

5月17日(火)のつぶやき その4

2016-05-18 05:05:53 | 報道/ニュース

Dem conventions unravel: Tensions between Sanders/Clinton boil over in NV & AK gop.cm/GSw64t

田中_jack 新生日本情報局さんがリツイート | 7 RT

Rowanne Brewer, the most prominently depicted woman in the failing @nytimes story yesterday joined @foxandfriends.

田中_jack 新生日本情報局さんがリツイート | 3806 RT

The failing @nytimes is greatly embarrassed by the totally dishonest story they did on my relationship with women.

田中_jack 新生日本情報局さんがリツイート | 3349 RT

No wonder the @nytimes is failing?who can believe what they write after the false, malicious & libelous story they did on me.

田中_jack 新生日本情報局さんがリツイート | 3688 RT

Over 50 women were interviewed by the @nytimes yet they only wrote about 6. That’s because there were so many positive statements.

田中_jack 新生日本情報局さんがリツイート | 4777 RT

The writer of the now proven false story in the @nytimes, Michael Barbaro, who was interviewed on CBS this morning, was unable to respond.

田中_jack 新生日本情報局さんがリツイート | 4389 RT

"In politics, and in life, ignorance is not a virtue." This is a primary reason that President Obama is the worst president in U.S. history!

田中_jack 新生日本情報局さんがリツイート | 8787 RT

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« 5月17日(火)のつぶやき その3 | トップ | 民進党や共産党や社民党など... »


