

Wooden cutlery, forks, brush hangers

2008-09-25 16:40:31 | Weblog
By reversing the viewing order you will be able to
read my AIDE MEMOIRE in the first chapter of this
logging, if yuo are so intereted, that is...

After taking my wife to her regular gathering in
Kamakura first thing in the morning today really
started with wet sanding, seen below.

Can you see that the water is no longer murky...

Then, they were subjected to the first of protective
coating see below.

Tongs had been waiting for this session, as below. They
are from an earlier session, now catching up with the
latest batch.

It is imperative that I make the best use of the nail
beds, so some pieces find themselves waiting in the queue.
There are new comers to the coating session, shown below.

These are the propellers, multi-purpose scrapers.
Even, two-pronged forks have joined forces.

At the brush hanger front one progress was made, as seen below.
At least three members are now firmly put togehter.

The afternoon session ended abruptply as I felt that
I need to organize my working environment more wisely,
and I made a quick dash to the nearest DIY shop to buy,

I wanted a marker to scribble on metals, because with
so many L angled jigs I need to mark them with sensible
comments on them. Else, I would not know which ones are for what

purposes! However, I had 99% completed the boots
holders, as shown below.

All that is left now is to fix ornamental metal pieces
to the stems. Metal pieces are also shown. I will still need to
do some drilling work so that metal deformation does

not take place, but once that is done, then they will be ready for shiping!

パエ-リャ 106

2008-09-25 16:40:11 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Hoy no hace calor, muy agradable con un poco de viento.
Ya tienes todo preparado para la cena?
Tengo hamble!

Ahora vamos!

Me duelen mucho las peirnas!

Estas enferma?

Hace mucho tiempo que no hago ejercicio!

Tu crees que merece la pena subir al ultimo piso

de la Sagrada Familia?

para ver toda Barcelona!

Hace mucha neblina y no se ve nada!

Hace dos anoyos que vivo aqui!

Merece la pena visitar Tokio?

Conchita, basta con esto, no?
Encotnces, aqui ahora vamos en ingles!

I have seen quite enough of abroad!

We pitched the dog against the boar!

I am sticking with my decision!

Come off the fence and support us!

She has been around for quite a long time...

We can make do with DOUNOKOUNO!

We got to the far end of the beach

She has got a modelling session on Wednesday!

She told me that she had turned photographer!

I was tingling all over with anticipatin!

Conchita, I go now. Take care!

Wooden cutlery, chopstics, forks

2008-09-24 16:51:07 | Weblog
I have not been dile today, at all...

First thing in the morning I did wet sanding and
coating for the thrid time. They are drying as
you can see.

I added 10 of those two pronged forks, as they appear
to be popular at the gallery.

Coating of these had been suspended for luck of
nail bed space at one stage or another...

As I said I was not takng it easy, at all, and yet
I never came around to doing anything with the brush

I was busy all day. For a start I had to go along to the post office
to effect remittence of the polyurethane cost, then I had to
go to my bank to deposit yestterday's gain.

All in all, the only pysical output from today is
seen below. Can you see the black plastic lid
underneath these pieces?

These pieces are nearly ready for shiping, except
wanting to be rounded around the inside edges.
I was sitting on this plastic thing, doing up the outer edges

and murmuring to myself and looking across at
the above brush hanger components on my left,
"There is a limit to what I can do in a single day...etc, etc"

Yes, the language I think in while on my own is
always Englsih, occasionally Spanish, sometimes

Ever since I entered a senior high in England I have
always been thinking in English. I just cannot get rid of it!
Anyway, I did some mextra work after taking a shower.

See below...

I am determined to work on the brush hanger tommorrow,
before embarking on anything else!

パエ-リャ 105

2008-09-24 16:50:51 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estas bien?

Aqui ahora, es muy agradable...
Hace un poco de viento, no hace calor.
Ya estamos en el otonyo, no?

Uno de estos dias me ire a nuestra casa de naturaleza
en la montanya, con mi madre...

Ahora, vamos!

cafe o te verde?

Que dia es hoy?

