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2024年2月26日  九星  無料 今日の運命

2024-02-26 04:28:34 | タブレットPC

望み事を持った人が来訪する。思い掛けない事が起こる。善因善果。神、親、社会、衆生、物のご恩をかみしめ精神本位で行動すべき日 今まで9日間の行動の善悪によって思いがけない吉凶が生じます。
破壊の週  栄の日

大日如来 すべての生き物の根本となる仏
02月26日 (月曜)月齢
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修行者の道: 四つの階梯と霊性開発の秘密  

2024-02-25 07:12:37 | タブレットPC
グルと弟子: 成仏法への導きと受け入れの秘儀
霊感伝授の秘儀: 霊性開発と成仏への最終段階
- 四つの階梯:
1. Srota Äpanna (須陀きよめられた聖者)
2. Sakrd-agamin (高められた聖者)
3. Anāgamin (飛躍した聖者 - 次元を超越)
4. Arhat (完成した聖者、仏陀)
- 大脳辺縁系・新皮質脳を殺す修行:
- 大脳辺縁系・新皮質脳を閉ざし、間脳を活性化させる修行。
- 新皮質脳は「創造の座」とされるが、真の創造力は間脳にあり、霊性の場である。
- 問脳を開発するためには、一時的に大脳辺縁系・新皮質脳を閉ざす必要がある。
- 成仏法の体系:
- 七科三十七道品に分類される。
- 修行者はグルに導かれ、瞑想と実践の科目を修行する。
- グルによる霊的パワーの感応が最終的な霊性開顕に繋がる。
- 受け入れの秘儀:
- 凝視の方法とアージュニャー・チャクラへのタッチから成る。
- グルによる指導と潜在意識へのメッセージ伝達が含まれる。
- 霊感伝授受け入れの秘儀:
- 高度な秘儀で、脳の深部の霊性の場に強力な霊力を送り込む。
- 弟子は一定の霊性を開顕し、成仏法を完全に受け入れる準備が必要。
Guru and Disciple: The Mystery of Guidance and Acceptance to Buddhahood
The Mystery of Inspiration: The Final Steps to Spiritual Development and Buddhahood
- Four staircases:
1. Srota Äpanna (The Cleansed Saint of Suda)
2. Sakrd-agamin (Exalted Saint)
3. Anāgamin (Saint Who Leap - Transcends Dimensions)
4. Arhat (Complete Sage, Buddha)
- Training to kill the limbic system and neocortical brain:
- Training to shut down the limbic system and neocortical brain and activate the diencephalon.
- The neocortical brain is said to be the "seat of creativity," but true creative power resides in the diencephalon, which is the place of spirituality.
- In order to develop the brain, it is necessary to temporarily shut down the limbic system and neocortical brain.
- System of Buddhist attainment method:
- It is classified into 37 disciplines and 37 disciplines.
- The practitioner practices meditation and practical subjects under the guidance of a guru.
- Sensitivity to spiritual power by the Guru leads to final spiritual revelation.
- The Mystery of Acceptance:
- Consists of the method of gazing and touching the ajna chakra.
- Includes guidance from a guru and transmission of messages to the subconscious mind.
- The Mystery of Receiving Inspiration:
- An advanced mystical technique that sends powerful spiritual power into the deep spiritual field of the brain.
- Disciples need to develop a certain level of spirituality and prepare to fully accept the Dharma of Buddhahood.
1 srota äpanna-
二、 sakrd-agamin-
三、 anāgamin-
飛躍した聖者 (次元を)
大脳辺縁系と新皮質脳を殺さなければ、 間脳は作動せず、第三の目は開かな いのである。
ただし、誤解してはいけない。 大脳辺縁系・新皮質脳を殺すということは、 究極において、大脳辺縁系、 ことに新皮質脳を生かすということなのである。新 皮質脳は「創造の座」であるといわれる。しかし、ほんとうの創造の座は間脳に あるのである。 間脳はこれまでくり返し説いてきたように、霊性の場であり、
感のなのである。ここが開発されることにより、ほんとうのインスピ レーションが発生するのである。
ただし、問脳を開発するためには、しばらくの間、大脳辺縁系と新皮質脳を 閉ざさなければならないのである。 間脳が開発されたとき、新皮質脳は新しく よみがえる。新しくよみがえった新皮質脳こそ、霊性を基盤とした超人的なイ ンスピレーションと創造力を持つ頭脳となるのである
賢明な読者はすでにお気づきであったろう。これが、チベット密教のいう 「思念による王者の相承」であることを。 思念による王者の相承とは、じつ に、霊的バイブレーションによる伝達だったのである。
わたくしは、これによって、解説に至る四つの階梯のうちの、第三の境地に 達したことを自覚したのであるが、これは、 間脳開発の練行tapasを成就してい なかったら、絶対に得られなかったものである。 内なる受容の態勢がととのっ て初めて、外よりの王者の相承が発せられるのである。
してこの四つの階梯を、すぐれた聖師にしたがって歩んでいくならば、だれでも 解説に到達できるのである。もちろん、あなたにしてもそのとおりだ。
1 srota äpanna-
二、 sakrd-agamin-
三、 anāgamin-
飛躍した聖者 (次元を)
大脳辺縁系と新皮質脳を殺さなければ、 間脳は作動せず、第三の目は開かな いのである。
ただし、誤解してはいけない。 大脳辺縁系・新皮質脳を殺すということは、 究極において、大脳辺縁系、 ことに新皮質脳を生かすということなのである。新 皮質脳は「創造の座」であるといわれる。しかし、ほんとうの創造の座は間脳に あるのである。 間脳はこれまでくり返し説いてきたように、霊性の場であり、
感のなのである。ここが開発されることにより、ほんとうのインスピ レーションが発生するのである。
ただし、問脳を開発するためには、しばらくの間、大脳辺縁系と新皮質脳を 閉ざさなければならないのである。 間脳が開発されたとき、新皮質脳は新しく よみがえる。新しくよみがえった新皮質脳こそ、霊性を基盤とした超人的なイ ンスピレーションと創造力を持つ頭脳となるのである。
釈尊が残した霊性完成の修行法がそれである。 これを、わたくしは、 「成仏 「法」とよんでいる。成仏とは霊性を完成したことをいい、それを成就した人を
「仏陀」とよぶ。だからわたくしはその方法を、「成仏法」とよぶのである。 くわしくは、「輪廻転生瞑想法II」 でのべたとおりであるが、それは七つのシ ステムと三十七種のカリキュラムから成る成仏のための方法と体系である。これ
阿含経では「七科三十七道品」あるいは「三十七菩提分法」 とよぶのであ る。この二つの名称は、わたくしが勝手につけたのではない。古来からの仏教用 語である。
わたくしが、阿含経以外のお経法華経、阿弥陀経をはじめすべてのお経 いささか激しい表現で批判するのは、阿含経以外のお経には、どの経典に も、この成仏法がないからである。釈尊がじっさい説かれたのは阿含経だけで あるという歴史的な事実のほかに、阿含経以外には、この「成仏法」がないか わたくしはそういうのである。 「成仏法」のない経典など、わたくしは真実 仏教経典と認めることはできないのである。もちろん、それなりの存在意義 なり存在価値はあろうが、本流ではない。傍流というべきである。このことに 関しては、わたくしの他の著書を読んでいただきたい。
身念住法 受念法
四正断法 断断法修断法 随護断法 律儀断法
四神足法 神足法 勤神足法 心神足法 観神足法
五根法 信根法 精進根法 念根法定根法 慧根法
五力法 ―信力法 精進力法 念力法定力法 慧力法
七党支法 一択法覚支法 精進覚支法 喜覚支法 軽安覚支法 捨覚支法 定覚支法念覚支法
八正道法正見法 正思惟法 正語法 正業法 正命法 正精進法 法定法
四神足法は、特殊な練行tapas である。
神足とは、神通力(超能力)のことで、この四神足法は、 超自然の神通力を得 るための四種の修行法である。 前にのべたわたくしの練行tapas はこれに属する
この七つの科目のうち、 練行tapasを中心に、瞑想と実践の科目をとり入れて 修行するのである。どの科目をどうとり入れて、どのように訓練するかは、 聖師が決定する。修行者それぞれ、みな素質と因縁がちがうので、それを見 て、グルが決めるのである。
まず、間違いなく霊性を開顕したグルを見つけて、そのグルに受け入れても らうことである。それができたら、この修行は八分どおり成功したといっていい くらいである。それくらい重要なことであり、かつ、むずかしいということで ある。
グルなくして、正しい霊性開顕の仏道修行は不可能である。ふつうの仏教信 心とはちがうのである。 信心のしかたや、信仰のしかた、経典の講義や解釈を教 わるという程度のものならばとにかく、霊性開顕の仏道修行は、強力な霊的能力 を持つグルの助けなくしては、絶対といっていいほど、できないのである。
たとえば、インド近代の聖者ラーマナ・マハリシが、入門者に対して、「凝視 の方法」で受け入れの儀式をおこなったとき、彼の両眼の輝きと力が相手の心 をつらぬいて、その雑念の流れを断ち切ってしまったといわれる。ときとして は、まるで電流が身の内に流れ込んだように相手は感じたともいわれる。
こういう霊的体験によって、弟子はまず心をきよめられ、霊的なものに対す あこがれ、霊的向上心をいだくようになるのである。霊性の洗礼である。その 人の素質にもよるけれども、一度、霊的な洗礼を受けた者は、霊的感覚がひら かれ、霊的世界への憧憬が芽ばえる。いままでとちがう高い次元の存在が、感覚 されるのである。霊性開顕への第一歩で、これが非常に大切なのである。わた くしなども、弟子に対し、 わたくし独自の受け入れの方法をおこなうが、ただ問 題は、ほんとうに霊性開顕したグルは非常に稀だということである。 にせもの グルや、未熟なグルにかかわり合うと、とり返しのつかぬことになる。まず、 間違いなく霊性を開顕したグルを見つけること、つぎにそのグルに受け入れても らうことだ。グルはなかなか弟子を受け入れないものである。
さいわいに、受け入れてもらった弟子の心がまえについて、のべておこう。 グルに受け入れてもらったら、弟子は、そのグルに心からしたがうことであ る。心から尊び敬わなければならない。
出現した仏陀たちの変化身であり、未来の仏陀たちが生まれ出る母であり、い まここに仏陀を体現している尊い存在なのである。
グルは、弟子にとって、この世の中のいかなるものよりも尊い、かけがえの ない存在であるといわねばならない。なぜならば、弟子は無限の昔から輪廻の旅 をつづけて、いまここに至っている。 これからも苦しい輪廻の旅を無限につづけ ていかなければならない。過去、いままでの生)にどれだけ多くの仏陀たちが 輪廻の鎖を断ち切ってニルヴァーナに至るようよびかけたことであろうか。し かし、煩悩と悪行に心曇らせていたために、弟子は、それらの仏陀たちの招き にこたえることができなかった。それがいま、ここに、無量の慈悲心をもって ニルヴァーナに導いてくれる師があらわれ、その方と縁が結ばれた。グルこそ 仏陀そのものなのである。その深い畏敬と憧憬の心をもってグルにしたがった とき、グルは全身全霊の力をもって、弟子を導いてくれるであろう。グルは、 弟子と仏陀とを結ぶかけがえのない水路であり、この水路を通じて仏陀の霊性 霊的パワーが弟子の心に流れ込んでくるのである。最終的な霊性の開顕は、
グルからの霊的パワーの感応なのである。 感応道交といい、画龍点睛という言葉があるが、すべての技法の最後の仕上げは、グルからの霊的感応なのであ る。そしてそれは、師と弟子と、純一無雑に心が融け合わねばなしえないもの なのである。
ここで、わたくしがおこなってきた独自の「受け入れの秘儀」についてお話 ししておこう。
わたくしのおこなう、「受け入れの秘儀」とは、凝視のしかたと、 それから、 わたくしの指導によるアージュニャー・チャクラへのメッセージ伝達から成っ ている。
この凝視のしかたをおこなう聖者は、ほんのわずかであるが、わたくし以外 にもおられる。しかし、これは、クンダリニー・ヨーガを完成した聖者でなけれ ばできない。
このことは、前出の『密教・超能力の秘密」に書いているが、このころ、わ たくしは「受け入れの秘儀」に凝視のしかたで臨むということを、 すでに決め ていた。しかし、残念ながら、当時、わたくしの弟子として受け入れることので きる人は、まったくといっていいほどいなかった。 最近になってようやく、熱心 に修行している弟子の中から出てきて、実現できたのである。
「受け入れの秘儀」は、いわば仏教の入門得度にあたる。だから、弟子のことを いつも心にかけ、その一人一人に応じたしかたで指導していく。凝視したとき に、 「今後、どのように指導していったらよいか。 どういう霊障を持っているの か」がすべてわかってしまうので、それに応じて指導していくのである。
そして、アージュニャー・チャクラへのタッチも、おこなう。 弟子へのメッ セージを伝えるのである。それには三種類あるが、いずれも、潜在意識に直に 伝える。これは、前述の「思念による王者の相承」の一部にもなっているので ある。
既刊「輪廻転生瞑想法I」でのべたとおり、阿含宗は、すでに南伝、北伝、 東伝の三つの仏教体系を統合した世界で唯一の完全仏教教団であったが、先 年、ブータン仏教から強力な霊力を持つ、世界最高の霊法を伝えられたことに より、霊力の面でも完璧となり、名実ともに世界的な完全仏教となった。
わたくしは、この世界最高の霊法をもって、前述の「受け入れの秘儀」を発 させた、さらに高度な秘儀、「霊感伝授受け入れの秘儀」をはじめることにし た。
間脳はこれまでくり返し説いてきたように、霊性の場であり、霊感の座 なのである」
霊感伝授〟としたのは、この秘儀が、霊感の座である間脳にアプローチする 秘儀だからである。
「受け入れの秘儀」は、凝視のしかたとアージュニャー・チャクラへのタッチ であったが、この「霊感伝授受け入れの秘儀」は、さらに脳の深部の霊性の場 二、強力な霊力を送り込む。
高度の秘儀であるので、そうとうに熱心に修行して、ある程度霊性を開顕し 弟子しか受けることができない。 しかし、弟子たちは、この「霊感伝授受け 入れの秘儀」を受けることで、成仏法を完全に受け入れることができる、ひと つの思念の力を受けとるのである。
Astute readers may have already noticed this. This is what Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism calls ``succession of the king through thought.'' The succession of kings through thought was actually communication through spiritual vibrations.
Through this, I realized that I had reached the third state of the four steps leading to explanation, but this is because I had achieved tapas, an exercise in the development of the diencephalon. It was something I could never have gotten. It is only when the inner state of acceptance is established that the mutual acceptance of the king from the outside can be expressed.
Four steps leading to liberation
Now, I call it ``four steps leading to explanation.''
Anyone must pass through these four stages in order to attain liberation. So
Anyone can reach the explanation by walking through these four steps according to the guidance of an excellent sage. Of course, the same is true for you.
What are the four stairs?
So, let's talk about these four steps.
1 srota äpanna-
2. sakrd-agamin-
3. anāgamin-
Four arhat-
It is.
To explain
Suda Purified Saint
Includes Sida
exalted saint
The Saint Who Leaped (Dimension)
A saint who has transcended dimensions and achieved perfection, also known as the ``Buddha''.
So, how does a practitioner walk through these four stages?
Training to kill the limbic system and neocortical brain
Simply put, it is a training that kills the limbic system and neocortical brain.
Unless the limbic system and neocortical brain are killed, the diencephalon will not function and the third eye will not open.
However, don't get me wrong. Killing the limbic system and the neocortical brain ultimately means keeping the limbic system, especially the neocortical brain, alive. The neocortical brain is said to be the ``seat of creativity.'' However, the true seat of creation is in the diencephalon. As I have repeatedly explained, the diencephalon is a place of spirituality,
It's a feeling. It is through this development that true inspiration occurs.
However, in order to develop the brain, the limbic system and neocortical brain must be shut down for a while. When the diencephalon is developed, the neocortical brain is reborn. The newly revived neocortical brain becomes a brain with superhuman inspiration and creativity based on spirituality.
So what kind of training is that?
Method and system of spiritual perfection
This is the training method for spiritual perfection left behind by Shakyamuni Buddha. I call this the ``dharma'' of attaining Buddhahood. Buddhahood refers to the completion of spirituality, and refers to the person who has achieved this.
It is called "Buddha". That is why I call this method ``the method of attaining Buddhahood.'' In detail, as mentioned in ``Reincarnation Meditation Method II,'' it is a method and system for attaining Buddhahood that consists of seven systems and a curriculum of 37 types. this
In the Agon Sutra, it is called ``Seven Sciences, Thirty-Seven Ways,'' or ``Thirty-seven Bodhisattvas.'' I did not choose these two names arbitrarily. It is an ancient Buddhist term.
The reason why I criticize all the sutras other than the Agon Sutra, including the Lotus Sutra and the Amida Sutra, in rather harsh terms is because none of the sutras other than the Agon Sutra do not have this method of attaining Buddhahood. In addition to the historical fact that Shakyamuni Buddha actually preached only the Agon Sutra, there is no other ``Dharma for attaining Buddhahood'' other than the Agon Sutra. I cannot accept any sutra without the ``Dharma of Buddhahood'' as a true Buddhist sutra. Of course, it has some significance and value, but it is not mainstream. It should be called a side stream. Please read my other books on this subject.
The thirty-seven disciplines of the seven disciplines are as follows.
four laws
Mind-judgment method Acceptance method
Mind meditation method.
That's all.
Shisei Danho, Danshaho, Modification Law, Zuigodanho, Ritsugidanho
Four God Foot Laws, God Foot Law, Shinshin Foot Law, Shinshin Foot Law, Kanshin Foot Law
Five-radical method, Shin-kon method, Shojin-kon method, Nekkon-ho root method, Kei-gen method
Five power methods - Faith method, Devoted power method, Psychokinesis law, Eiryoku method
Seven-Party Branch Method One-Choice Method Gaku-Chi Method Shojin Gaku-Chi Method Ki-Kaku-Chi Method Light An-Kaku-Chi Method Saku-Gaku-Chi Method Jo-Gaku-Chi Method Nen Gaku-Chi Method
The Eightfold Path, the Law of Right View, the Law of Right Thought, the Law of True Words, the Law of Right Work, the Law of True Life, the Law of True Shojin Law, the Law of Statutory Law
These seven subjects and 37 types of curriculum are:
It can be classified into
The Four Thought Laws and the Five Root Laws are meditations.
baptism of spirituality
The Fourfold Dharma, the Five Powers, the Seven Awakenings and the Eightfold Path are practices and meditations.
Shigami Ashiho is a special practice of tapas.
Kamiashi refers to divine power (superpower), and these four divine foot methods are four types of training methods to obtain supernatural power. My practice tapas that I mentioned earlier belongs to this category.
Among these seven subjects, training focuses on tapas, meditation, and practice. The priest decides which subjects to incorporate and how to train them. Each practitioner has different qualities and connections, so the guru decides based on this.
The guru plays an important role in this training. Tell me a little about Guru.
