

自車; ego vehicleでいいのか?

2021-06-28 10:13:55 | 英語特許散策

Environmental Perception for fast motion planning: exploiting other vehicles as "environmental probes”

• Impending Bump/pothole - velocity redirected up or down along the vertical y axis
・  差し迫ったバンプ/ポットホール‐垂直y軸に沿って上下に再方向付けられる速度

o Detection: rapid instantaneous vertical velocity, well in excess of the gradient of the road as evinced from maps.
o  検出:  マップから明らかなように道路の勾配をはるかに超える高速の瞬間的な垂直速度。

o Utility: alert that a bump is imminent, allowing time to decelerate for passenger comfort, and or enhanced vehicle control.
o  実用性:  バンプが差し迫っていることを警告し、乗客が快適に過ごせるように減速する時間を確保し、および/または車両制御を強化する。

• Onset of Rain/ice (skidding) - microscale vehicle velocity shifts in horizontal plane without bulk velocity vector change
・  雨/氷の発生(横滑り)‐バルク速度ベクトルの変化を伴わない水平面内でのマイクロスケールの車両速度シフト
o Detection: random walk of position of vehicle returns well in excess of standard ego (i.e., own car) motion.
o  検出:車両の位置のランダムウォークは、標準的な自我(すなわち、自車)の動きをはるかに超えて戻る。
[0097] In step 401, a high-resolution Doppler LIDAR system 340 is configured on a vehicle 310 (also called an own vehicle below to distinguish form separate vehicles 396 in the vicinity).
  401ステップにおいて、高解像度ライダーシステム340が車両310(周辺に別の車両396を区別するために以下、車両(Own  Vehicle)ともいう)に構成される。
In some embodiments, the configuration includes installing the LIDAR system 340 on the vehicle 310.
Configuration data is stored in one or more own vehicle databases, either locally on vehicle 310 or remotely or some combination.
構成データは、車両310内で、または遠隔で、または一部の組み合わせで複数の車両(Own  Vehicle)のデータベースに格納される。
Configuration data includes at least the position of the system 340 relative to a center of mass 311 of the vehicle and a field of view 344 of the system relative to the forward direction 313 of the vehicle.
[0019] This detailed description relates to travel lane identification for a vehicle without using road curvature information.
To facilitate this description, a vehicle configured to identify a travel lane in such a manner will be referred to as an “ego vehicle.”
The travel lane can be identified by using information about surrounding objects and, more particularly, surrounding vehicles (e.g., one or more leading vehicles).
As used herein, “surrounding vehicle” or “surrounding object” means a vehicle or object located within the sensor range of the ego vehicle.
“Leading vehicle” or “leading object” means a vehicle or object that is located ahead of a point of reference of an ego vehicle in the travel direction of the ego vehicle.
The point of reference can be defined by any suitable portion of the ego vehicle.
Example of the point of reference can be
the forward-most point of the ego vehicle, a rearward-most point of the ego vehicle, a front axle of the ego vehicle, a rear axle of the ego vehicle,
a front bumper of the ego vehicle, a rear bumper of the ego vehicle, a midpoint of the ego vehicle, or the location of one or more sensors of the ego vehicle.
*天下のトヨタ(のネイティブ発明者)がego vehicleと呼んでいる。しかしネイティブでもown vehicleを使っている。ownの方が日本人としては直訳調で良さそうな気もする。egoはなんだかカッコつけてる気もする。しかし天下のトヨタがego vehicleだ。しかしネイティブでもown vehicle・・・
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