat. The awakened Kundalini, along with the Sushmuner tube on the back,
This abdominal Sushmuner tube also rises. (Rather than rising, raise)
While controlling the kundalini energy of this abdominal sshmuner, each chi
It is the two airways of the Buddha, Pingara and Ida, that develop and make a leap forward in Jakura.
In other words, about 5 to 8 cm below the adjacent ring (depending on the individual), it is sold from the abdominal Sushmuner, and rises and falls through each chakra, related organs, and nerves. Alternatively, from the throat to the inside of the brain, deep inside the nasal column, deep inside the layer.
In the cerebellum part of the medulla oblongata, these three cares and techniques are absolutely necessary for the development and awakening of the chakra, and the main development of the chakra without it.・ It can be said that electricity is impossible. In particular, it is an indispensable technique for enhancing neural pathways in the hypothalamus and diencephalon.
It is a delicate technique that can only be called a divine technique.
Then, how is the practice of the Buddha's law, which can be called this divine technique, done?
It is roughly divided into three laws.
1, a training method to awaken the kundalini
2. Training method to develop chakra
3, Pingara, a training method to develop the airway of Ida
It is a special breathing method, a unique meditation / idea, a mantra chanting, a mudra (hand sign, po).
Z) etc. Let me explain each one. However, this book is a training book
For more information on the practical skills, see another book by the author ("Kumon Mochi Satoshi Hosekiden" and others).
Please refer to, or learn about the author.
「求聞持聡明法」 ぐもんじ そういう
超人間を、脱文明を、精神動物王国を、超ヒトを、ホモ・エクセレンスを、 ほんとうに生み出し、ほんとうにつくり出す技術体系がここにある。
それがどのような力をヒトにあたえるものか、その実例を一つみていただこ う。
かれは、生まれつき特に強健でもなく、また、虚弱でもなく、普通人なみの 健康であった。知能も同様、特に人にすぐれたところもなく、また、特に愚劣 というのでもなかった。普通人なみの知能といえよう。
五歳のとき、サムライであった祖父から剣術の手ほどきを受け、小学校三年 の時に、講道館柔道の町道場に入門した。 一七歳の時、これらの武術にあまり熱中したため、肋膜炎になった。しかしなおも、武術の練習を止めなかった ため、翌年、大喀血をし、結核となった。かれは療養所に入ったが、当時、どこの程度の病状であったかは、ちょうどその頃勃発した太平洋戦争中、遂に一度 も召集令、徴用令が来なかったということで、大体わかるであろう。その当 時、四〇歳半ばの男性まで、戦場に駆り出されたものである。
つぎつぎと戦地に出て行く級友たちからの手紙を病床で読みながら、祖国に何も報いることのできぬ不甲斐ない自分に、かれは涙を流した。 軍務に関して、 かれは、「丙種」という最下位のランクであった。これは、当時にあっては非国民扱いされるものであった。