First of all, find a guru who has definitely revealed spirituality, and even if you are accepted by that guru, he will not accept you. If he can do that, he can say that this training has been 80% successful. He says it's that important and difficult.
Without a guru, proper Buddhist training for spiritual enlightenment is impossible. This is different from ordinary Buddhist devotion. Even if it is just a matter of being taught how to have faith, how to have faith, and how to lecture and interpret scriptures, Buddhist training for spiritual enlightenment is absolutely impossible without the help of a guru with powerful spiritual abilities. Suffice to say, it can't be done.
For example, when Ramana Maharishi, a modern Indian sage, used the ``method of gaze'' to perform an acceptance ritual for initiates, the brilliance and power of his eyes penetrated the hearts of the initiates, clearing them of their thoughts. It is said that the flow has been cut off. It is said that at times he felt as if an electric current had flowed into them.
Through this kind of spiritual experience, the disciple's heart is first purified, and he develops a longing for spiritual things and a desire for spiritual improvement. It is a baptism of spirituality. Although it depends on the person's caliber, once a person has undergone spiritual baptism, their spiritual senses are enlightened and their yearning for the spiritual world begins to bloom. The existence of a higher dimension than before can be sensed. This is the first step towards spiritual enlightenment and is extremely important. I, his comb, etc., use my own method of acceptance for my disciples, but the problem is that there are very few gurus who have truly achieved spiritual enlightenment. If you get involved with a fake guru or an immature guru, you will be irreversible. First, find a guru who has definitely revealed spirituality, and secondly, if you are accepted by that guru, he will not accept you. Gurus do not easily accept disciples.
I would like to say this about the heart of the disciple who was fortunate enough to be accepted. Once a disciple is accepted by a guru, he becomes a disciple by following the guru wholeheartedly. It must be respected and respected from the heart.
The guru is the Buddha for his disciples. The guru is the past for the disciple.
She is the incarnation of the Buddhas who have appeared, the mother from whom future Buddhas will be born, and she is a precious being who truly embodies the Buddhas.
It must be said that for the disciple, the guru is an irreplaceable person, more precious than anything else in this world. This is because the disciple has been on a journey of reincarnation since time immemorial and has now reached this point. From now on, he must continue his painful journey of reincarnation. How many Buddhas have called upon us in our past lives to break the chains of reincarnation and reach Nirvana? However, because his mind was clouded by his worries, desires, and evil deeds, the disciple was unable to respond to the invitations of these Buddhas. Now, here, a teacher appeared who guided him to Nirvana with infinite compassion, and he formed a bond with that person. The Guru is the Buddha himself. When he follows his guru with deep reverence and admiration, the guru will guide him with all his strength. The guru is an irreplaceable waterway that connects the disciple and the Buddha, and it is through this waterway that the Buddha's spiritual power flows into the heart of the disciple. The final manifestation of spirituality is
It is a response of spiritual power from the Guru. There is a term called sensō doko (sensation path training), and the final touch of all techniques is spiritual sensitivity from the guru. And this is something that can only happen if the hearts of master and disciple are united in a simple and pure way.
the secret of acceptance
Here, I would like to talk about the unique ``Mystery of Acceptance'' that I have been practicing.
The ``Mystery of Reception'' that I perform consists of a method of gazing and then, under my guidance, transmitting a message to the ajna chakra.
There are only a few saints other than myself who use this method of gazing. However, this can only be done by a saint who has perfected Kundalini Yoga.
I wrote about this in the aforementioned ``Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism and Psychic Powers,'' but around this time he had already decided that he would approach the ``Mystery of Acceptance'' with a fixed gaze. Ta. Unfortunately, at that time, there were very few people who were willing to accept me as my disciple. It was only recently that he came out among the disciples who were diligently practicing and was able to realize it.
The ``Mystery of Acceptance'' is, so to speak, an introduction to Buddhism. Therefore, he always cares about his disciples and instructs them in a way that suits each one of them. When he stares at him, he knows everything about how to guide him in the future.
Also, touch the ajna chakra. He conveys his message to his disciples. There are three types of it, all of which convey information directly to the subconscious mind. This is because it is part of the aforementioned ``succession of the king through thought''.
Towards a more advanced “Mystery of receiving inspirational transmissions”
As mentioned in the previously published book ``Reincarnation Meditation Method I'', the Agon sect was already the only complete Buddhist sect in the world that integrated the three Buddhist systems of Southern Buddhism, Northern Buddhism, and Eastern Buddhism. By transmitting the world's best spiritual law with powerful spiritual power, Buddhism became perfect in terms of spiritual power and became a world-famous complete Buddhism in both name and reality.
Using the world's highest spiritual law, I decided to begin an even more advanced mystery, the ``Mystery of Inspirational Initiation Acceptance,'' which had given rise to the aforementioned ``Mystery of Acceptance.''
Why “inspirational transmission”?
A while ago, I
As I have repeatedly explained, the diencephalon is a place of spirituality and a seat of inspiration.
He said.
The reason why it was called "Inspirational Initiation" is because this mystery approaches the diencephalon, which is the seat of inspiration.
The ``Mystery of Acceptance'' involved gazing and touching the ajna chakra, but this ``Mystery of Inspirational Initiation Acceptance'' further explores the deep spiritual places in the brain and the powerful spiritual power. Send it in.
Since it is a highly esoteric ritual, only disciples who have practiced it diligently and have revealed their spirituality to a certain extent can receive it. However, by receiving this ``Mystery of Inspirational Transmission and Reception,'' disciples receive the power of a single thought that enables them to fully accept the Buddhahood Dharma.
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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
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2024-02-25 07:03:23 | タブレットPC
- 「魔境」とは、瞑想や人生における抑圧意識であり、瞑想中に現れることもあるが、日常生活にも影響を及ぼす。
- 抑圧意識は潜在意識層に存在し、生まれてからの経験や先祖からの影響によって形成される。
- 抑圧意識は感情や欲求を無意識のうちに抑え込み、人生の障壁となることがある。
- 瞑想を通じて自己観察を行うことで抑圧意識を解放する可能性があるが、専門家のサポートも必要。
- 河合隼雄氏によれば、家族関係や先祖との関わりも抑圧意識に影響を与える。
- 抑圧意識はフロイト型(潜在意識層)とソンディ型(深層意識層)に分類される。
わたくしは、さきに、瞑想中しばしば襲ってくる「魔境」についてのべた。そし て、これは非常に重大なことなので、あとでくわしく説こうと書いた。(八七頁) この「魔境」は、瞑想のときだけではなく、 また、瞑想をするしないにかかわら ず、人の心の中にひそんでいて、われわれの人生に大きな影響をあたえるのであ る。それは、じつに、人生の「魔境」でもあるのだ。
2 生まれる以前に生じたもの
生まれる以前に生じた、とは、妙な表現だと思われるか知らないが、要するに、 両親、あるいは両親を通じて受けた、先祖からの家系的なものである。
わたくしが、家族関係や先祖とのかかわりを重視することについて、 兎や角いう 人がいるが、それは無知による誤解としか思えない。
著名な心理学者である河合隼雄氏が、その著書で、非常に興味あることをのべて おられる。
夫婦というのは、ずうっと過去をもってきて、しかも、自分の過去だけでは なくて、先祖代々の過去もずうっと背負って、一緒になっている。 そうして、 今も言いましたように、片方があきらめて生きている家もあるし、何か隠して 生きている家もある。 そういうときは、子どもの問題が、もう一度バランスを 回復して「やはり、そういうことだったのですか」というようなことをやるき
それで、この三代も四代も話をさかのぼっていかなければならない家と いうのは、一回、二回の(カウンセリングの桐山) 対決では、ちゃんと形がつ きません。相当うまいこといったなと思っていても、まだ十分ではない。 (『カウンセリングを考える」上)
だれだって自分一人で生きているわけではないし、自分一人ぼっかり生まれてき たわけではない。 家族と祖先との密接なかかわりのもとで生まれ、暮らしているわ けだ。これを考えずに、その人のかかえている問題を解決することなど、とうて い、不可能である。当然であろう。
このことを掘り下げ、延長したものが、リポット・ソンディの「(家族的) 運命 「心理学」だとわたくしは考えている。
ソンディの心理学については、あとでのべるが、さまざまな精神的な障害問題 は、ほとんど、その人の心の奥に潜在する抑圧や葛藤が原因であり、これが、瞑
座禅のときに、不意に、爆発的に表出することがある。 瞑想は、潜在意識層に
おいておこなわれるので、ふだんはそこにひそんでいる意識が、突然、表面にあら われてくることがある。 それが、座禅のときの「魔境」だが、この抑圧意識の表 出は、座禅瞑想のときだけとはかぎっておらず、その人の人生に非常なダメージ あたえてしまうことが少なからずあるので、大いに注意しなければならぬのであ る。
抑圧意識 フロイト型とソンディ型
われわれは、自分でも気がつかないすぐれた才能を、潜在意識の中に持っている のだが、同時に、その才能の発現をさまたげ、さらには自分を傷つける抑圧意識 や、それから生ずる葛藤をも、潜在意識の中に持っているのである。
潜在意識層における抑圧意識 深層意識層における抑圧意識
About "Magical Realm" in Meditation (Zazen)
The Repressed Consciousness Named "Magical Nest"
Earlier, I talked about the "demonic realm" that often strikes me during meditation. And he wrote that this is so important that he will explain it in detail later. (p. 87) This "demonic realm" is hidden in people's minds, not only when they meditate, but whether they meditate or not, and has a great influence on our lives. It is truly a “demonic boundary” of life.
This suppressed consciousness
The cause of this "makai" is "suppression consciousness" in the subconscious layer.
1. born from birth
2 Things that happened before you were born
and two.
I don't know if you think it's a strange expression to say that you were born before you were born, but in short, it's something you inherited from your parents, or through your parents, from your ancestors.
Some people say that I place importance on family relationships and relationships with ancestors, but I can only think that it is a misunderstanding due to ignorance.
Mr. Hayao Kawai, a well-known psychologist, made a very interesting statement in his book.
This is a description of a problem that occurred in the family relationship between husband and wife and children.
Husbands and wives have a past all the time, and not only their own past, but also the past of their ancestors, they are together. And, as I said just now, there are families where one side has given up and is living, and there are families where they are hiding something. In such a case, it is important to restore the balance of the child's problem and ask, "Is that really what happened?"
It can also be a trigger.
So, he says that the third and fourth generations have to go back to the story, and he says that one or two confrontations (Kiriyama of Counseling) will not form a proper shape. Even if you think you did a pretty good job, it's still not enough. (“Considering Counseling” above)
No one lives alone, and no one was born alone. They are born and live in a close relationship with their families and ancestors. Without thinking about this, it is impossible for him to solve his problems. Naturally.
I think that what delves into this and extends it is Ripot Sondy's "(Family) Fate "Psychology".
I will talk about Sondi's psychology later, but most of the various mental disorders are caused by the oppression and conflict latent in the heart of the person.
At the time of zazen, it may appear suddenly and explosively. Meditation helps the subconscious
Because it takes place in a timely manner, consciousness that is usually hidden there can suddenly come to the surface. This is the "makai" during zazen meditation, but the expression of this suppressed consciousness is not limited to zazen meditation, and there are many cases in which he inflicts great damage on the person's life. So you have to be very careful.
Let's go into a little more detail.
Repressed Consciousness Freudian and Sondyian
In his subconscious, we have excellent talents that we are not even aware of. I have it in my consciousness.
Unless we get rid of this oppressive consciousness, we cannot live a healthy life.
I divide human oppression consciousness into two.
Repressed consciousness in the subconscious layer Repressed consciousness in the deep conscious layer
is. And I
The repressive consciousness of the subconscious layer is called "Freudian".
The repressed consciousness of the deep consciousness layer is called "Sondy type".
First, it is Freudian.
1, Freudian
The Freudian pattern is also the theory of that famous psychologist, Sigmund Freud.
Magic Kundalini Pearl Imagination
Buddha  Japan Journal
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日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト
大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai
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2024-02-25 06:58:28 | タブレットPC