Que tiempo hace alla?

Entonces, cafe bien caliente, por favor!

las azafatas

Disculpe, que hora es?

Hace buen tiempo!

Hace sol alla!


Me encanta esta vista!

Conchita, basta con esto, no?
Ahora lengua inglesa...

It is nonetheless likely that DOUNOKOUNO!

It could well be the case!

if they are allowed to get away with it

Somethinh else as to be substituted!

May I enlarge on this point?!

They live two doors away!

He objects to just that!

He can drive a helicopter!

You must start right at the bottom!

There is nothing sinister about t!

Conchita, ya me voy, enough, I believe for now...
Take care! y Tenga la comida preparada para tu familia!

Wooden cutlery, spoons, chopstics

2008-09-23 16:54:07 | Weblog
Today was nice and sunny, not too warm...

As per below, the latest standing order items are
drying, after the first wet sanding, leaving behind
very murky water in the sink...

So, the day seemd to continue as usual, and then
I remembered the mail from the gallery and I rang up,
and ended up going there by bicyle.

What is shown below is part of that gallery...

At the moment the gallery is devoted glassware, but you may
see my little pieces here and there. My piece have been on
display for the last two weeks, and the net income to me

was something like half of the average pocket money/month
for typical employees. Not too bad for the duration?

As a result, I now have a new standing order. It seem that
the owner of the gallery has become aware of the potential
of my works...

Acually, before going there I had workd on the brush
hanger as you can see below.

All I need to do now is to put them, members, into the
final shape, although it can be a little messy.

Coming back from the gallery I then started working on
my boots holders, as shown below.

When you are working with a number of the same objects
the most important cnsideration is to streamline steps.
Pieces are placedwith the spacer in between so that

you do not rely on extra reference lines drawn on the
end of the pieces, in order to judge the area for
adhesive application.

Above schematic is meant to show you the state in which
member pieces are put together, waiting for adhesive

A is the top profile and the red bar is the spacer.
See that the spacer protrudes at the end? This is deliberate,
because this end will be eventually rounded.

With B, I realise that there has been a shift of the spacer
and the eventual side profile. The idead here is that the top
of the spacer also sticks out from the upper end.

These protrusions are to be sanded down, of course.

See above? They are now drying for tommorrow, all crumped.
I used to use crumps as seen below, but, they exert an
enormous shear forces on the handles.

The effects of which are that members of the handles are
off-set to each other during solidification and
it is totally unacceptable!

Tommorrow, I will have to scrutinize all of the
standing orders and see where I should start.

パエ-リャ 104

2008-09-23 16:53:49 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estas bien? Tu familia?

Aqui hoy hace calor, pero hace viento tambien,
agradable, creo...

Ahora, vamos?

Ver el cielo en la noche parace unapintura!

La Noche Estrellada

Es un poco imresionante, no!?

carne y venduras asadas entre piedras calientes,
en un agujero en la tierra

dounokouno donde antiguamente pasaba el camino real

Mexico tiene una variada y sorprendente geografia!

aire frio con aroma a montanya

algo especial, algo diferente

Conchita, basta con esto para hoy, no?
Desde aqui en la lengua inglesa!

Wooden cutlery, tongs and spoons

2008-09-22 16:33:15 | Weblog

You may wonder what above image is all about. This is a piece
of dayflower, more specifically, wondering Jew, as they
call them, I think.

I pulled out this particular piece as long as one month
ago, at the height of the summer heat. It has since been
left on the concrete. It is still green.

I am very much intrigued by it all. It may well be that
there is some secret here, which may one day revolutionalise
cometics industry...

Anyway, coating started, of the latest lot. These are
to be delivered soon.

This was the first time my coating tong was ever used in
practical application. I say it is bloody useful! No
need for two protective gloves!

I must admit that it will take some getting used to,
but it is there to be had and used! Am I not clever?!

I then sifted my attention to the portable boots
holder. I have 8 pieces of commercially available
starting material, as shown above.

Above is an interim stage with 16 pieces, i.e.,
cut into halves. Then, they are further cut into
halves, as shown below.