医師は、かれの母に、あと二、三年の生命であろうと告げた。母はそのこと かれに告げはしなかったが、かれは大体それを察していた。(この時期と、 のちに仕事に失敗した時と、合計三度、かれは自殺をはかった)
死への恐怖をまぎらすために、かれは手あたりしだいに、宗教書や哲学書を むさぼり読んだ。また、人間の運命というものに深い興味を持ち、手に入るか ぎり、運命学の書物を読んだ。
敗戦を病床でむかえたかれは、不思議に、といおうか、幸いに、といおうか、 敗戦の混乱の中で、少しずつ健康を回復していった。もっとも、のんびりと療 養生活などしていられる社会状勢ではなかったのである。飢え死にしないため に、だれもかれも、必死に働かなければならない時代であった。働くといって も、ヤミ商売でもするしかない時代であった。 今の人たちには信じ難いことで あろうが、その頃は、大学教授が、サッカリンや地下足袋を売り歩いていたも のである。
二七歳の時、かれは、酒税法違反という罪を犯し、一年間、刑獄の人となっこのことはかれに強烈な衝撃をあたえた。もちろん、だれだって刑務所に入 ることになったら平気でいられるはずはない。 しかし、かれには、特別な理由 が一つあったのである。
かれは、前に述べたように、療養中、かず多くの運命学の本を読んだ。古代 から東洋に伝わる『易経』をはじめ、西洋の占星術に至るまで、広範に及んだ。 医師の目を盗んで、熱中したものであった。数年のちには、実際に人の運命を 視る力も、かなり高度のものになっていた。自分の運命を視て、自分に「刑獄
示す星である。かれはそれまでの経験で、運命を視る自分の力が高度のもので あり、かつ、非常に正確であることを知っていた。従って、それ以来、かれは
があった。しかし、そう信じながら、かれは常にそのことに注意をはらっていた。にもかかわらず、気がついたら、かれは酒税法違反という刑罰を宣告され る身となっていたのである。ピング 対気がついたら”などと、他人ごとのように聞こえるであろうが、それがかれ の実感であった。いいわけのようにとられるであろうが、どこからそうなって しまったのか、グループで仕事をしていたのだったが、最初はだれもそういう つもりではなかったのに、いつのまにかそうなってしまったのである。 ルーズ なかれの性格にも大きな原因があった。 その自分の欠点についても自覚はして いたのだが、大体、欠点とか癖というものは、それが出ている時には、本人は 気のつかぬことが多いのである。あとから気がついて後悔するのだ。 この事で れが痛感したのは、「いくら注意していても、人間の力は運命には勝てない のか」ということであった。「運命というものは、予知していてもそれを変え ることは出来ないのだろうか」ということであった。 残 かれが運命学に興味を持った動機は、最初、人間に運命はあるのかどうか、 という疑問を持ったからであった。 人間の運命は生まれてから死ぬまで決定し
てしまっているのか、決定していないのか、つまり、人生とは偶然なのか、必 然なのかという問題の答を知りたいと思ったのである。運命学はそれにたいし 答を出すだろうと思った。
はじめ、かれは、運命が生まれつき決定してしまっているとは思わなかった。 自分の努力しだいで人生はどのようにでも変えられるものだと思っていた。と ころが結核で入院中) 運命学を研究し、その方法で自分の運命を視たところ、 自分が若くして呼吸器疾患にかかる率が九〇%以上あることを示す星を発見し
高度の運命学を学んで自分の運命を予知し、それによってすべての不幸な出来事を避け、幸運の道だけを選んで歩んで行ったら、ぜったいに成功し、幸福人生を得られるであろう、と。それはいとも幼稚な考えである。しかし、若くして死に直面するほどの病気になるという不運に遭い、さらにこれからもい くつかの不幸に見舞われるであろうと予測されるかれにとって、これは笑えぬ真剣な考えだったのである。
この考えの一番のポイントは、予知した運命の中から、あらゆる不幸な出来 事を巧みにすり抜けて、幸運だけを見事につかみ取るという大変な能力を、い かにして持つかということであろう。そういう能力をほとんどの人は生まれつ き持っていない。ということは、そのこと自体その人間の運命なのではあるま いか。そういう能力なり素質なりを持ち得たという人は、そのこと自体がすで に運命であって、そういう運命の人は、自分の運命を変えようなどという考え など持つことなく、すばらしい人生を易々と歩んでいくのではなかろうか? つまり、運命を予知してそれを変えたとしたら、その変えたということ自体 はじめから決定されていた運命なのではないのか? だから、論理的に、運命 とは変えられないものなのだということになるのではないか? とすると、運 命を予知するなどということは無駄なことになる。いや、無駄だけではなく、
それはかえって悩みのもとになるだろう。たとえば、明日、死ぬような事故に 遭うと予知したとして、それを防ぐことがぜったいに不可能だとしたら、それ を知った男の苦悩はどんなものであろうか? いや、事故に遭うというような ことであったらまだよい(よいことはないが!)。もしも自分が殺人を犯すと 予告されたら、そしてそれはぜったいに避けることが出来ないと知らされたら いったいどうするか?