  1. 「次元の旅:肉体、エーテル体、アストラル体からコーザル体までの秘められた存在」
  2. 「アセンションの道:次元と浄化の
  1. 人間の霊的質量は以下の7層から成り立っている:
    • 肉体
    • エーテル体(幽体)
    • アストラル体(感情体)
    • メンタル体(精神体)
    • コーザル体(魂の器) → ライトボディ
    • ケーシ体(魂)
    • コアード体(魂の元)
  2. エーテル体は物質的な肉体と重なる存在で、「気」や「生命力」、「エネルギーのネットワーク」を担当し、治療法としては「経絡」や「気」の概念が関連する。肉体の成長や病気はエーテル体の影響を受け、死後エーテル体も少しずつ消滅していく。
  3. アストラル体はエーテル体を包み、「感情体」とも呼ばれ、感情の発現や欲望、恐怖などのエネルギーがこの体を通して表現される。アストラル体は自由に動ける意識で、夢や霊界からのメッセージを受信する役割がある。
  4. メンタル体はアストラル体よりも高次で、「精神体」と呼ばれ、思考や自己表現の媒体となる。メンタル体の正常な機能は明確な思考を可能にし、輪廻の因縁や蓄積された才能がここに影響する。
  5. コーザル体は更に高位で、「仏性」や「本来の自己」と呼ばれ、魂が存在する。解脱した魂はコーザル体の殻を破り、高い次元に存在する。
  6. 人間が死を迎えると、「肉体」「エーテル体」「アストラル体」は現世に残り、「メンタル体」「コーザル体」はそれぞれの次元に移行する。感情の葛藤がある場合、アストラル体と魂がアストラル界に留まる。
  7. アストラル界で感情の葛藤を浄化した後、魂はメンタル界に移行し、再び転生して新たな肉体を得る。経験や知識はコーザル体に蓄積され、輪廻を通じて得られるものとされる。
  8. 次元に関する説明:
    • 1〜2次元:地球のコアやガイアの意識
    • 3〜4次元:低位クリエーション界での肉体やエーテル体
    • 5〜9次元:中位クリエーション界でのエーテル体、アストラル体、メンタル体、コーザル体
    • 10〜12次元:高位クリエーション界でのケーシ体や光の源
  9. 地球は2012年よりアセンションが進み、2017年現在では16次元と報告されている。アセンションは次元上昇を意味し、心身の浄化が浄化されるほど波動及び次元が上昇する。

肉体以外に、エーテル体・アストラル体・メンタル体・コーザル体 人間の霊的質量は目に見えないだけで、実際は以下の7層から成る。 1.肉体 2.エーテル体(幽体) 3.アストラル体(感情体) 4.メンタル体(精神体) 5.コーザル体(魂の器) → ライトボディ 6.ケーシ体(魂) 7.コアード体(魂の元) ◇エーテル体 物質的な肉体と重なるようにして存在しているのが『エーテル体』で、「気」であり「生命力」であり「エネルギーのネットワーク」。 ツボといわれる「経絡」や「気」という概念は「エーテル体」の治療法である。 肉体の成長は、まずエーテル体が成長し、その後、リアル肉体が出来る。 病気でも、まずエーテル体が破損し、破損した部分の臓器が病になる。 即ち、エーテル体とは物質の構成原料。 植物は「物質」と「エーテル体」で存在している。 エーテル体は、人によっては『気』という言葉でもあらわされ、人間界で生きていくための機能のバランスを整えたり、霊界からのメッセージを取り込んだりする役割を担っている。 体が成長するときも、病気になるときも、このエーテル体が育成、または破損してから、物質的な肉体に影響が出る。 人間が死を迎え、肉体が消滅するとともに、エーテル体も少しずつ消滅していき、魂は二度と肉体に戻ることができなくなる。 ◇アストラル体 エーテル体を包むようにして存在し、さらに高い存在なのがアストラル体。 アストラル体は「感情体」とも呼ばれ、私たちの感情の発現の媒体となり、「欲望・気分・感覚・渇望・食欲・性欲・恐怖」などもアストラル・エネルギーであり、感覚や欲望、恐怖などもアストラルからのエネルギーが媒体になっている。 さらに、生霊や幽霊と呼ばれる存在、また、臨死体験や幽体離脱を経験するのが、このアストラル体。 アストラル体は自由に動ける独立した「意識」で、人は眠っている間は肉体からアストラル体を分離させている事が可能なので、それが夢で霊界からのメッセージを受信しやすい理由である。 眠ることは、脳や体を休めるためだけに必要なのではなく、肉体とエーテル体、アストラル体を一度切り離して浄化させるためにも必要。 人間以外の動物は、「肉体」「エーテル体」「アストラル体」で構成されている。 ◇メンタル体 メンタル体は、アストラル体よりもさらに高い存在で「精神体」とも呼ばれ、人間の精神的・知的な思考、および自己表現の発現の媒体となる。 メンタル体が正常に機能していれば、より明確な思考をすることができ、アストラル体に感情に左右されること無く望ましい方向へと修正していく。 しかしながら、メンタル界には「主義」で結束し、他者を排除するという欠点がある。 過去の輪廻の因縁や輪廻で蓄積された「天賦の才能」というのはここに蓄積される。 メンタル体の住むメンタル界には「生命体の集合的記憶の貯蔵庫」がある。◇コーザル体 コーザル体は、メンタル体よりもさらに高い存在で「仏性」とか「本来の自己」と呼んでいる存在。 魂というのはコーザル体に存在する。 しかしながら、コーザル界は完全な世界ではない。 輪廻する魂は、コーザル体に包まれて高い次元には行かない。 本当の解脱した魂はコーザル体の殻を破り、さらに上の世界に存在する。 ⿴⿻⿸ ひとりの人間が死を迎えると、「肉体」「エーテル体」「アストラル体」は、そのまま現世に置いておきます。 「メンタル体」「コーザル体」はそれぞれの世界に行きます。 通常は「エーテル体」「アストラル体」はすぐに消えてしまうのですが、生前に感情の葛藤(恨みや後悔)のある場合、アストラル体が消滅せず、引きずられるように魂もアストラル界=霊界に留まります。 アストラル界において感情の葛藤を浄化できた後に、魂はやっとメンタル界に行きます。 メンタル界が天国と呼ばれている所ですが、再び転生として新たな「肉体」に戻ります。 何度も繰り返される人生を通じて得られる経験や知識は、コーザル体のレベルに貯蔵されます。 コーザル体は魂の器で、コーザル体と魂は、常にセットで源と3次元を行き来しています。 コーザル体が必要なくなった状態が7次元以上。 7次元以上になると、この3次元への転生の終了を選択出来ます。〈参考資料〉←こちらを参考にわたしの修正加筆にて投稿 http://flatheat177.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=5712408%3ABlogPost%3A13492✼••┈┈┈┈••✼••┈┈┈┈••✼ 次元について 1次元 + 地球のコア 重力 愛 2次元 + 地球のコアの外から地表まで ガイアの意識 . � 3〜4次元 = 低位クリエーション界 3次元 * 肉体 4次元 * エーテル体 + これらの次元においては 善悪の分離ゲームが実演される 想念 感情 高次元への窓 思考現実化の雛形次元 . � 5〜9次元 = 中位クリエーション界 5次元 * エーテル体 アストラル体 メンタル体 コーザル体 + 多次元的な存在としての 自己に目覚める次元 ライトワーカーとしての目覚め 幸せ 愛 調和の表現次元 6次元 * ケーシ体 + 意識が思考を通して創造する次元 シンクロニシティの次元 7次元 * ケーシ体 + 限りない純化の次元 個人としての認識を持てる最高次元 フォトン領域 神聖の注入 8次元 * ケーシ体 + 集団意識、グループソウルの次元 自分が誰であるかの根幹に触れる 私という感覚が消え、我を超える次元 集団のゴールに向けて活動する 銀河エネルギー 神聖なる秩序 9次元 * ケーシ体 + 銀河中心エネルギー 永遠なる歓喜 スピリットの故郷 . � 10〜12次元 = 高位クリエーション界 10次元 * ケーシ体 + 光線の源 エロヒム存在次元 (ヘブライ語での神) 私という感覚はあるが 地球レベルで馴染みのある 私とは全く違う感覚 11次元 * ケーシ体 + 形をなす前の光の次元 創造の一瞬前 大天使存在次元 アカシック・レコード 超弦理論のM(膜)理論から 数学的に想定される最高次元 12次元 * ケーシ体 + 一なるもの 分離のない次元 . 12次元以上 * ケーシ体 コアード体 + アセンション最高次元 27次元 神々の次元 . 地球は 2012年より アセンション(次元上昇)が加速し 2017年現在 16次元との 報告を受けております 現在の地球に転生した アセンションを望む魂達が 地球の次元上昇に従って アセンションを始めています 次元とは波動の違いであり 時空間における周波数帯の相違のことで 高振動になる程に意識はアセンション (次元上昇)します アセンションには 現代社会により汚染された 心身の浄化が重要であり 浄化が進むほどに エントロピーが減少し 波動及び次元が上昇します 浄化のプロセスは タマネギの皮を剥ぐように進み 好転反応を繰り返しながら 一段また一段とより深層の解毒が 行われるようになります 浄化は何か一つやれば いいという訳ではなく 日々の選択が重要であり 長い目で進める意識が必要で  す・