I will have to work on them tommorrow, but then
in the meantime I will have to make spacers, as
shown in this obscure image, below the bundles.

All I want is a diffrerent cloured spacer, and the dark
walnut will do just as nicely. What is shown below are
those pieces. You just cannot buy them, so you make them yourself!

At the moment I am toying with a new idea about actual
procedures of fabrication. There are subtle points
about this kind of tong family of works.

I will talk more about them from tommorrow on.

パエ-リャ 103

2008-09-22 16:32:48 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estas bien?

Aqui ahora es muy agradable, no calor,
no lluvia, nada...

Ahora, vamos!

No sabia nada que hacer!

No senti nada!

No tenia nada que hacer!

Tal vez no es en si por la ciudad, sino
por la naturaleza que la rodea!

Al subir y bajar de la cordillera

algun rio que se ve como un pequenyo hilo

Ver el sol ocultarse o salir es DOUNOKOUNO

Conchita, yo perdi lo que escribi por un
accidente. Por eso ya me voy...y
desde aqui en la lengua inglesa...

I do not know what is holding me!

What do you put it down to?

This is getting to a point where dounokouno!?

You are in tandem with you friend!

Enjoy life to the ful!

This is a long standing problem!

That should be the first port of call!

One of the sticking points is dounokouno!

We just would not sink our differences!

Not as much as you say you are doing!

I have been down for a few days with a cold!

Conchita, this should suffice for now?
Take care and vaya con Dios!

Wooden cutlery, boots holders, brush hangers

2008-09-21 16:56:20 | Weblog
Today, part of it was spent on taking my wife
to her regular gathering place in Kamakura,
where apparently they read boks in English...

Then, on return, I spent a lot of time, finishing
touches and all that, on my current lot. These
changs are incremental and are hadly discernible.

No photos, therefore...

Once they were done with I then sifted my attention
to the brush hanger. See below.

Can you see the soft iron bridges? As a matter of fact
I did not need to employ any spacer at all. The whole
thing was very tight, just about right for my subsequent

milling operation. You can also see one of the reference lines
along which the bit traverses. Can you also see that the square
nuts are firmly placed in the gutters of the cross-table?

This then is the setup you want. All you need to do now is to
lower the bit and start your milling operation, not in one
go, of course, bit by bit, so thatohmic heating is

under control...

In what follows you see members of my eventual brush hanger.
With each shapr dges have been rounded. See the bar with
holes in it? Not yet bristled with pegs.

I will work on them pegs tommorrow.

I partially assembled the members as shown below,
not completely, of course...

What follows? They are my boots holders. I now have an
initial standing order of 10 for the smaller from a department
store in my region.

Smaller ones being portable boots holders, for, for example, when
you go out for drinking in a restaurante...
You do not want your boots looking witherded, do you?

Larger ones? They are to be kept in your house.

パエ-リャ 102

2008-09-21 16:56:03 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui hoy hace lluvia ligera, y no hace viento.
Que estas haciendo? Leyendo para tus ninyos?
La gente lo hace todos los dias!

Ahora, vamos!

Cuanto cuestan los zapatos?

Es gratis!

Vamos a tomarnos un helado!

Hoy invito yo!

No voy a hacer nada!

Alla hay alguien!

La comida esta servida!

dentro de ellas (女性形の何か)

No he visitadomuchos lugares!

Conchita, basta con esto, no?
Aqui, ahora en ingles!

That is what we come to expect!

We did not like it there!

Do you like it here?

to all intents and purposes

To this day, after a span of some 35years, I still
vividly remember where this phrase was picked up
and ended up in my little notebook...

It was the instructor in the workshop at Imperial College,
he taught us all sorts of skills, from welding to
lathing... and he kept saying this phrase, just about

every 5 minutes of it!

My papers have been tampered with!

It is comforting to know that DOUNOKOUNO!

It has not changed all that much!

before the evening is out

Oh!, I nearly forgot (about it)!

I was on board the same ship!

Conchita, I go now...
Take care and vaya con Dios!