かれは、「ガンの星」を持っており、四八歳から四九歳にかけて、「天命殺」 という凶運期に発病する恐れがあったのである。現にかれの妹が、二六歳の若 さて、「膵臓ガンで亡くなっていた。彼女の発病直後、医師の診断以前に、 かれは、彼女にガンの星のあることを知って、母に告げていたのである。しかまさか二六歳の若さでガンになるとは考えられなかったので、一〇年後の、
それが間に合わなかった。そこにもかれは運命の絶対的な力を感じたのであ ったが、その妹と同じ星を、かれは持っているのである。かれは、それを予知 したことにより、これを十分に防ぐことが出来ると考えていたのであるが、も しもそれが出来ないとすると、 かれは、頭をかかえた。
一〇歳代で結核という難病にかかり、二〇歳代で前科を持ち、四〇歳代でガ になって生涯を終わる、ということになったら、一体、おれの人生とは何ん なんだ。そうかれは叫びたかった。
ソフォクレスの「オイディプス』をはじめ、ギリシア悲劇のテーマは、すべ て、過酷な運命の力とたたかって敗北する人間の宿命の悲劇であった。意 すると、古代の天才たちもおなじことを考え、正しい答を出していたのであ
長い苦悩の末、かれはついに決意した。 運命へ挑戦することにしたのである。 かれは、これからの自分の人生のテーマを、これ一つにしぼることにした。 運命を変える!
たとえ敗北したにせよ、それは壮烈かつ華々しいたたかいになるであろう。 金銭や名声に挑戦して敗北するよりも、それはすくなくともすがすがしい。 そ れにまた、考えてみると、一人の人間の運命を変えることは、人類すべての運 命を変えることであり、人類すべての運命を変えることは世界の歴史を変え ることである。すでに予測されたこれから先のかれのあまりぞっとしない人生 のことを考えると、そこには、壮大きわまりないユメがある。かれは、すでに 前科を持った瞬間から、世俗的な出世とか成功というものを、一切あきらめてしまっていたのである。
Technology to modify humans
The secret of how to gain understanding
``Gumonji Somyoho'' Gumonji That's it.
That's what it means.
Here is a technological system that will truly produce and truly create superhumans, post-civilization, the spirit animal kingdom, superhumans, and homo excellence.
It is a secret technique that combines ancient esoteric Buddhism, Taoism, and yoga.
He would like to see an example of what kind of power it gives to humans.
Challenge to destiny
There's a man here.
He was born in 192, so he is 68 years old this year.
He was not born particularly strong or frail, and was in good health on par with the average person. He was neither intelligent nor particularly good at people, nor was he especially stupid. It can be said that he is as intelligent as a normal person.
At the age of five, he received instruction in swordsmanship from his grandfather, who was a samurai, and in the third year of elementary school, he entered the local Kodokan Judo dojo. When he was seventeen years old, he became so enthusiastic about these martial arts that he developed pleurisy. However, he still did not stop practicing martial arts, and the following year he coughed up a lot of blood and developed tuberculosis. He entered a sanitarium, but the extent of his illness at the time can be roughly gauged by the fact that during the Pacific War, which was just around the time that the Pacific War broke out, he never received a draft or conscription order. At that time, even men in their mid-40s were sent to the battlefield.
As he read letters on his sickbed from his classmates, who were going off to war one after another, he shed tears at how worthless he was, unable to give anything back to his homeland. In terms of military service, he held the lowest rank of ``Class C''. This was considered unpatriotic at the time.
Doctors told his mother that he likely had two or three years to live. Her mother didn't tell her boyfriend about it, but he pretty much figured it out. (He attempted suicide three times, during this period and later when he failed in his work.)
To allay his fear of death, he devoured whatever religious and philosophical books he could get his hands on. He also had a deep interest in human destiny and read as many books on fate as he could get his hands on.
He faced the defeat in his hospital bed, but miraculously, or should I say fortunately, amidst the chaos of defeat, he gradually recovered his health. However, the social situation was not one in which he could live a leisurely life of medical treatment. It was a time when everyone had to work hard to avoid starving to death. There was a time when he had no choice but to work or engage in black market business. It may be hard for people today to believe that he was a man, but back then he was a university professor who was peddling saccharin and jikatabi.