“Dimensional Journey: The Hidden Existence of the Physical, Etheric, Astral and Causal Bodies”
“The Path of Ascension: Dimensions and Purification”
Human spiritual mass consists of the following seven layers:
etheric body (astral body)
Astral body (emotional body)
mental body (mental body)
Causal body (soul vessel) → Light body
Keishi body (soul)
Cored body (source of soul)
The etheric body overlaps with the physical body and is responsible for ``qi,'' ``vital force,'' and ``energy networks,'' and the concepts of ``meridians'' and ``qi'' are associated with treatment methods. Physical growth and illness are influenced by the etheric body, and the etheric body gradually disappears after death.
The astral body surrounds the etheric body and is also called the ``emotional body'', through which energy such as emotional manifestations, desires, and fears are expressed. The astral body is a freely moving consciousness that is responsible for receiving dreams and messages from the spiritual world.
The mental body is higher than the astral body, is called the ``spiritual body,'' and serves as a medium for thinking and self-expression. The normal functioning of the mental body allows for clear thinking, and this is where reincarnation and accumulated talents come into play.
The causal body is at a higher level and is called the ``Buddha-nature'' or ``original self,'' and contains the soul. The liberated soul breaks the shell of the causal body and exists in a higher dimension.
When a human dies, the physical body, etheric body, and astral body remain in this world, while the mental body and causal body move to their respective dimensions. When there is emotional conflict, the astral body and soul remain in the astral plane.
After purifying emotional conflicts in the astral plane, the soul moves to the mental plane, where it reincarnates again and obtains a new body. Experience and knowledge are believed to be accumulated in the causal body and obtained through reincarnation.
Explanation about dimensions:
1st-2nd dimension: Earth's core and Gaia's consciousness
3rd-4th dimension: physical and etheric bodies in the lower planes of creation
5th to 9th Dimensions: Etheric, Astral, Mental, and Causal bodies in the middle planes of creation.
10th to 12th Dimensions: Cayce bodies and sources of light in the higher realms of creation.
Earth's ascension has progressed since 2012, and as of 2017 it is reported to be in the 16th dimension. Ascension means a rise in dimension, and the more purified the mind and body, the higher the vibration and dimension.
In addition to the physical body, the human spiritual mass is invisible to the naked eye, but actually consists of the following seven layers: etheric body, astral body, mental body, and causal body. 1. Physical body 2. Etheric body (astral body) 3. Astral body (emotional body) 4. Mental body (spiritual body) 5. Causal body (soul vessel) → Light body 6. Casey body (soul) 7. Cored body (The origin of the soul) ◇Etheric body The etheric body exists in a way that overlaps with the physical body, and is the ``spirit'', ``life force'', and ``energy network''. The concepts of ``meridians,'' called acupoints, and ``qi'' are therapeutic methods for the ``etheric body.'' When the physical body grows, the etheric body grows first, and then the real body is formed. Even in the case of illness, the etheric body is first damaged, and the organs in the damaged area become ill. In other words, the ether body is the constituent raw material of matter. Plants exist in the form of "material" and "etheric" bodies. The etheric body is also referred to by the word ``ki'' for some people, and it plays the role of balancing the functions necessary for living in the human world and taking in messages from the spiritual world. When the body grows or becomes ill, the etheric body is cultivated or damaged, and then the physical body is affected. As humans reach death and their physical bodies disappear, their etheric bodies also gradually disappear, and their souls can no longer return to their bodies. ◇Astral body The astral body exists as if it were wrapped around the etheric body, and is even higher. The astral body is also called the ``emotional body'' and is the medium for the expression of our emotions, and ``desires, moods, sensations, cravings, appetites, sexual desires, fears,'' etc. are also astral energy, and they are responsible for the expression of sensations, desires, fears, etc. Energy from the astral is also used as a medium. Furthermore, it is this astral body that experiences beings called living spirits and ghosts, as well as near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences. The astral body is an independent "consciousness" that can move freely, and it is possible for a person to separate the astral body from the physical body while sleeping, which is why it is easy to receive messages from the spirit world in dreams. Sleeping is not only necessary to rest your brain and body, but also to separate and purify your physical, etheric, and astral bodies. Animals other than humans are composed of a physical body, an etheric body, and an astral body. ◇Mental Body The mental body is a higher entity than the astral body, and is also called the ``spiritual body,'' and serves as a medium for human spiritual and intellectual thinking and self-expression. If your mental body is functioning properly, you will be able to think more clearly, and your astral body will be able to correct itself in the desired direction without being influenced by your emotions. However, the mental world has the drawback of uniting with "ism" and excluding others. The ``natural talents'' accumulated through past reincarnations and reincarnations are accumulated here. In the mental world where the mental body lives, there is a ``repository of the collective memory of the living entity''. ◇Causal body The causal body is a higher entity than the mental body, and is what we call the ``Buddha nature'' or ``original self.'' The soul exists in the causal body. However, the Causal World is not a perfect world. Souls that reincarnate are wrapped up in the causal body and do not go to higher dimensions. The true liberated soul breaks through the shell of the causal body and exists in a higher world. ⿴⿿⿿When a person dies, their ``physical body,'' ``etheric body,'' and ``astral body'' remain in this world. The ``mental body'' and ``causal body'' go to their respective worlds. Normally, the etheric body and astral body disappear immediately, but if there is an emotional conflict (grudge or regret) during life, the astral body does not disappear and the soul is dragged into the astral world. Stay in the spirit world. After purifying emotional conflicts in the astral plane, the soul finally goes to the mental plane. The mental world is called heaven, but we return to a new "body" as reincarnation. Experiences and knowledge gained through repeated lifetimes are stored at the level of the causal body. The causal body is a vessel for the soul, and the causal body and soul are always moving back and forth between Source and the third dimension as a set. The state where the causal body is no longer needed is 7th dimension or higher. Once you reach the 7th dimension or above, you can choose to end your reincarnation into this 3rd dimension. <Reference materials> ← Posted with my corrections and additions using this as a reference http://flatheat177.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=5712408%3ABlogPost%3A13492✼••┈┈┈┈••✼••┈ ┈┈┈••✼ About Dimensions 1st Dimension + Earth's Core Gravity Love 2nd Dimension + From outside the Earth's Core to the Earth's Surface Gaia's Consciousness. In these dimensions, the game of separation between good and evil is played out. Thoughts, emotions, windows to higher dimensions, template dimensions for the realization of thoughts. Dimension of awakening to oneself as a dimensional being Awakening as a lightworker Expression dimension of happiness, love, and harmony 6th dimension *Keith body + Dimension that consciousness creates through thought Dimension of synchronicity 7th dimension *Keith body + Dimension of limitless purification As an individual The highest dimension where you can realize the photon realm Divine infusion 8th dimension *Cassi body + collective consciousness, group soul dimension Touch the root of who you are A dimension where the sense of "I" disappears and you transcend yourself Toward the collective goal Active Galactic Energy Divine Order 9th Dimension *Cassih Bodies + Galactic Center Energy Eternal Joy Home of Spirit. ) There is a sense of me, but I am familiar at the earth level, and it is a completely different feeling from me.The 11th dimension *Cassi body + dimension of light before it takes shape, moment before creation, dimension of archangel existence, Akashic record, M of superstring theory ( From the membrane theory, the highest dimension that can be mathematically assumed is 12 dimensions *Cassi body + One dimension without separation. 12 dimensions or more *Cassi body Coard body + highest dimension of ascension 27 dimensions Dimension of the gods. Earth has been ascending since 2012 (Dimensional Ascension) is accelerating, and as of 2017, we have received reports that the 16th dimension exists. Souls who have reincarnated on the current Earth and desire ascension are beginning to ascend as the Earth ascends. Dimensions are differences in vibration. This refers to the difference in frequency bands in time and space. The higher the vibration becomes, the higher the consciousness will ascend. For ascension, it is important to cleanse the mind and body that have been polluted by modern society. As the purification progresses, entropy decreases. Your vibrations and dimensions will rise. The cleansing process will proceed like peeling the skin of an onion, and as you repeat the positive reactions, you will be able to detoxify deeper and deeper one step at a time. Cleansing is not just about doing one thing. Instead, daily choices are important, and we need to be conscious of taking a long-term view.
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2024-02-25 06:58:28 | タブレットPC
  1. 「次元の旅:肉体、エーテル体、アストラル体からコーザル体までの秘められた存在」
  2. 「アセンションの道:次元と浄化の
  1. 人間の霊的質量は以下の7層から成り立っている:
    • 肉体
    • エーテル体(幽体)
    • アストラル体(感情体)
    • メンタル体(精神体)
    • コーザル体(魂の器) → ライトボディ
    • ケーシ体(魂)
    • コアード体(魂の元)
  2. エーテル体は物質的な肉体と重なる存在で、「気」や「生命力」、「エネルギーのネットワーク」を担当し、治療法としては「経絡」や「気」の概念が関連する。肉体の成長や病気はエーテル体の影響を受け、死後エーテル体も少しずつ消滅していく。
  3. アストラル体はエーテル体を包み、「感情体」とも呼ばれ、感情の発現や欲望、恐怖などのエネルギーがこの体を通して表現される。アストラル体は自由に動ける意識で、夢や霊界からのメッセージを受信する役割がある。
  4. メンタル体はアストラル体よりも高次で、「精神体」と呼ばれ、思考や自己表現の媒体となる。メンタル体の正常な機能は明確な思考を可能にし、輪廻の因縁や蓄積された才能がここに影響する。
  5. コーザル体は更に高位で、「仏性」や「本来の自己」と呼ばれ、魂が存在する。解脱した魂はコーザル体の殻を破り、高い次元に存在する。
  6. 人間が死を迎えると、「肉体」「エーテル体」「アストラル体」は現世に残り、「メンタル体」「コーザル体」はそれぞれの次元に移行する。感情の葛藤がある場合、アストラル体と魂がアストラル界に留まる。
  7. アストラル界で感情の葛藤を浄化した後、魂はメンタル界に移行し、再び転生して新たな肉体を得る。経験や知識はコーザル体に蓄積され、輪廻を通じて得られるものとされる。
  8. 次元に関する説明:
    • 1〜2次元:地球のコアやガイアの意識
    • 3〜4次元:低位クリエーション界での肉体やエーテル体
    • 5〜9次元:中位クリエーション界でのエーテル体、アストラル体、メンタル体、コーザル体
    • 10〜12次元:高位クリエーション界でのケーシ体や光の源
  9. 地球は2012年よりアセンションが進み、2017年現在では16次元と報告されている。アセンションは次元上昇を意味し、心身の浄化が浄化されるほど波動及び次元が上昇する。

肉体以外に、エーテル体・アストラル体・メンタル体・コーザル体 人間の霊的質量は目に見えないだけで、実際は以下の7層から成る。 1.肉体 2.エーテル体(幽体) 3.アストラル体(感情体) 4.メンタル体(精神体) 5.コーザル体(魂の器) → ライトボディ 6.ケーシ体(魂) 7.コアード体(魂の元) ◇エーテル体 物質的な肉体と重なるようにして存在しているのが『エーテル体』で、「気」であり「生命力」であり「エネルギーのネットワーク」。 ツボといわれる「経絡」や「気」という概念は「エーテル体」の治療法である。 肉体の成長は、まずエーテル体が成長し、その後、リアル肉体が出来る。 病気でも、まずエーテル体が破損し、破損した部分の臓器が病になる。 即ち、エーテル体とは物質の構成原料。 植物は「物質」と「エーテル体」で存在している。 エーテル体は、人によっては『気』という言葉でもあらわされ、人間界で生きていくための機能のバランスを整えたり、霊界からのメッセージを取り込んだりする役割を担っている。 体が成長するときも、病気になるときも、このエーテル体が育成、または破損してから、物質的な肉体に影響が出る。 人間が死を迎え、肉体が消滅するとともに、エーテル体も少しずつ消滅していき、魂は二度と肉体に戻ることができなくなる。 ◇アストラル体 エーテル体を包むようにして存在し、さらに高い存在なのがアストラル体。 アストラル体は「感情体」とも呼ばれ、私たちの感情の発現の媒体となり、「欲望・気分・感覚・渇望・食欲・性欲・恐怖」などもアストラル・エネルギーであり、感覚や欲望、恐怖などもアストラルからのエネルギーが媒体になっている。 さらに、生霊や幽霊と呼ばれる存在、また、臨死体験や幽体離脱を経験するのが、このアストラル体。 アストラル体は自由に動ける独立した「意識」で、人は眠っている間は肉体からアストラル体を分離させている事が可能なので、それが夢で霊界からのメッセージを受信しやすい理由である。 眠ることは、脳や体を休めるためだけに必要なのではなく、肉体とエーテル体、アストラル体を一度切り離して浄化させるためにも必要。 人間以外の動物は、「肉体」「エーテル体」「アストラル体」で構成されている。 ◇メンタル体 メンタル体は、アストラル体よりもさらに高い存在で「精神体」とも呼ばれ、人間の精神的・知的な思考、および自己表現の発現の媒体となる。 メンタル体が正常に機能していれば、より明確な思考をすることができ、アストラル体に感情に左右されること無く望ましい方向へと修正していく。 しかしながら、メンタル界には「主義」で結束し、他者を排除するという欠点がある。 過去の輪廻の因縁や輪廻で蓄積された「天賦の才能」というのはここに蓄積される。 メンタル体の住むメンタル界には「生命体の集合的記憶の貯蔵庫」がある。◇コーザル体 コーザル体は、メンタル体よりもさらに高い存在で「仏性」とか「本来の自己」と呼んでいる存在。 魂というのはコーザル体に存在する。 しかしながら、コーザル界は完全な世界ではない。 輪廻する魂は、コーザル体に包まれて高い次元には行かない。 本当の解脱した魂はコーザル体の殻を破り、さらに上の世界に存在する。 ⿴⿻⿸ ひとりの人間が死を迎えると、「肉体」「エーテル体」「アストラル体」は、そのまま現世に置いておきます。 「メンタル体」「コーザル体」はそれぞれの世界に行きます。 通常は「エーテル体」「アストラル体」はすぐに消えてしまうのですが、生前に感情の葛藤(恨みや後悔)のある場合、アストラル体が消滅せず、引きずられるように魂もアストラル界=霊界に留まります。 アストラル界において感情の葛藤を浄化できた後に、魂はやっとメンタル界に行きます。 メンタル界が天国と呼ばれている所ですが、再び転生として新たな「肉体」に戻ります。 何度も繰り返される人生を通じて得られる経験や知識は、コーザル体のレベルに貯蔵されます。 コーザル体は魂の器で、コーザル体と魂は、常にセットで源と3次元を行き来しています。 コーザル体が必要なくなった状態が7次元以上。 7次元以上になると、この3次元への転生の終了を選択出来ます。〈参考資料〉←こちらを参考にわたしの修正加筆にて投稿 http://flatheat177.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=5712408%3ABlogPost%3A13492✼••┈┈┈┈••✼••┈┈┈┈••✼ 次元について 1次元 + 地球のコア 重力 愛 2次元 + 地球のコアの外から地表まで ガイアの意識 . � 3〜4次元 = 低位クリエーション界 3次元 * 肉体 4次元 * エーテル体 + これらの次元においては 善悪の分離ゲームが実演される 想念 感情 高次元への窓 思考現実化の雛形次元 . � 5〜9次元 = 中位クリエーション界 5次元 * エーテル体 アストラル体 メンタル体 コーザル体 + 多次元的な存在としての 自己に目覚める次元 ライトワーカーとしての目覚め 幸せ 愛 調和の表現次元 6次元 * ケーシ体 + 意識が思考を通して創造する次元 シンクロニシティの次元 7次元 * ケーシ体 + 限りない純化の次元 個人としての認識を持てる最高次元 フォトン領域 神聖の注入 8次元 * ケーシ体 + 集団意識、グループソウルの次元 自分が誰であるかの根幹に触れる 私という感覚が消え、我を超える次元 集団のゴールに向けて活動する 銀河エネルギー 神聖なる秩序 9次元 * ケーシ体 + 銀河中心エネルギー 永遠なる歓喜 スピリットの故郷 . � 10〜12次元 = 高位クリエーション界 10次元 * ケーシ体 + 光線の源 エロヒム存在次元 (ヘブライ語での神) 私という感覚はあるが 地球レベルで馴染みのある 私とは全く違う感覚 11次元 * ケーシ体 + 形をなす前の光の次元 創造の一瞬前 大天使存在次元 アカシック・レコード 超弦理論のM(膜)理論から 数学的に想定される最高次元 12次元 * ケーシ体 + 一なるもの 分離のない次元 . 12次元以上 * ケーシ体 コアード体 + アセンション最高次元 27次元 神々の次元 . 地球は 2012年より アセンション(次元上昇)が加速し 2017年現在 16次元との 報告を受けております 現在の地球に転生した アセンションを望む魂達が 地球の次元上昇に従って アセンションを始めています 次元とは波動の違いであり 時空間における周波数帯の相違のことで 高振動になる程に意識はアセンション (次元上昇)します アセンションには 現代社会により汚染された 心身の浄化が重要であり 浄化が進むほどに エントロピーが減少し 波動及び次元が上昇します 浄化のプロセスは タマネギの皮を剥ぐように進み 好転反応を繰り返しながら 一段また一段とより深層の解毒が 行われるようになります 浄化は何か一つやれば いいという訳ではなく 日々の選択が重要であり 長い目で進める意識が必要で  す・