At the age of twenty-seven, he committed the crime of violating the Liquor Tax Law and was imprisoned for a year, which had a strong impact on him. Of course, no one can stay calm if they end up in prison. However, he had one special reason.
During his recuperation, he read many books on fate, as mentioned above. It covers a wide range of subjects, from the I Ching, which has been passed down to the East since ancient times, to astrology in the West. I was so passionate about it that I didn't notice the doctor. After a few years, his ability to actually see people's fate had become quite advanced. Look at your own fate and say to yourself, ``Prison.''
I learned something. The Prison Star is a symbol of one's destiny of going to prison by violating the criminal law.
It is a star that indicates He knew from his previous experience that his power to see destiny was both highly advanced and extremely accurate. Therefore, since then he
He should have been careful about that. However, on the other hand, he believes that he would never do something stupid that would bring him into violation of the criminal law.
was there. However, even though he believed this, he was always careful about it. Nevertheless, before he knew it, he had been sentenced to prison for violating the Liquor Tax Law and was on his way. It may sound like someone else is talking about it, but that's how he really felt.It may be taken as a good excuse, but I don't know where it came from. At first, no one had intended it to be that way, but before they knew it, it had become what it was.Luz's personality was also a major cause.He was not aware of his own shortcomings. However, in most cases, people are not aware of their flaws or habits when they appear.They only realize it later and regret it.This made me keenly aware. The question was, ``No matter how careful we are, human strength cannot overcome fate.'' The question was, ``Even if we have predicted fate, is it still possible for us to change it?'' The reason he became interested in fate was that he initially wondered whether humans had a destiny. A person's fate is determined from birth to death.
He wanted to know the answer to the question of whether he is determined or undecided; in other words, is life a coincidence or a necessity? I thought fate science would provide an answer to that question.
At first he did not believe that his destiny was determined by birth. He believed that his life could change in any way depending on his efforts. (He was hospitalized with tuberculosis when he was younger) He studied fate, and when he used that method to view his own destiny, he discovered a star that showed that he had a 90% or more chance of contracting a respiratory disease at a young age. discovered
He was shocked. From then on, he began to see the fates of people at random, and when he saw more than 1,000 people, he was forced to believe that the fate of each person was determined by birth. be.
So he thought this way.
If you study advanced fate and predict your own destiny, thereby avoiding all unfortunate events and choosing only the path of good fortune, you will definitely succeed and live a happy life. and. That is a very childish idea. However, for someone who had the misfortune of falling ill at a young age and who was predicted to have many more misfortunes in the future, this was a ridiculously serious thought.
The main point of this idea is that he has the extraordinary ability to deftly bypass all kinds of unfortunate events and seize only the lucky ones out of the predicted fate. Probably. Most people are not born with such abilities. So, that in itself is the fate of that person, so what about him? People who have such abilities and qualities are already destined to live a wonderful life without thinking of changing their fate. In other words, if you predict your fate and change it, isn't that change itself a fate that was determined from the beginning?So, logically, fate is different from fate. Doesn't this mean that it is impossible to predict one's fate? In that case, it would be pointless to try to predict one's fate. No, it's not just wasteful,
That would be a source of trouble. For example, if a man predicted that he was going to have a fatal accident tomorrow, but it was absolutely impossible to prevent it, what would be the agony he would feel if he knew that? It would be better if it was about him (though it's not a good thing!). What would he do if he was told that he was going to commit murder, and that it was completely inevitable?
He had another problem.
He had the ``Star of Cancer'' and was at risk of developing the disease during the bad luck period of ``Death's Death'' from the age of 48 to 49. In fact, his younger sister had died of pancreatic cancer at the young age of twenty-six. Immediately after her onset of the disease, and before the doctor's diagnosis, he learned that she had cancer and told his mother. However, I never thought that I would get cancer at the young age of 26, so 10 years later,
Thinking that the next ``Death of Destiny'' will be the time, I will tell him about it when I turn 30.
He wanted to teach her about things like regular check-ups and how to eat.
It didn't arrive in time. He went there because he felt the absolute power of destiny, and he has the same star as his sister. He thought that he could sufficiently prevent this by foreknowing it, but if he could not, he was puzzled.
If I were to contract an incurable disease called tuberculosis in my 10s, have a criminal record in my 20s, and end my life by becoming a moth in my 40s, what would my life be like? What is he? He wanted to scream.
No matter what happens, can humans never win against fate?
He thought of a Greek tragedy he had read.
The theme of all Greek tragedies, including Sophocles' Oedipus, was the tragedy of the fate of humans who struggle against the harsh forces of fate and are defeated. I thought about it and came up with the correct answer.
After a long struggle, he finally made up his mind. He decided to challenge fate. He decided to narrow down the theme of his life from now on to this one thing. Change your destiny!
Even if we lose, it will be a fierce and spectacular struggle. It's at least more refreshing than trying for money or fame and losing. Also, if you think about it, changing the fate of one person means changing the fate of all humankind, and changing the fate of all humankind means changing the history of the world. When I think about the not-so-horrible life he will have in the future, which has already been predicted, there is a dream of the utmost grandeur. From the moment he had a criminal record, he had given up all hope of worldly advancement or success.
He thought that if there was a way to change one's destiny, it would be through religion. He had read many religious books up until then, and among the several religions he thought Buddhism had it. The goal of Buddhism is "solution", but
The Buddhahood method is a training method that allows a person to become a Buddha. Other practices can elevate people, but they cannot even become Buddhas. This is the difference between the mere training method and the Buddhahood method. The Buddhahood method is written only in the only scripture of the Shason direct theory, "Agama Sutra". There are 37 types of training methods in 7 subjects for "Seven Departments Thirty-Seven Doshin". For details, please see this page of Agon Shu.
It goes without saying that this Buddhahood method is of paramount importance to Buddhism. It's the law itself to become a Buddha. However, Mahayana Buddhism concealed this Buddhahood law and silently killed it.
In order to popularize Mahayana Buddhism in posterity, Agama, which describes the true Buddhahood method, was despised as "Hinayana Buddhism", and the strict and difficult training methods were deleted steadily. .. In the end, I created the concept of a bodhisattva, and even the concept of this application that training is unnecessary if I follow the mercy of the bodhisattva. Mahayana Buddhism has become the center of today's Japanese Buddhism. Of course, esoteric Buddhism and Zen Buddhism are not limited to other power applications, so I think there is an opinion that they are a little different, but even so, they hide the Agama sutra, silently kill it, and the only essential Buddhahood written in the Agama sutra. There is no difference in not practicing the law. In this way, Mahayana Buddhism became a fake Buddhism that concealed the Buddhahood law and silently killed it in order to popularize it.
How the "Buddhahood Law" was created and how it came about are also properly written in Agama. In Agama, the situation in which Shaka-sama created the "Buddhahood Law" is described in Katsuaki. I will introduce you.
This sutra is a scripture in which Buddha explained the history of his own career.
<Naka Agama Rama Sutra>
Shaka changed his mind and left the penance of hemp for six years, and received a memorial service for the village chief's daughter Sujata's milk gayu on the Nerangjara River, and the Pippara tree (Bodhisattva tree) in the sanctuary Gaya. I have set up a seat of meditation under. Here, Buddha becomes enlightened and becomes a Buddha, but the situation at that time is described.
"I, that is, I came to get an exhaustion without releasing the seat.
I seek a disease-free and peaceful nirvana, that is, obtain a disease-free and peaceful nirvana.
No old, no death, no melancholy, no filth, no filth, no filth, no mercy, no mortality, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy
It gives rise to knowledge, gives rise to seeing, and establishes the "Doshin Law".
I have already run out of life, I have already stood up, I have already spoken about my actions, and I do not know the truth without receiving further existence. 』\
"Under the Bodhi tree, I continued to meditate for dozens of days (nearly 50 days), and finally I was able to get rid of the leak.
I was able to get nirvana.