“Dimensional Journey: The Hidden Existence of the Physical, Etheric, Astral and Causal Bodies”
“The Path of Ascension: Dimensions and Purification”
Human spiritual mass consists of the following seven layers:
etheric body (astral body)
Astral body (emotional body)
mental body (mental body)
Causal body (soul vessel) → Light body
Keishi body (soul)
Cored body (source of soul)
The etheric body overlaps with the physical body and is responsible for ``qi,'' ``vital force,'' and ``energy networks,'' and the concepts of ``meridians'' and ``qi'' are associated with treatment methods. Physical growth and illness are influenced by the etheric body, and the etheric body gradually disappears after death.
The astral body surrounds the etheric body and is also called the ``emotional body'', through which energy such as emotional manifestations, desires, and fears are expressed. The astral body is a freely moving consciousness that is responsible for receiving dreams and messages from the spiritual world.
The mental body is higher than the astral body, is called the ``spiritual body,'' and serves as a medium for thinking and self-expression. The normal functioning of the mental body allows for clear thinking, and this is where reincarnation and accumulated talents come into play.
The causal body is at a higher level and is called the ``Buddha-nature'' or ``original self,'' and contains the soul. The liberated soul breaks the shell of the causal body and exists in a higher dimension.
When a human dies, the physical body, etheric body, and astral body remain in this world, while the mental body and causal body move to their respective dimensions. When there is emotional conflict, the astral body and soul remain in the astral plane.
After purifying emotional conflicts in the astral plane, the soul moves to the mental plane, where it reincarnates again and obtains a new body. Experience and knowledge are believed to be accumulated in the causal body and obtained through reincarnation.
Explanation about dimensions:
1st-2nd dimension: Earth's core and Gaia's consciousness
3rd-4th dimension: physical and etheric bodies in the lower planes of creation
5th to 9th Dimensions: Etheric, Astral, Mental, and Causal bodies in the middle planes of creation.
10th to 12th Dimensions: Cayce bodies and sources of light in the higher realms of creation.
Earth's ascension has progressed since 2012, and as of 2017 it is reported to be in the 16th dimension. Ascension means a rise in dimension, and the more purified the mind and body, the higher the vibration and dimension.
In addition to the physical body, the human spiritual mass is invisible to the naked eye, but actually consists of the following seven layers: etheric body, astral body, mental body, and causal body. 1. Physical body 2. Etheric body (astral body) 3. Astral body (emotional body) 4. Mental body (spiritual body) 5. Causal body (soul vessel) → Light body 6. Casey body (soul) 7. Cored body (The origin of the soul) ◇Etheric body The etheric body exists in a way that overlaps with the physical body, and is the ``spirit'', ``life force'', and ``energy network''. The concepts of ``meridians,'' called acupoints, and ``qi'' are therapeutic methods for the ``etheric body.'' When the physical body grows, the etheric body grows first, and then the real body is formed. Even in the case of illness, the etheric body is first damaged, and the organs in the damaged area become ill. In other words, the ether body is the constituent raw material of matter. Plants exist in the form of "material" and "etheric" bodies. The etheric body is also referred to by the word ``ki'' for some people, and it plays the role of balancing the functions necessary for living in the human world and taking in messages from the spiritual world. When the body grows or becomes ill, the etheric body is cultivated or damaged, and then the physical body is affected. As humans reach death and their physical bodies disappear, their etheric bodies also gradually disappear, and their souls can no longer return to their bodies. ◇Astral body The astral body exists as if it were wrapped around the etheric body, and is even higher. The astral body is also called the ``emotional body'' and is the medium for the expression of our emotions, and ``desires, moods, sensations, cravings, appetites, sexual desires, fears,'' etc. are also astral energy, and they are responsible for the expression of sensations, desires, fears, etc. Energy from the astral is also used as a medium. Furthermore, it is this astral body that experiences beings called living spirits and ghosts, as well as near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences. The astral body is an independent "consciousness" that can move freely, and it is possible for a person to separate the astral body from the physical body while sleeping, which is why it is easy to receive messages from the spirit world in dreams. Sleeping is not only necessary to rest your brain and body, but also to separate and purify your physical, etheric, and astral bodies. Animals other than humans are composed of a physical body, an etheric body, and an astral body. ◇Mental Body The mental body is a higher entity than the astral body, and is also called the ``spiritual body,'' and serves as a medium for human spiritual and intellectual thinking and self-expression. If your mental body is functioning properly, you will be able to think more clearly, and your astral body will be able to correct itself in the desired direction without being influenced by your emotions. However, the mental world has the drawback of uniting with "ism" and excluding others. The ``natural talents'' accumulated through past reincarnations and reincarnations are accumulated here. In the mental world where the mental body lives, there is a ``repository of the collective memory of the living entity''. ◇Causal body The causal body is a higher entity than the mental body, and is what we call the ``Buddha nature'' or ``original self.'' The soul exists in the causal body. However, the Causal World is not a perfect world. Souls that reincarnate are wrapped up in the causal body and do not go to higher dimensions. The true liberated soul breaks through the shell of the causal body and exists in a higher world. ⿴⿿⿿When a person dies, their ``physical body,'' ``etheric body,'' and ``astral body'' remain in this world. The ``mental body'' and ``causal body'' go to their respective worlds. Normally, the etheric body and astral body disappear immediately, but if there is an emotional conflict (grudge or regret) during life, the astral body does not disappear and the soul is dragged into the astral world. Stay in the spirit world. After purifying emotional conflicts in the astral plane, the soul finally goes to the mental plane. The mental world is called heaven, but we return to a new "body" as reincarnation. Experiences and knowledge gained through repeated lifetimes are stored at the level of the causal body. The causal body is a vessel for the soul, and the causal body and soul are always moving back and forth between Source and the third dimension as a set. The state where the causal body is no longer needed is 7th dimension or higher. Once you reach the 7th dimension or above, you can choose to end your reincarnation into this 3rd dimension. <Reference materials> ← Posted with my corrections and additions using this as a reference http://flatheat177.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=5712408%3ABlogPost%3A13492✼••┈┈┈┈••✼••┈ ┈┈┈••✼ About Dimensions 1st Dimension + Earth's Core Gravity Love 2nd Dimension + From outside the Earth's Core to the Earth's Surface Gaia's Consciousness. In these dimensions, the game of separation between good and evil is played out. Thoughts, emotions, windows to higher dimensions, template dimensions for the realization of thoughts. Dimension of awakening to oneself as a dimensional being Awakening as a lightworker Expression dimension of happiness, love, and harmony 6th dimension *Keith body + Dimension that consciousness creates through thought Dimension of synchronicity 7th dimension *Keith body + Dimension of limitless purification As an individual The highest dimension where you can realize the photon realm Divine infusion 8th dimension *Cassi body + collective consciousness, group soul dimension Touch the root of who you are A dimension where the sense of "I" disappears and you transcend yourself Toward the collective goal Active Galactic Energy Divine Order 9th Dimension *Cassih Bodies + Galactic Center Energy Eternal Joy Home of Spirit. ) There is a sense of me, but I am familiar at the earth level, and it is a completely different feeling from me.The 11th dimension *Cassi body + dimension of light before it takes shape, moment before creation, dimension of archangel existence, Akashic record, M of superstring theory ( From the membrane theory, the highest dimension that can be mathematically assumed is 12 dimensions *Cassi body + One dimension without separation. 12 dimensions or more *Cassi body Coard body + highest dimension of ascension 27 dimensions Dimension of the gods. Earth has been ascending since 2012 (Dimensional Ascension) is accelerating, and as of 2017, we have received reports that the 16th dimension exists. Souls who have reincarnated on the current Earth and desire ascension are beginning to ascend as the Earth ascends. Dimensions are differences in vibration. This refers to the difference in frequency bands in time and space. The higher the vibration becomes, the higher the consciousness will ascend. For ascension, it is important to cleanse the mind and body that have been polluted by modern society. As the purification progresses, entropy decreases. Your vibrations and dimensions will rise. The cleansing process will proceed like peeling the skin of an onion, and as you repeat the positive reactions, you will be able to detoxify deeper and deeper one step at a time. Cleansing is not just about doing one thing. Instead, daily choices are important, and we need to be conscious of taking a long-term view.
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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
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2024-02-25 06:52:37 | タブレットPC
1. **快適な姿勢をとる**: 座っているか寝転んでいる姿勢をとり、身体がリラックスできる状態にします。背筋をまっすぐにして、体重を均等に分散させます。
2. **呼吸に注意を払う**: 目を閉じ、自然な呼吸に意識を向けます。吸う息と吐く息に集中し、その感覚を感じます。
3. **注意をそらさないようにする**: 思考が浮かんできたり、外部の刺激に気を取られたりしても、その存在を認識し、静かに呼吸に戻ります。
4. **寛容な態度を持つ**: 自分自身に対して厳しくならず、どんな感情や思考が浮かんできても受け入れる姿勢を心がけます。
5. **時間を設定する**: 初めての方は数分から始めて徐々に時間を延ばしていくと良いでしょう。時間を設定することで、集中力を維持しやすくなります。
6. **定期的に実践する**: マインドフルネス瞑想は継続することで効果が現れます。毎日行うことで、徐々に心が「今」に集中しやすくなります。
Mindfulness meditation helps reduce stress and improve concentration by focusing the mind on the present. This is done through practices such as breathing exercises and meditation. For example, a few minutes of meditation or deep breathing each day can help your mind and body relax and improve your ability to cope with everyday stress. Additionally, through a training program that incorporates mindfulness concepts, employees can learn how to practice mindfulness at work and in their daily lives. This will help you develop skills that will help you manage stress and improve performance.
The basic steps for practicing mindfulness meditation are:
1. **Assume a comfortable position**: Get into a sitting or lying position so that your body feels relaxed. Keep your back straight and distribute your weight evenly.
2. **Pay attention to your breathing**: Close your eyes and focus on your natural breathing. Focus on your inhales and exhales and feel the sensations.
3. **Avoid distraction**: Even when thoughts come to mind or you become distracted by external stimuli, acknowledge their presence and calmly return to your breathing.
4. **Have a forgiving attitude**: Don't be too hard on yourself and be open to whatever feelings and thoughts come up.
5. **Set the time**: If you are a beginner, it is best to start with a few minutes and gradually increase the time. Setting a time will help you stay focused.
6. **Practice regularly**: Mindfulness meditation becomes effective with continued practice. By doing this every day, your mind will gradually become more focused on the "now".
These are the basic steps of mindfulness meditation.
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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
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2024年2月25日  九星  無料 今日の運命

2024-02-25 06:45:49 | タブレットPC
仕事の事、旅行の事、病人の事、などが出やすい日。こみいった事が多い。いそがしい割に成果は少ない。 短慮は禁物。いやな仕事も進んで引き受ける位の気持ちが大切。
凌犯期間 事の日 (甘露日)

大日如来 すべての生き物の根本となる仏

02月25日 (日曜)月齢
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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai
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「健康とエネルギー:チャクラの力を解き放つ」 "Health and Energy:

2024-02-24 19:18:47 | タブレットPC
  1. ホルモンについて:男性ホルモンも女性ホルモンと同様、睾丸だけでなく副腎皮質からも分泌される。
  2. チャクラと健康:クンダリニー・ヨーガでは、チャクラのトレーニングにより、体力の増進や性格の特質の向上が可能であり、特に副腎や性器と関係している。
  3. チャクラの機能:
    • 1番のチャクラ(ムーラーダーラ・チャクラ)の覚醒により、体力が増進し、性欲や生殖力が強まる。
    • 2番のチャクラ(スヴァーディシュターナ・チャクラ)の覚醒により、気力が充実し、勇敢さや積極性が増す。
    • 3番のチャクラ(マニプーラ・チャクラ)は、身体内の組織を知ることができ、内臓器官を自由にコントロールすることが可能。
    • 4番のチャクラ(アナーハタ)は、心臓や胸部の筋肉運動と関係し、命令や願望成就のチャクラとされる。
    • 5番のチャクラ(ヴィシュッダ)は、聴覚の幅が広がり、超人的な聴力やテレパシー能力が発達する。
    • 6番のチャクラ(アージュニャー)は、透視力やテレパシー能力が向上し、超自然的な能力が発現する。
    • 7番のチャクラ(サハスラーラ)は、すべてのチャクラを統合し、超人的な力を発揮する。
  4. チャクラの解説:チャクラは空想的な場所ではなく、実際に医学的に確認された重要な場所であり、内分泌腺や神経群と深い関係がある。
  5. サハスラーラ・チャクラの修行:このチャクラの覚醒により、聖霊との交流が可能となり、超人的な力を発揮する修行者は「超人」や「大師」と呼ばれる。
About hormones: Like female hormones, male hormones are secreted not only from the testicles but also from the adrenal cortex.
Chakras and Health: In Kundalini Yoga, training of the chakras can increase physical strength and improve personality traits, especially those associated with the adrenal glands and genitals.
Chakra functions:
Awakening of the number one chakra (Muladhara Chakra) increases physical strength and increases sexual desire and fertility.
Awakening the second chakra (Svadhishthana chakra) increases your energy, courage, and positivity.
The third chakra (manipura chakra) allows us to know the internal tissues of the body and allows us to freely control internal organs.
Chakra number 4 (Anahata) is related to the muscular movement of the heart and chest, and is said to be the chakra of commands and desire fulfillment.
The fifth chakra (Vishuddha) expands the range of hearing, and develops superhuman hearing and telepathic abilities.
The sixth chakra (Ajna) improves clairvoyance and telepathic abilities, and manifests supernatural abilities.
Chakra number 7 (Sahasrara) integrates all chakras and exerts superhuman strength.
Explanation of chakras: Chakras are not fanciful places, but important places that have been confirmed medically, and have deep connections with endocrine glands and nerve groups.
Training of the Sahasrara Chakra: Awakening of this chakra enables communication with the Holy Spirit, and practitioners who display superhuman powers are called ``superhumans'' or ``masters.''
このチャクラを覚醒すると、体力が異常に増進して、普通の人の三~五倍の精力をもつようになる。三日、四日の徹夜くらい平気になる。一切の病気を受けつけず、健康体そのものとなる。病弱だった者は、その悪いところが、みな癒ってしまう。このチャクラに Samyama を集中してそのエネルギーが発動したとき、瀕死の病人でも床を蹴って立ち上がるだろう。男女ともに実際の年齢より一〇歳以上若くなる。
2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana
「Nabi-cakra (臍輪)に Samyama を向けることにより、体内の配列、組織を知ることができる」(自在力 第3節)
この章について、佐保田鶴治博士は、トーン・外ん小胴輪。というのは、実際の癖の孔ではなくて、そのあたりにあると想像される神秘な車輪状の場所で、一六の輻をもっているといわれる。一説には、後世のハタ・ヨーガで説く六つのチャクラのなかの下から三つ目にあるマニプーラ・チャクラ (Manipira-cakra)のことであるともいう。いずれにせよ、肉眼で見える部分ではなく、幽体に属するものとされている。チャクラについては、ここで詳説する暇がない。臍輪は気体(生命エネルギーからなる身体)の中央にあるから、これに綜制をおこなうと身体内の組織がわかる、というのである」(『解説ヨーガ・スートラ』平河出版社)
それは、医学的には、ソーラー・プレクサスと名づけられた「太陽神経叢」のことである。腹腔神経叢、内臓動脈軸叢ともいわれ、腹腔動脈より出る上腸間膜動脈の起始部にある交感神経の大きい神経叢である。(次頁図参照)。胃の裏がわにあってさなれる神秘な車輪状の場所で、一六の輻をもっているといわれる。一説には、後世のハタ・ヨーガで説く六つのチャクラのなかの下から三つ目にあるマニプーラ・チャクラ (Manipira-cakra)のことであるともいう。いずれにせよ、肉眼で見
すなわち、ここから出る神経は、食道、胃、腹部血管、肝、輸胆管、膵臓、副腎、腸等に分布している。また、この神経叢は大小内臓神経、迷走神経、第十二胸神経節、第一腰神経節などが集まっており、内臓の神経としては最も重要な 叢 である。チャクラというのは、いずれも、今まで、空想的、神秘的場所とのみ考えられてきた。
「Samyama を向ければ、体内の組織を知ることができる」とあるが、この Samyam-a というのは、特別な修行を経た特殊な集中力をいう。あとでくわしく説明するが、
コールすることができるという意味である。実際にこのナービ・チャクラに Samyamaを集中すると、この太陽神経叢に属する内臓器官――それは食道から、胃、肝臓、膵臓、脾臓、副腎、腸にいたるまで、すべてを自分の思うようにコントロールできるのである。これらの臓器官が、どうにかすぎいい、いしでいいようであれば直ちに正常にもどしてしまう、いいわ、調べ、ごャード網駅、威、強滅、いった、キャラバに活動すると、他い通い力がたらいいてきて、個人、いいにいようにするようになると同時に、他人の心を目いていて、目に思い、単品、枠、主とすると心も交流するこきれいさに、下町な、理解できいことなど大地にみちすごい、、、チャーボードにしてそこかいことができる。つまり、人にはないで、、、持っていたい、エネルギーはこの空間に痕跡をとどれているので、このチャンスで、、、茨と同じになれば、その心が持っていたべてのもの、意識も、知能もみな自分と同化して自分のものになるということである。
頭のなかの光明 Mirdha jyotis といわれるチャクラである。Brahma-randhra 梵の座、先の裂け目という頭蓋骨の接合するところの真下に位置する。梵の座、梵の裂け目とは、梵すなわち聖なるもの、と一体になる場所という意味である。
This is because the name "hormone" gives the impression that it is related only to the female genitals, and that is why it is taken care of. The same is true for androgens (androgens are also secreted not only by the testicles but also by the adrenal cortex, author).
Health and hormonal science
Kundalini Yoga knew decades ago that one of the state's leading endocrinologists was screaming loudly and was taking advantage of it. Women also acquire age-dependent, youthful feminine qualities-compassion, tenderness, lighting, supple and charming appearance, and beautiful voice through this chakra training. It is rich in various hormones such as testosterone, androsterone, and estrogen, which are secreted from the whole in men and from the ovaries in women, regardless of age.
This is because it has a special technique to secrete it. It works the same for men. This technique creates a heroic man with a strong fighting spirit.
The chakra is the base where it works.
Chakra function
In the previous section, I looked at the chakra from the aspect of modern medicine and physiology called the endocrine gland. Now let's take a look at how Kundalini Yoga thinks and explains the chakra from the perspective of Kundalini Yoga.
1 = Mueller Dara Chakra
Adrenal gland / dismissal
The gonad of the endocrine gland, the site of the kidney.
When you awaken this chakra, your physical strength will increase abnormally, and you will have three to five times as much energy as a normal person. I feel fine all night on the 3rd and 4th. It does not accept any illness and becomes a healthy body. Those who are sick will heal all the bad things. When her Samyama is concentrated in this chakra and its energy is activated, even a dying sick person will kick the floor and stand up. Both men and women are over 10 years younger than their actual age.
Instead, you will have strong sexual desire and fertility, so you can use that energy.
We also use a method called jas that converts it into intelligent energy.
2 = Svadishtana chakra
2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana
It is the part of the adrenal gland that releases the hormones of fighting and heroes.
When this chakra awakens and activates energy, it becomes more energetic and brave.
You will be able to actively and boldly act. Don't be afraid of anything, don't be confused by anything,
With a fearless and immovable belief, he will not be swayed by any difficulties. Demonstrate superhuman skill that transcends life and death.
3 = Manipula chakra
Sun nerve
Adrenal gland, pancreas, spleen, stomach, liver
Thymus / heart / lung occupation
The mystery of yoga, "Yoga Sutras," says:
"By pointing his Samyama at the Nabi-cakra (umbilical ring), you can know the arrangement and tissue in the body" (Section 3 of Freedom).
About this chapter, Dr. Tsuruji Sahoda is a tone and a small torso. It is said that it is not an actual hole of habit, but a mysterious wheel-shaped place that is supposed to be around it, and has 16 spokes. One theory is that it is the Manipira-cakra, which is the third from the bottom of the six chakras described in later Hatha yoga. In any case, it belongs to the ghost body, not the part visible to the naked eye. I don't have time to elaborate on the chakras here. Since the umbilical ring is located in the center of the gas (the body consisting of life energy), it is said that the tissues inside the body can be understood by controlling it. "(" Commentary Yoga Sutra "Hirakawa Publishing Co., Ltd.)
It is explained that this is a little different. The doctor is said to be a mysterious place that can be imagined around that area, "but this part is by no means a fantasy place. It certainly exerts a great power that seems to be mysterious, but it is clearly medically confirmed.
It is medically the "solar plexus" named Solar Plexus. Also called the peritoneal plexus or visceral arterial plexus, it is a large plexus of sympathetic nerves at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the peritoneal artery. (See the figure on the next page). It is a mysterious wheel-shaped place where the back of the stomach is laid on the back, and it is said to have 16 spokes. One theory is that it is the Manipira-cakra, which is the third from the bottom of the six chakras described in later Hatha yoga. In any case, see with the naked eye
It is supposed to belong to the ghost body, not the part that can be eaten. I don't have time to elaborate on the chakras here. Since the umbilical ring is located in the center of the gas (the body consisting of life energy), it is said that the tissues inside the body can be understood by controlling it. "(" Commentary Yoga Sutra "Hirakawa Publishing Co., Ltd.)
It is explained that this is a little different.
The doctor is said to be a mysterious place that can be imagined around that area, but this part is by no means a fantasy place. It has great power, which seems to be mysterious, but it is clearly medically confirmed.
It is the "solar plexus" medically named Solar Plexus. Also called the peritoneal plexus or visceral arterial plexus, it is a large plexus of sympathetic nerves at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the peritoneal artery. (See the figure on the next page). The back of my stomach is on my stomach
This name was given because it sends nerves to each organ like the rays of the sun.
That is, the nerves exiting from here are distributed in the esophagus, stomach, abdominal blood vessels, liver, bile duct, pancreas, adrenal gland, intestine and the like. In addition, this nerve plexus is a collection of large and small visceral nerves, stray nerves, twelfth thoracic ganglion, first lumbar plexus, etc., and is the most important plexus as a visceral nerve. Until now, chakras have only been considered as fantasy and mysterious places.
These sites are by no means such things, and as mentioned earlier, they are deeply related to endocrine glands, nerve groups, enzymes, etc., and in fact, they are very important places from a medical point of view and are important. It is a place to work.
"If you point Samyama, you can know the tissues in your body," but his Sammy am-a is a special concentration that has undergone special training. I will explain in detail later,
To know this organization is not just to know the organization, but to freely control the organization.
It means that you can call. When he actually concentrates his Samyama on this Navi Chakra, it controls everything from the esophagus to the stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, and intestines to the internal organs of this solar plexus. You can. If these organ officers are somehow too good, and if they are okay, they will immediately return to normal, okay, research, goyad net station, prestige, annihilation, etc. It's a downtown area where you can get better and better, and at the same time, you'll be able to look at the hearts of others, think about them, and interact with each other as a single item, frame, and mainly. It's amazing to be able to understand things on the ground, and you can make it into a charboard. In other words, people don't have it, I want to have it, energy has traces in this space, so at this chance, if it becomes the same as thorns, everything that the heart has, consciousness However, all intelligence is assimilated with oneself and becomes one's own.
In that sense, if you become fully proficient in this chakra, you will be able to open the way to interact with the world of the spirit world (four dimensions).
5 = Vishudda chakra
Vishudda "
Thyroid / epithelial body,
(Parathyroid gland) Salivary gland
It is the site of the thyroid gland and salivary glands.
By moving this chakra, superhuman hearing is provided. In fact, when this chakra becomes available, you will be able to hear certain sounds that you have never heard before. This is my own experience, but what kind of sound it is is
I'll lie down here. When I teach a disciple, by examining what kind of sound the disciple heard, it becomes a criterion for judging whether or not the disciple really learned this chakra. Even if you don't use such things as criteria, the leader knows, but if
If you let us know in advance that it is such a sound, you may hear such a sound by self-suggestion, so you should hide anything similar to it. It does not mean that the law is not open to the public. However, it can be said that human hearing is 40,000 to 50,
You can only hear vibration waves of 000 kHz, but if you master this chakra, your hearing will be more than doubled. The heart of a person who is 100 meters away
You can also hear the heartbeat of the viscera. By the way, the hearing of dogs is 80, 〇 〇
It is said to be 〇 to 90, 000 kilohertz.
Also, listen to various voices. You will hear the voice of the leading spirit clearly.
This is also the ability of Yoga Sutras to "understand the meaning of the screams of all creatures." It is a Buddhist heavenly ear connoisseur.
In addition, this chakra is closely related to the muscle movements of the head, upper limbs (both arms) and chest.
6 = Ajnya Chakra
6 Pituitary gland
You will have abnormal clairvoyance. In "Yoga Sutras", "By shining light on the manifestation of the mind, we can know even the finest things, hidden things that are hidden from the public, and things that are far away. Is the ability.
Telepathic ability is generated. This chakra is the Siddy that makes it possible to do the "Great Deflection" in "Yoga Sutras".
This chakra is also called the command chakra, the desire fulfillment chakra, and the free power chakra, and when you become proficient, you will be able to command nature, move it freely, and control it freely.
7 Sahasrara chakra
Pineal gland / pineal gland "
It is the part of the pineal gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.
A chakra called Mirdha jyotis. Brahma-randhra Located just below the junction of the skull, the seat of the sword, the rift at the tip. The seat of the 梵, the rift of the 梵, means the place to be one with the 梵, that is, the sacred thing.
When you awaken this chakra, a light appears in this part and it shines brightly. The light in my head.
This chakra integrates all chakras and controls it freely. He gradually transforms when he has free control over all the chakras. Kundalini Yoga describes this as one with the sacred. It is said that the Holy Spirit will dwell in this chakra and will interact with the Holy Spirit. The practitioner who completed this chakra is called a superhuman, a master, and a savior. Baiyue transcends the physical world and is no longer restricted by time and space. In India, the Buddha is a superhuman, showing in form that he is the perfector of this chakra. The top of the Buddha's head is raised as if he was wearing his hat, which is called "flesh training". It shows that the training of the Sahaslara chakra is completed and the skull is developed in this way.
The above is the mystery of Kundalini Yoga.
2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana
Table of chakras and endocrine
Controlled endocrine therapy
And internal employment
Gonad / kidney
Adrenal gland / dismissal
2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana
Sun nerve
Adrenal gland, pancreas, spleen, stomach, liver
Thymus / heart / lung occupation
Vishudda "
Thyroid / epithelial body,
(Parathyroid gland) Salivary glands,
Pituitary gland
Pineal gland / pineal gland "
実践 輪廻転生瞑想法〈3〉あなたも仏陀になれる水晶龍神瞑想法
(2021/4/7 10:43時点)
(2021/4/7 10:43時点)

Therefore, let's take the plunge and give an overview of the chakra awakening method.
Earlier, I mentioned that creating routes for chakras and Senfu ruggies would help awaken the chakras. That's exactly right, without it
It can be said that the awakening of the chakra is almost impossible. In particular, route building for Ajnya Chakrahe plays a very important role.
However, that alone will not achieve the awakening of the chakras. It's a completely different method.
The course is roughly as follows.
Secret mantra special chanting method
I, the practitioner knows the exact location of his chakra.
The location varies from person to person, so the cap will tell you the exact location)
2. Hit a special vibration on the place of this chakra. To that end, first
3. Create a vibration route that conveys this special vibration. There are some routes that overlap with the chakra / thousand ruggie routes that have been created so far, but most of them will be newly created. It is a route that leads directly to the chakras.
Use "XX" to create this route. -(Especially secret, but if you read this book carefully, you should be able to get a hint)
4. Can generate and write the special vibration.
5. Transmit the vibration to the route and hit the chakra.
It is as above.
This vibration is a special secret method that awakens the chakras, and is my most secret secret.
This special vibration uses the diaphragm, thoracic cavity, and abdominal cavity to cause special vibration.
Reincarnation Meditation III
By the way, one physical "force" is needed to reverse the intention.
It is also clear that there is.
The intention is intangible, and the physical force is not without it, but it is very weak. Needs to be strengthened. It's not just about doing it, it's about making it powerful enough to "move" and "stimulate" the chakras in the end.
You have to.
In other words, a kind of conversion work must be done to enhance the psychological action to the physical action.
If conversion is over, it can be said to be strengthening. Here is the secret of "breathing".
Where, how, and how to retain the power generated by will and breathing is the secret of Shakuson's Kundalini Yoga.
It starts with making a path
First, the route of chakra energy is shown.
This basic route uses the "meridian" route of Chinese medicine.
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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
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入門 瞑想 基本講座 Meditation basic course