As a result, wisdom was generated, and the awareness of liberation (dissolution knowledge) was raised.
In addition, the system of training methods for the Buddhahood, the Buddhahood Law (Seven Departments, Thirty-Seven Ways) was decided.
By gaining nirvana and becoming a Buddhahood, I knew clearly that this life would be the last and that I would never be born again in this world of wonder. "
This sutra is, of course, very important. The reason for this is that, as you can see from the reading, Shaka-sama knows that he has established the "Buddhahood Law" on the spot immediately after the Buddhahood.
Mahayana Buddhism does not understand this point at all. It says, "Determine the Dobonho." Buddha-sama organized and completed the Buddhahood Law on the spot immediately after the Buddhahood. He wonders how humans can become Buddhahood, because at this time the training method had already been decided and completed. Therefore, the Buddhahood Law can only be established at this time, this "Doshin Law". There is absolutely no Buddhahood method other than this "Seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines" of Agama.
In addition to this, there is no way for the Buddha to add two or three Buddhahood laws later. If so, it's definitely a forgery of posterity. I think Buddhists have to think about this first.
Unless you practice this Buddhahood method, you can never become a Buddhahood.
The Pali sentence "Naka-Agama", the 103rd kinti sutta, states as follows.
"Here, Bhikkhu et al., The law is understood by me and preached to you. That is, Satipatthana, Four Right Exertions, Iddhipada, Indriya, Five Strengths, Seven Factors of Awakening, Noble Eightfold Path. Therefore, all the Bhikkhus have to learn this without conflict and reconciliation. "
It says, "I have to learn." It means that you should definitely practice. Mahayana Buddhists do not understand this meaning.
"Zoua Gongyo (Ousetsukiyo)"
In, it is stated as follows.
"Sakuson: Things that cannot be achieved even if you practice using various methods, but all the troubles are exhausted and you want to get liberation in your heart, but those practitioners finally get liberation. Can't.
Disciple: Why is that?
Shason: Because I haven't practiced.
Disciple: What are you not practicing?
Shason: This is because he has not practiced the so-called seven departments and thirty-seven dojos.
Disciples. If there is a person who practices the seven departments and thirty-seven arts and fulfills them, the practitioner will naturally obtain the extinction even if he does not want to do it.
Disciple: Why is that?
Shason: Because I practiced.
Disciple: What did you practice?
Shakuson: It is a so-called seven departments and thirty-seven items. (Omitted) "
It is said that unless you practice the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines of Agama, which is useless even if you make full use of various methods, you will never be able to become a Buddhahood.
Therefore, all Buddhists must practice the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. There is no other way. No matter how strict or how many times you are reborn, there is no other way but to practice the seven departments and thirty-seven dojos.
As Mahayana Buddhism preaches, you may be able to go to the dark soil just by abandoning the practice and following the mercy of the Buddha, but you can never become a Buddhahood.
As mentioned above, the Buddhahood Law has only seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. However, it is a fact that this bodhipakkhi is a professional training method for priests, and as Mahayana Buddhism says, it is strict and difficult.
However, Shaka-sama also prepared a training method that would serve as a bridge to the Buddhahood method, which led to the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. One of the training methods is the breathing method and meditation method called "Anapanasati". This meditation method can be considered as one of the meditation methods in the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines.
Shaka-sama is called "the best breathing and meditation method".
This law is also closely related to the esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist priest Gumonji Someiho, which is said to be a secret method that makes people a genius, which Kukai Kobo Daishi told us.
The acquisition of this method will be a stepping stone to the Buddhahood Law, the Seven Departments and the Thirty-Seven Ways. The Anapanasati method is a breathing method and meditation method from the beginning to the highest secret, which is written in "Samsati Anapanasati". Over a dozen types of breathing and meditation methods are explained.
Furthermore, the four breathing methods of "winning breathing, strange special breathing, upper breathing, and no upper breathing" are explained in "Samsung Sutra", and "these four breathing methods are used in all breathing methods. , The best way to breathe is nothing more than that. " These four breathing methods are the best of the Anapanasati method. Since Shaka-sama is said to be the "best breathing and meditation method," it goes without saying that the Buddhahood cannot be achieved without mastering this breathing and meditation method.