2024-02-24 07:35:52 | タブレットPC

人間は、仕事をし、はたらいて、活動したあと、かならず休んで体力の回復 をはからなければならない。
そして睡眠は最もよい休息であり、人間が生きていく上に絶対必要なもので ある。
しかし、眠ることが必要度を越えて多いときは、かえって心を弛緩させてし まう。また睡眠不足もよくない。 睡眠は適度に調節するように。
衣服は、厚着にもならず、薄着にもならず、寒からず暑からずの服装で、清 潔なものがよい。帯、ベルトなどをゆるやかにして、意識がひっかからないよ うにする。
瞑想する人は、常に、息を細く長く、乱れないように心がけねばならない。 息づかいが荒いと、心も乱れて、おさめにくくなるからである。
瞑想するしないにかかわらず、人間は常に呼吸を調えなければいけない。 動作が粗雑であると、息づかいが乱れる。 息づかいが乱れると、思考も粗雑に なるのである。
呼吸が調っている人は、心も安定している。 その反対に、心を安定させたけ れば、息を調え、安定させることである。
呼吸を調えると同時に、心を調える。 それには、二つの方法がある。
二つには、心の四つの相、浮 ・浮・寛・急をほどよく調和させることである。
座所に向かって合掌してから静坐、すなわち静かに坐る。座に着いたら、 どっしりと落ち着いて、安楽に坐ろう。
同時に、胸を少し引っ込めるようにして、腹部は少し前に出し、両肩の力を ぬいて、自然な姿勢をとる。
要をあげていえば、 寛ならず急ならざること。 ゆったりしすぎず、せわしか らず、これが身体の調った相である。
Release the turmoil in your heart through meditation. [5 minutes a day, 3 steps] Basic meditation course for beginners
There are times when you feel tired or feel restless because of your busy schedule. By making ``meditation'' a habit for 5 minutes a day, you can become more sensitive to changes in your body and mind, organize what you need and don't need, and work on the tasks at hand. In fact, there are many rational and happy things, such as increased efficiency. Become aware of your neutral self and make your daily life richer and simpler. We would like to introduce ``meditation'' that busy people living in a stressful society should practice.
3. Check your sleep
After working, working, and being active, humans must take a break to recover their physical strength.
Sleep is the best form of rest, and it is absolutely necessary for humans to survive.
However, when he sleeps more than he needs, it actually relaxes his mind and makes him addicted. Lack of sleep is also not good. Adjust your sleep appropriately.
4. Check yourself
Clothes should be clean, not too thick or too light, and should keep you warm or cold. He keeps his obi, belt, etc. loose so that he doesn't get caught.
Check the five breaths
Those who meditate must always try to keep their breath short, long, and undisturbed. If your breathing is rough, your mind will be disturbed and it will be difficult to calm down.
Regardless of whether we meditate or not, humans must always control their breathing. If your movements are rough, your breathing will become erratic. When his breathing becomes erratic, his thinking also becomes coarse.
People whose breathing is balanced also have a stable mind. On the other hand, if he wants to stabilize his mind, he should control his breath and stabilize it.
Examine the six hearts
While you control your breathing, you also control your mind. There are two ways to do this.
One thing to do is to control your mind, which tends to be disturbed, and concentrate on correct breathing.
The second is to harmonize the four aspects of the mind, floating, floating, relaxed, and sudden.
The above is a general rule, and you should try to meditate anytime, anywhere, and in any situation.
Then, meditate freely, comfortably, and at ease.
go into meditation
palms together
kneeling position
Facing the seat, put your palms together and then sit quietly. Once you are seated, sit comfortably and calmly.
First, join hands.
light incense
It's a good idea to use incense sticks to help you know when it's time to meditate.
check your body
First, massage your body.
Before crossing your legs, rotate your ankles to loosen them.
Next, move your body forward, left and right seven or eight times, turn your neck and shoulders, etc.
Let's release the tension in your body.
Keep your head and neck in a natural, straight, and proper posture.
Lift your forehead forward and pull your lower jaw slightly to relieve tension in your head and neck.
At the same time, try to pull your chest back a little, bring your abdomen forward a little, relax your shoulders, and assume a natural posture.
In short, don't relax and don't rush. Not too relaxed and not too hasty; this is the state of being in good physical condition.
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2024年2月24日  九星  無料 今日の運命

2024-02-24 06:39:08 | タブレットPC
この日には不遇、失意気味の来訪者が多いものです。自分自身も、憂い事で憂鬱になるものです。 部下や子供の問題も出る。この日は特に陰徳に心がけることが大切です。
凌犯期間  親の日
勢至菩薩 偉大な智慧の光を持つ菩薩

02月24日 (土曜)月齢
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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
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2024-02-23 17:42:22 | タブレットPC
このブータンにおいて、ブータン仏教の最高指導者として第六十八代のジェ ケンポを務められ、現在、世界のチベット密教界で最高の法脈を継承されてい テンジンテンドップ大僧正猊下から、密教の中で最高の尊い法の伝法灌頂 極秘伝のある秘法を伝授いただき、法脈を相承し、法号を授けられたのである
これは王者の説法をする仏法守護者”という意味で、 十七世紀にブータン 仏教界で名をはせた大僧正に因んだ由緒ある法名である。
また、テンジン・デンドップ大僧正猊下からは、尊い法を惜しみなく伝授し ていただいた上で、尊い仏さまや法衣、 法具を多数いただいた。
さきにのべたように、わたくしは、過去に二度、チベット密教の灌頂を受 け、法を継承している。まず一九八三年、古儀チベット密教ニンマ派から、ニ ンマ派のチベット密教古派に伝わる秘法と法脈を受けた。つぎに一九九三年、 サキャ派から金剛界胎蔵界両部の秘法を伝授され、チベットに伝わるインド 中期密教瑜伽タントラの法脈を受け継いでいる。
そして今回、カギュ派から受けた伝法灌頂は、密教の最終段階といわれるイ ンド後期密教・無上瑜伽タントラの秘法であり、この灌頂を以て、わたくしは チベット仏教のすべての法脈を受け継いだことになる。
つまり、仏教には、それぞれちがった三つの系統の仏教がある、ということである。もっとわかりやすくいうならば、仏教には三種類の仏教があるということだ。 このことは、非常に重要である。
仏教を信仰するしないは別として、仏教国といわれる日本人として、当 然持っておらねばならぬ知識であり、教養といわねばならない。
文化人を自称している人たちでさえ、このことを知らぬ人が多い。それでい もの知り顔に仏教を論じたりしているのだから、あきれてしまう。
1、北に伝わった仏教 (北伝仏教)
3、東に伝わった仏教 (東伝仏教)
この三つに分かれた仏教は、それぞれ「仏教」と称しながら、みな、その内 容を異にして発達していったのである。 どう分かれようと内容がおなじならば 問題はないが、その内容がことごとくちがうのである。そこに大きな問題が生 ずる。しかし、そのことについては、ここでは論じないことにする。
これは、インドから中国大陸、朝鮮半島を経て、日本に伝わった仏教である。 日本では「大乗仏教」とよばれている。
スリランカから、これら東アジアの諸国に伝わったものの、ごく最近まで、 日本には伝わってこなかった。日本では、ごく一部で経典の研究がおこなわれ ていたが、宗旨宗派が形成されるにいたらなかった。
スリランカでは「上座部仏教」(テーラヴァーダ)という。その意味は、「長老 たちを通じて連綿と伝承されてきたブッダの伝統的教説」という。誠に誇り高 名称というべきであろう。
テーラヴァーダの立場からいうと、日本の大乗仏教など、偽の経典で、手に とる価値もない、ということになるかもしれない。
聞きなれない名称だと不審に思う向きもあろうかと思う。これはわたくしが 命名したもので、インドから東に伝わった仏教―チベット仏教のことであ る。(地理的に正確に東方というのではない。南伝・北伝に対しての謂いである)
チベット仏教は、どちらかというと、北伝の大乗仏教に近い。それは、「後期 大乗」の密教を主とするからである。
東伝仏教の特色は、南伝仏教や北伝仏教にない神秘的で強力な霊法を持つ密 教であることだが、この東伝仏教が伝わったチベットやネパールなどでは、近 年、さまざまな理由で、本来の力強い原初的、神秘的な霊力が失われつつある。 しかしながら、ブータンだけは東伝仏教を国教とし、大切に守り伝えてきて おり、古来から伝わる強力な霊力のある秘法がそのままのかたちで継承されて きているのである。
仏教が、三つのものにバラバ ラになっているかぎり、完全と はいえない。この三つのバラバ ラの仏教が、一つの仏教に融合 したとき、完全な仏教といえる のではないか。
わたくしは、二十一世紀の仏教は、この完全仏教でなければ ならないと思うのである。
阿含宗はすでに、南伝、北伝、東伝の三つの仏教体系を統合した世界で唯一 の完全仏教教団である。しかも、今回のブータン仏教から強力な霊力を持つ、 世界最高の霊法を伝えられたことにより、霊力の面でも完璧となり、名実とも に世界的な完全仏教となった。
阿含宗の密教といわず、 阿含宗の仏教が、これで世界的なものになったと胸を張っていうことができると考えている。
このブータンにおいては、いまでも生まれ変わりが深く信じられているのでこれはブータン王国に、仏教留学している阿含宗の僧侶からの話であるが、 子供が年上のおじと思われる人物に向かって、そのおじの亡くなった父親の声 色でお説教をしているという場面が見られるそうである。
Dharma inherited from Bhutanese Buddhism
I went to the Kingdom of Bhutan in June 2010.
In this Bhutan, he served as the 68th Jekenpo, the supreme leader of Bhutanese Buddhism, and is currently inheriting the highest Buddhist tradition in the world of Tibetan esoteric Buddhism. The highest and most precious law was transmitted to him. He was taught a very secret method, accepted the Dharma lineage, and was given a Dharma name.
The name of the law is ``Ngawang Gertsen'', which is translated into Japanese as ``Zhishenggojizaishohohon''.
This name means ``the protector of Buddhism who preaches the sermons of kings,'' and is a venerable Buddhist name named after the great monk who became famous in the Buddhist world of Bhutan in the 17th century.
In addition, His High Priest Tenzin Dendup generously taught him the precious Dharma, and he received many precious Buddha statues, Buddhist robes, and ritual implements.
As I mentioned earlier, I have received Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism empowerment twice in the past and have inherited the Dharma. First, in 1983, from the Nyingma sect of ancient Tibetan esoteric Buddhism, he received the secret methods and principles passed down in the ancient sect of Tibetan esoteric Buddhism. Next, in 1993, he was initiated into the secret methods of both the Vajrayana and the Womb Realms by the Sakya sect, and has inherited the dharma system of the middle Indian esoteric Buddhism Yuga Tantra, which was passed down to Tibet.
And this time, the Denpo Empowerment that I received from the Kagyu sect is a secret method of the late Ndo Esoteric Buddhism and Mujo Yuga Tantra, which is said to be the final stage of Esoteric Buddhism. It means that I inherited it.
There are three types of Buddhism
There are three systems in Buddhism.
In other words, there are three distinct branches of Buddhism. To put it more simply, there are three types of Buddhism. This is very important.
Northern Buddhism
Southern Buddhism
Regardless of whether you believe in Buddhism or not, as Japanese people who are said to be a Buddhist country, this is knowledge that you must have, and it can be called culture.
However, most Japanese people do not know this.
Many people, even those who call themselves cultural figures, do not know this. And yet he was discussing Buddhism with such a knowledgeable face, which made me astounded.
If you don't know it yet, I would like you to study it a little.
Buddhism divided into north and southeast routes
The three types of Buddhism are from India, the birthplace of Buddhism,
1. Buddhism that spread to the north (Hokuden Buddhism)
2. Buddhism that was introduced to the south (Southern Buddhism)
3. Buddhism that spread to the East (Toden Buddhism)
Although these three branches of Buddhism were each called ``Buddhism,'' they all developed with different contents. There is no problem if the content is the same no matter how it is divided, but the content is completely different. A big problem arises there. However, I will not discuss that here.
This is a form of Buddhism that spread from India to Japan via mainland China and the Korean Peninsula. In Japan, it is called ``Mahayana Buddhism.''
At first, I desperately studied and practiced Mahayana Buddhism.
This is a form of Buddhism that spread from India to Sri Lanka, and from there to Thailand, Burma (Myanmar), Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
Although it was introduced to these East Asian countries from Sri Lanka, it did not reach Japan until very recently. In Japan, the study of scriptures was carried out in a small number of areas, but no sects were formed.
This was a Buddhism that was completely different from Northern Buddhism.
It is a sect that upholds the only sutra written directly by Shakyamuni, the Agon Sutra.
In Sri Lanka, it is called ``Theravada Buddhism.'' Its meaning is ``Buddha's traditional teachings that have been passed down through the elders''. It should be a truly proud name.
From a Theravada's perspective, Japan's Mahayana Buddhism may be considered a false scripture and not worth picking up.
So, what kind of Buddhism is Toden Buddhism?
I think some people may be suspicious of an unfamiliar name. This is the name I gave it, and it refers to Tibetan Buddhism, a form of Buddhism that spread from India to the east. (Geographically speaking, it is not exactly eastern. It is a reference to southern and northern legends.)
Tibetan Buddhism is rather similar to the northern tradition of Mahayana Buddhism. This is because it focuses on the ``late Mahayana'' esoteric Buddhism.
A distinctive feature of Toden Buddhism is that it is an esoteric Buddhism that has mysterious and powerful spiritual laws that are not found in Southern Buddhism or Northern Buddhism, but in recent years, in Tibet and Nepal, where Toden Buddhism was introduced, various For some reason, the original, powerful, primordial, mystical spiritual power is being lost. However, Bhutan is the only country where Toden Buddhism is the state religion, and it has been carefully preserved and handed down, and the ancient secrets of powerful spiritual power have been passed down in their original form.
Complete Buddhism is Buddhism that combines the above three systems of Buddhism into one Buddhism.
As long as Buddhism is divided into three parts, it cannot be said to be complete. When these three separate forms of Buddhism are fused into one Buddhism, it can be said to be complete Buddhism.
I believe that the Buddhism of the 21st century must be this complete Buddhism.
The Agon sect is already the only complete Buddhist order in the world that integrates the three Buddhist systems of Southern, Northern, and Eastern Buddhism. What's more, as Bhutanese Buddhism imparted the world's best spiritual law with powerful spiritual power, it has become perfect in terms of spiritual power, and has become a world-class complete Buddhism in both name and reality.
I believe that we can proudly say that not only the esoteric Buddhism of the Agon sect, but the Buddhism of the Agon sect has now become world-renowned.
Bhutan has a secret method of reincarnation.
The secrets of Bhutan, the land of reincarnation
The Kingdom of Bhutan and the Agon sect, which have carefully preserved and handed down Toden Buddhism, have had deep ties for a long time.
We have exchanges with them, and every year we send some monks to train there.
In Bhutan, there is still a deep belief in reincarnation, so this story comes from an Agon sect monk who is studying Buddhism in the Kingdom of Bhutan. Apparently, there is a scene in which the uncle preaches in the voice of his late father.
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2024-02-23 13:14:40 | タブレットPC
みなさんも、緊張した時には「深呼吸」をしたり、ストレスを感じた時には「ため息」をついたりしていませんか? 実はこの行動も、呼吸と自律神経の関係から説明することが可能なのです。