Mahayana Buddhism does not understand this point at all. It's not just a breathing exercise. It is no exaggeration to say that the practical training of Buddhism begins with this Anapanasati method. "Breath" is "living". For details, please refer to the book "The Law of the Buddha" by the late President Agon Shu, Seiyu Kiriyama, Hisashi Eminence. The practice method is written in "Gumonji Satoshi Homeiho Hidden".
The Anapanasati method is also closely related to the esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhism, the yoga chakra awakening method, the Taoist Qigong method, and the Shinto breathing method. Nostradamus also predicts that these laws are the ones that save humanity. That is also written in this "Buddha's Law".
Mahayana Buddhism does not understand the only scripture of Shason's theory, Agama Sutra, as Hinayana Buddhism, concealing the above and silently killing it. With this, the Buddhahood can never be made. As Nostradamus says, these laws save humanity. For that reason, Shaka-sama left behind the training method and the Buddhahood method. The road to immortality and superhuman society is open here. All practical training begins with the acquisition of Anapanasati and Gumonji Satoshi.
I hope it will be helpful for you to know the law.
In Mahayana Buddhism, especially in the Lotus Sutra denominations, there are denominations that solve the teachings that the training method and the Buddhahood method change with the times. It is said that the Buddhahood method changes depending on the principal image and the times (correct, statue, last three o'clock).
However, this is also a complete fabrication. The truth is always one in the world, and the method of learning the truth, the Buddhahood method, cannot change. Mahayana Buddhism has created various simplified Buddhahood laws, all of which are forgery.
I will show you the rationale. There is only Agama sutra in the scripture of Shason Nao theory, but as mentioned above, the only Buddhahood method of Shakuson Nao theory, "Seven departments and thirty-seven dojos," is written in Agama. In addition, there is a scripture in Agama that states that in any world, in any Tathagata, Tathagata trains his disciples by means of "Seven Departments and Thirty-Seven Doshin".
It is "Samsung Sutra Stone Pillar Sutra".
"The Buddhahood that appeared in the past, the Buddhahood that appeared in the future, and the Buddhahood that appears now, all of them broke the hearts of the five worldly desires and gained nirvana and became Buddhahood. Weakened the ability to polish the true wisdom, did those who could not obtain nirvana by themselves, trained the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines, and obtained the Ayatara Sansho Sanbosho, which To make the Buddhahood. "
Therefore, all Buddhas, including the past Buddhas, the future Buddhas, and the present Buddhas, practice the "Seven Buddhas and Thirty-Seven Doshin" to become Buddhahoods, and also train their disciples to become Buddhahoods. The Buddhahood method does not change depending on the principal image, the positive, the statue, and the difference between the last three o'clock. There is only one law.
There are also the following Agama sutras.
It is "Naka Agama / Cloisonne".
"Remember well. When Chakravarti appears in this world, the cloisonne first appears in this world.
What is a cloisonne? There are seven treasures: ring treasure, elephant treasure, horse treasure, jewel treasure, female treasure, resident treasure, and main soldier treasure.
When Chakravarti appears in this world, this cloisonne first appears.
Similarly, when Nyorai, Musho, and Issei are appearing in this world, the Seven Factors of Awakening (called law) treasure first appears in this world. What is the Seven Factors of Awakening? Including the method of consciousness
12月15日 (金曜) | |
月齢 2.35 | |
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Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
新のゲーム PC カメラ 家電 健康
Kundalini Awakening Method
First, the practitioner must know exactly where the kundalini awakening reserve chakra is located. Earlier, I was acupuncture points such as a small motor for starting.
Ask the guru to teach this. The location of the chakras varies from person to person, so there is no choice but to ask the guru to tell you.
If you concentrate your thoughts on this spare chakra with Mudra and continue to have a special idea, the chakra will have a unique sensation. When a certain physical stimulus is added to this, it is completely awakened.