Rather than being bogged down by distractions such as past experiences or preconceived notions, we focus on the five senses of our bodies, and perceive and accept reality as it is, such as our feelings at this moment and our current physical situation.
The concept of mindfulness comes from Buddhism
The person who popularized the term "mindfulness" is Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, a professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and founding director of the university's Mindfulness Center.
In defining mindfulness, Dr. Kabat-Zinn aimed to "eliminate religiosity." This is said to be the key to shedding scientific light on mindfulness and spreading it into the medical field.
The concept of mindfulness is said to originate from Buddhism, and the idea has been around in Japan for over 1,500 years. For this reason, many Japanese people seem to be confused about the difference between mindfulness and Zen.
Mindfulness is a state of mind that is focused on the present moment, and the roots of mindfulness techniques, such as Zen and Buddhist meditation, are also said to be training methods for achieving a state of mindfulness. Can be defined. In other words, many well-known meditation methods can be said to be ways to reach the psychological state of mindfulness.
The effect becomes clear little by little
Since Dr. Kabat-Zinn proposed mindfulness, it has been practiced in many medical institutions, and many papers have been written researching its effects. As a result, the benefits of mindfulness became increasingly recognized, and at the same time many meditation centers were established in the United States, and it began to be adopted by intellectually curious entrepreneurs and artists.
In the 2000s, with the development of brain science, it has become scientifically clear that mindfulness is effective in improving mental health and productivity.
So, what are the effects of mindfulness?
The first one is physical. It has been proven to improve immunity, lower blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and is said to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, helping you sleep better.
The second is the mental aspect. It has been proven to relieve tension and depression, reduce anxiety, and improve stress tolerance.
Thirdly, in terms of brain function, concentration and memory have improved, allowing you to concentrate on each task even when you are working on multiple tasks at the same time, and improving the quality of your work and study. This leads to high performance.
Research has shown that people who meditated for 40 minutes or more every day for many years experienced an increase in the thickness of their cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that is responsible for perception, thinking, reasoning, and memory.
Try practicing with breathing
Although many papers have been published demonstrating the effects of mindfulness, it is still relatively unfamiliar in Japan, and many people may not know what to do even if they are told to "focus on the present moment." Is it not?
How can you achieve a state of mindfulness? Here we will briefly explain one method of breathing meditation that uses ``breathing,'' which is the basis of mindfulness.
First, adjust your posture.
Sit shallowly in a chair, spread your legs slightly apart, and stretch your back by imagining that a string is being pulled from above your head. Place your hands in your lap, palms facing up, close your eyes, and relax your body.
Next, focus on breathing as you are.
The basics are ``nasal breathing,'' in which you inhale through your nose and exhale through your nose, and try to breathe normally. Concentrate on the air flowing through your nose and the swelling of your belly.
When you notice your thoughts wandering, return your attention to your breathing.
Ideally, you should avoid places like your bed, futon, or sofa that are associated with sleep, and choose a place where you feel safe while meditating.
The time can be short at first. It is important to incorporate this into your daily routine, even if it is short, and continue to do so. Once you get used to it, try aiming for 20 to 30 minutes every day.
By correcting your posture and focusing on your breathing, you can calm your thoughts and give yourself more time to distance yourself from past painful experiences and worries about the future.
We breathe approximately 30,000 times a day. Most of this is done unconsciously.
It is said that many people today, who are busy every day and whose sympathetic nervous system tends to dominate, tend to have shallow breathing, making it difficult to perform in a way that suits them.
That's why it's important to start by focusing on your breathing.
Improve your well-being through breathing and posture
Breathing is the only way to consciously control the autonomic nervous system, which works without rest in an unconscious state. By breathing deeply and slowly, you can activate the parasympathetic nervous system and calm your mood.
Don't you all take deep breaths when you're nervous or sigh when you feel stressed? In fact, this behavior can also be explained from the relationship between breathing and the autonomic nervous system.
Breathing, where you pause for a moment and focus on breathing out and breathing in without worrying about the past or future, is a simple technique to "focus your attention on the here and now," as exemplified by meditation and mindfulness. Therefore, it can be said to be an effort to enrich lives from an anti-aging and preventive medicine perspective.
Breathing is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system when we inhale, and the parasympathetic nervous system when we exhale. The autonomic nervous system cannot be controlled by one's will, but it can be controlled to some extent through breathing techniques.
If you make your exhalation longer than your inhalation, your parasympathetic nervous system will become dominant, so if you're feeling nervous or want to relax, try focusing on your exhalation.

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2024-02-23 13:14:40 | タブレットPC
みなさんも、緊張した時には「深呼吸」をしたり、ストレスを感じた時には「ため息」をついたりしていませんか? 実はこの行動も、呼吸と自律神経の関係から説明することが可能なのです。

Rather than being bogged down by distractions such as past experiences or preconceived notions, we focus on the five senses of our bodies, and perceive and accept reality as it is, such as our feelings at this moment and our current physical situation.
The concept of mindfulness comes from Buddhism
The person who popularized the term "mindfulness" is Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, a professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and founding director of the university's Mindfulness Center.
In defining mindfulness, Dr. Kabat-Zinn aimed to "eliminate religiosity." This is said to be the key to shedding scientific light on mindfulness and spreading it into the medical field.
The concept of mindfulness is said to originate from Buddhism, and the idea has been around in Japan for over 1,500 years. For this reason, many Japanese people seem to be confused about the difference between mindfulness and Zen.
Mindfulness is a state of mind that is focused on the present moment, and the roots of mindfulness techniques, such as Zen and Buddhist meditation, are also said to be training methods for achieving a state of mindfulness. Can be defined. In other words, many well-known meditation methods can be said to be ways to reach the psychological state of mindfulness.
The effect becomes clear little by little
Since Dr. Kabat-Zinn proposed mindfulness, it has been practiced in many medical institutions, and many papers have been written researching its effects. As a result, the benefits of mindfulness became increasingly recognized, and at the same time many meditation centers were established in the United States, and it began to be adopted by intellectually curious entrepreneurs and artists.
In the 2000s, with the development of brain science, it has become scientifically clear that mindfulness is effective in improving mental health and productivity.
So, what are the effects of mindfulness?
The first one is physical. It has been proven to improve immunity, lower blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and is said to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, helping you sleep better.
The second is the mental aspect. It has been proven to relieve tension and depression, reduce anxiety, and improve stress tolerance.
Thirdly, in terms of brain function, concentration and memory have improved, allowing you to concentrate on each task even when you are working on multiple tasks at the same time, and improving the quality of your work and study. This leads to high performance.
Research has shown that people who meditated for 40 minutes or more every day for many years experienced an increase in the thickness of their cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that is responsible for perception, thinking, reasoning, and memory.
Try practicing with breathing
Although many papers have been published demonstrating the effects of mindfulness, it is still relatively unfamiliar in Japan, and many people may not know what to do even if they are told to "focus on the present moment." Is it not?
How can you achieve a state of mindfulness? Here we will briefly explain one method of breathing meditation that uses ``breathing,'' which is the basis of mindfulness.
First, adjust your posture.
Sit shallowly in a chair, spread your legs slightly apart, and stretch your back by imagining that a string is being pulled from above your head. Place your hands in your lap, palms facing up, close your eyes, and relax your body.
Next, focus on breathing as you are.
The basics are ``nasal breathing,'' in which you inhale through your nose and exhale through your nose, and try to breathe normally. Concentrate on the air flowing through your nose and the swelling of your belly.
When you notice your thoughts wandering, return your attention to your breathing.
Ideally, you should avoid places like your bed, futon, or sofa that are associated with sleep, and choose a place where you feel safe while meditating.
The time can be short at first. It is important to incorporate this into your daily routine, even if it is short, and continue to do so. Once you get used to it, try aiming for 20 to 30 minutes every day.
By correcting your posture and focusing on your breathing, you can calm your thoughts and give yourself more time to distance yourself from past painful experiences and worries about the future.
We breathe approximately 30,000 times a day. Most of this is done unconsciously.
It is said that many people today, who are busy every day and whose sympathetic nervous system tends to dominate, tend to have shallow breathing, making it difficult to perform in a way that suits them.
That's why it's important to start by focusing on your breathing.
Improve your well-being through breathing and posture
Breathing is the only way to consciously control the autonomic nervous system, which works without rest in an unconscious state. By breathing deeply and slowly, you can activate the parasympathetic nervous system and calm your mood.
Don't you all take deep breaths when you're nervous or sigh when you feel stressed? In fact, this behavior can also be explained from the relationship between breathing and the autonomic nervous system.
Breathing, where you pause for a moment and focus on breathing out and breathing in without worrying about the past or future, is a simple technique to "focus your attention on the here and now," as exemplified by meditation and mindfulness. Therefore, it can be said to be an effort to enrich lives from an anti-aging and preventive medicine perspective.
Breathing is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system when we inhale, and the parasympathetic nervous system when we exhale. The autonomic nervous system cannot be controlled by one's will, but it can be controlled to some extent through breathing techniques.
If you make your exhalation longer than your inhalation, your parasympathetic nervous system will become dominant, so if you're feeling nervous or want to relax, try focusing on your exhalation.

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シンギングボウルとは?  What is a singing bowl?

2024-02-23 08:02:35 | タブレットPC
シンギングボウル(Singing Bowl)とは、「シンギング」=歌う・音を出す、「ボウル」=器のことです。

A singing bowl is a bowl that is used to sing or make sounds.
By tapping or rubbing the edges with a stick, you can create unique soothing tones and overtones.
Singing bowls, also known as Tibetan singing bowls, singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, Tibetan bowls, and Dhonipatro, are made of metal and can be handmade or machine-made.
The size ranges from a few centimeters in diameter for small ones to around 10 centimeters in diameter, and up to nearly 100 centimeters in diameter for large ones.
The overtones produced by singing bowls are vibrations that are multiples of the basic sound, and are said to have a comforting and healing effect.
Buddha  Japan Journal
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日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
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「ブッダの成仏法は、あらゆる因縁を解き、人にたいしてのみ、はたらくのではない。あらゆる存在にたいし て、力を及ぼす 

2024-02-23 07:24:55 | タブレットPC
``Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood dissolves all causes and causes, and does not work only on humans.It exerts power on all beings.
One day, just like the apocalypse, dark clouds loomed over the land of Mongolia. The storm was so frightening that it reminded us of the end of the world. However, even in these dark times, one person continued to shine a light of hope.
He was deeply devoted to the teachings of Buddha and believed in the power that these teachings had on the universe. And he was convinced that his teachings worked on all beings.
``Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood dissolves all causes and causes and cuts off their roots.It exerts its power not only on people but on everything that exists,'' he powerfully explained.
However, he swore to himself that it was not only effective against people, but also against all beings. The law of cause and effect is the basic principle of the universe, and karmic forces operate according to that law. And it is possible to overturn that law, solve the cause, change the relationship, and cut off the fruit.
Until now, he has shown his power to many people, but he has not yet had the opportunity to demonstrate his power to a large organization such as a nation. But the Mongolian crisis provides just that opportunity.
"Shaka's method of attaining Buddhahood. If the Great King of Angolmois appears, we can overcome any crisis in the world!" he said with confidence.
And along with his conviction, his thoughts subtly changed. He became acutely aware of his mission and began to think that he might have been sent to deal with the crisis in Mongolia.
However, I could only think that this idea was not just a coincidence, and that something was at work. And the moment he felt something move him, his heart changed to believing in Nostradamus' prophecy.
Yes, he's not alone. The laws of the universe are with him, guiding him to fulfill his mission.
「ブッダの成仏法は、あらゆる因縁を解き、栗を絶つ。それは決して、人にたいしてのみ 力を発揮するのではないのである。 存在するものすべてにその力は及ぶのである」
「ブッダの成仏法は、人にたいしてのみ、はたらくのではない。あらゆる存在にたいし て、力を及ぼす。 因果の法則は、ものの存在の原則である。業の力は、その因果の法則の範疇に入る。その因果の法則をくつがえし、因を解き、縁を変え、果を絶つ。 すべての 事象にたいし、その力を及ぼす。 それは、世界を変えるのだ」
これまで、人にたいしては、かず多くその力を証明してきたわたくしだが、一つの国家 という大きな集合体にたいしては、 その力を実証する機会を持たなかった。それを、モンゴルの出来ごとは、みごとに証明してくれたのだ。
シャカの成仏法 アンゴルモアの大王が出現すれば、どんな世界の危機をも乗り越え られる!
その確信を、わたくしは、いよいよ深めたのである。そしてそれと同時に、わたくしの 考えは微妙に変わった。というのは、わたくしはこう考えたのである。
読者よ、笑ってはいけない。 わたくしはほんとうにそう思ったのだ。なぜならば、すべ 偶然にしては、あまりにもお膳立てが揃い過ぎているのである。 なにかの力がはたら いているとしか思えなかった。
(あとから考えても、この「奇蹟」は、阿含仏教の復権・復活のために、この時期、ぜっ 起きていなければならない出来ごとだったのである)
そう思った瞬間、はじめて、心底から、 ノストラダムスの予言を信じようという気持になった。
What kind of confidence?
It is confidence in the Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood.
I have always been
``Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood dissolves all causes and eliminates all karma.It never exerts its power only on people.It extends to everything that exists.''
Yes, that's what I've been preaching.
``Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood does not work only on humans; it exerts power on all beings. The law of cause and effect is the principle of the existence of things. The power of karma falls within the scope of that law of cause and effect. It overturns the law of cause and effect, unravels causes, changes relationships, and ends effects. It exerts its power over all phenomena. It changes the world."
Yes, I have continued to preach.
Up until now, I have proven my power over many people, but I have never had the opportunity to demonstrate my power against a large group like a nation. The events in Mongolia brilliantly proved this.
Shaka's method of attaining Buddhahood If the Great King of Angolmois appears, he can overcome any crisis in the world!
I have gradually deepened that belief. At the same time, my thinking changed slightly. Because this is what I thought.
I thought that some being had sent me to Mongolia during the crisis in order to make me more aware of its mission.
Reader, don't laugh. I really thought so. This is because the arrangements are far too complete for this to be a coincidence. All I could think was that some kind of power was working on him.
(Even in hindsight, this ``miracle'' was an event that had to happen at this time for the restoration and revival of Agon Buddhism.)
Something is moving me!
The moment I thought that, for the first time, I felt from the bottom of my heart the desire to believe in Nostradamus' prophecies.
Buddha  Japan Journal
Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
Buddha 2Japan journala
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト
大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai
デジタル  健康   PC カメラ 家電
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