When the energy is gradually generated after registration, this energy is sent to the part of Kundalini by the airway and is made to go around it. As instructed, if done correctly, there will be a time lag, but everyone will wake up to Kundalini.
Kundalini yoga is very difficult to awaken,
Therefore, it is said that successful cases are rare, but the Buddhist law uses a spare chakra, so it is not so difficult. It is an excellent place in the Buddha's law.
Difficult is the development of both the Pingala and Eider airways.
This is very difficult. However, it is a practice that must be accomplished.
Because the airways of Pingala and Ida in the Buddha's law are just airways.
Instead, as mentioned earlier, it has accelerator and brake functions. Without developing these two airways, each chakra cannot be awakened or controlled. The chakras of the brain, the enhancement of nerve pathways, etc.
This is the eye of the Buddha's law because it works. Let me explain the method.
How to develop Bingara and Ida
In a nutshell, the technique creates a special vibration inside the body and barks at it.
The special vibration uses the diaphragm, thoracic cavity, and abdominal cavity, and is based on a special chanting method of the secret mantra.
I think. Mudra and position are also added to this.
This exercise initially uses the vocal cords. Generates correct vibration as voice in the vocal cords. this
It resonates with autumn movement, chest total, side viscera, and abdominal cavity. The thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity are, so to speak, drums.
To. It resonates and amplifies here.
If you can make a new movement, do not speak, but make the same vibration.
Enter into a small drama. It becomes silent, but it is vibrating. Because inside the body
He is always speaking towards him. It is sending vibrations toward the inside of the body. of a body
The inside is the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity, as we have just mentioned. First, the movement of the chest cavity
Oh, let's make a fight.
In addition, the diaphragm amplifies in the abdominal cavity.
It will be understood that very strong energy is generated in the body. This strong energy
Ruggy develops and forms the Pingala airway.
Here, I must reveal one of the most secrets.
That is, there are two types of chakras, "large chakra" and "small chakra". No one knows this. It is a secret that only I know. A secret that I discovered and learned from the comprehensive training of Kundalini yoga, Taoism, and the Buddhist breathing method.
Is. For the first time, I will release the secret story that I have kept secret until now.
Follow the constellations of the chakras
As mentioned earlier, the "large chakras" are the seven chakras of Mueller Dara Chakra, Svadi Shootana Chakra, Manipula Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Vishudda Chakra, Ajnya Chakra, and Sahasrara Chakra. Ah
The "small chakra" is something else. There are about 300 small chakras in the human body. In Chinese Taoism, there are some parts that are called "acupuncture points",
Some are completely different. Small chakras are much more sensitive to perception than those that are not. I, the gurus, thoughtfully showed it with my fingertips from a distance of about a few centimeters, and the other person felt a tingling sensation. Some parts are so sensitive that you can feel it just by staring at it.
It just seems like the human body, the stars scattered in the universe. In fact, there are also groups of chakras, such as constellations, that form a constellation with a common system.
When developing the airways, I use these stars. The abdomen, back, head, and airways of any part can be opened relatively easily by using the chakra of this star.
I am, just like, the captain who sails the sea of this star. I can clearly indicate from which star to which star I can reach my destination (chakra, nerve plexus, etc.). The wake that traces the stars becomes the airway.
According to this law, even a slightly insensitive practitioner will be able to know the route of the airway.
Both the Pingala and Ida airways are also developed and formed in this way.
The practitioners who do not know this secret are only in the dark sea, like the old navigators who do not have a compass and do not know to read the route in the constellations.
You already know. The strong vibrational energy in the body mentioned in the previous section traces the stars from star to star, forming the airways of Pingala and Ida.
With this, the biggest obstacle has been overcome. I want to take a break, but in fact, there is another difficulty that must be overcome. What is it?
It is how to give the airways of Pingala and Ida thus formed the functions of accelerator and brake mentioned above. This is very difficult.
How is it done?
The most secret breathing method "
The mantra is well known as the short curse "On Sharay Shrey Juntei Sowaka" (Oṃ cale cule cunde svāh, etc. Juntei Sowaka ".
Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
新のゲーム PC カメラ 家電 健康