

wooden cutlery, spoons, chopstics

2008-09-20 17:03:43 | Weblog
Today being Saturday I could have concentrated on my
onging work..., but then you can never predict things.

See below.

They all look alright, but they were found to be faulty,
one with a too thin bottom, almost transparent, and
the other with a small crack at its tip.

They will have to be thrown away. One thing, though,
is that the speed at which I can reproduce one of
these is minimal.

If I am really hard pressed I think I can make one
within 30 minutes. Actually, I found another of my
current lot to be faulty. See below.

One of the member is actually not straight, at all!
It has to be thrown away, too. All in all, however,
I am very nearly there, as can be seen with the next.

While working on the current lot, which is for
commercial profits my mind was constantly
drifting away towards the brush hanger.

See below the bottm plate sitting atop the cross-table.

There are a few fixing jigs that I have and the one below is
one of them.

One would natutrally hope that anything might be used
with some conjuring, but not this one! This one is meant for
fixing your work pieces against the wooden block you see

(bolted to the cross-table) to the left, laterally,
that is horizontally!

So, I had to run to the nearest DIY shop to purchase
sets of square nuts and bolts. The idea here is that
with a metal bridge and these nuts and bolts

I should be able to fix the bottom base of my brush
hanger firmly to the cross-table for my milling work.
That is, I want to make grooves.

However, one has to be careful. As with the schematic B
if tightening of the bolt reaches a stage where the tip
actually touches the bottom of the gap seen here

you have a problem, particularly if there is a space
between the bolt head and the top of the work piece.
Schematic A indicates just that.

So, what is the course of your action? Yes, spacers!

You may now understand the sort of problems
I am facing day in day out, trying to tackle new

Am I getting a kick out of all this? I should
think so... (Am I?!)

パエ-リャ 101

2008-09-20 17:03:20 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estas bien?

Aqui hoy no hace mucho calor, con un poco
de viento...muy agradable!


Que clase de programa es!?

Es un programa de anuncios personales!

Todo el mundo lo escucha!

por la radio

Lo mejor de todo es que no cuestan nada!

Es un servicio gratis ofrecido por la emisora!

Y ahora un anuncio para DAREDARE

el partido de futbol entre A y B

Conchita, debe de ser bastante para hoy, no?
Bueno, pues entonces vamos en ingles!

People are reluctant to accept DOUNOKOUNO!

I do not have time to go into all the details!

Another time, another story!

Not too many problems, please!

at the junction of A4 and M1

They will not confirm or deny the report!

It is remaining dry all day

I then slipped into a little cafe!

If I was in any doubt it soon disappeared!

How long does the course last?

Is this in working order?

Conchita, that is it!
Take care and vaya con Dios!

Wooden cutlery, bean curd smashers

2008-09-19 16:53:57 | Weblog
Yesterday I could not upload any imagery.

I have since managed to sort this out and here is one of them.

These are more or less complete, requiring only
minor sanding.

I also managed to do a bit on the spoons, as per below.

Concave surfaces were not formed as of yesterday, but you can
see the side profile, which is not complete yet,
for easy handling of each piece for forming concaves...

You maby be able to see a faint reference line down the
length of the handle, indicating the eventual side profile.

Plus, a bean curd smasher, as here.

Actually, I obtained a new insight into groove
making with bean curd smashers. I may talk about it
later. It has to do with the positioning of my bit.

I think I do it right now, pretty much succinctly.

With the smasher you have three elongated holes.
Which one o you work on first? It is the centre

Once you have the centre hole done it becomes all
so easy to place your bit at the right position
on either side of it.

How, the, do you place your bit correctly on the
cetre line? You use a special width divider, which
I have shown you before...

Yesterday, I also managed to cut out pieces for the
brush hanger, as shown below.

What follows is all I managed to achieve today. Concave surfaces
have been formed and sanding of all surfaces is complete.

Tommorrow I will have to work with chopstics and
generally making sure everything is ready for coating.

A new set of polyurethane coating materials arrived
today, costing me more than JPY 10,000!

パエ-リャ 100

2008-09-19 16:53:21 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui, ahora no hace mucho calor, pero creo que
haceria mucho calor el domingo que viene...

Ya tienes todo preparado para la cena?
Bueno, vamos!

Yo tengo la obligacion de que el atre no termine alli!

Yo continuo con el miso estile, pero
con un poco mas de innovacion!

Mi suenoyo es cumplir mi ta!

para poder seguir trabajando

Te dedico esta cancion!

Dedico toda su vida a obras beneficas...

Yo dedico el fin de semana a la lectura!

A que se dedica?

Cada manya-na me dedico a hacer gimnasia!

Me dedico a la jardineria!

A que te dedicabas el domingo?

Conchita, batsa con esto! Ahora en ingles!

That is exactly the case in point!

You must hack down the trees!

I just did it for the fun of t!

They were standing back to back!

Can you put me through to DAREDARE?

Just drop me a line!

Just give me a shout when ready!

There is a surprise around every corner!

They tend to stay the same more or less as
they are...

What happens then is DOUNOKOUNO...

Can I just squeeze through?

Can I just sum up what you have been saying?

Conchita, here, let us call it a day!
Vaya con Dios!

Wooden cutlery, chopstics, spoons

2008-09-18 16:53:02 | Weblog
First thing in the morning I took my wife to her
regular gathering with friends in Kamakura.

The rest of today was spent mainly on 8 spoons,
plus one bean curd smasher, and cutting out
pieces for the eventual brush hunger.

I took hots of those, but, somehow my system is
not taking my orders and resuses to transfer
those images to my hard disk...

So, I start with what follows.

This is how my mind is developping at the moment,
after the brain storiming session a few days ago.
Unfortunately, however, the main schematic B is

no longer in tune with what I drew a few minutes
ago. So, I go verbally from now.

Up until now, the starng thickness of the pieces
was 15 mm, and I now want to switch to 10 mm,
saving a lot of material.

Also, up until now I made 5 mm depth holes and
5 mm deep trenches to accommodate the plate prings.
Now, I just want to fix the plate prings

without making trenches.

This idea is shown as schematic B above. Naturally,
I want to over up the exposed plate spring and the
nuts fixing them to the handle.

The shaded red block is the cover and there is a
hidden trench in its upper portion, in order
to accommodate the protrusion, by the plate and

mini bolts and nuts. This would be so much easier to
work on. Any discontinuities arising from bonding
the cover can be sanded won, fairly easily.

Spoons' outer shape is ready and tommorrow I will
be creating concaves surfaces in all of them.
I will then be making the 1st coating on them on Saturday...

Sunday is likely to be taken up by BBQ, and no
logging is expected.

パエ-リャ 99

2008-09-18 16:52:45 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Estoy bien y no cansado!
Aqui ahora mismo hace lluvia ligera...,
como en Londres.


Quisiera conocer a ti, un poco mas...

Vienes manya-na?

Quisiera ser cantante...

Buena suerte!

Te vi en el parque!

Ah, si?, cuando?

Ayer, verdad!?

La mayoria de las obras se encuentran solo
en los Estados Unidos!

una de las cosas mas importantes en la vida

Fallecio mi padre hace cinco anyos, y
mi madre hace tres anyos

Me veo con el promiso que prometi a mi madre!

Estoy muy contento de el promiso!

Es que se lo prometi a mi mama!

Conchita, bastante para hoy, no?
Desde ahora, en ingles!

an old train chugging along...

by any standard

Do not give in to them!

We all went out in Jeeps!

more often than not

He is bouncing with confidence!

DK is too heavy on computation!

It is a daunting task!

I will never break it!

It is not as easy as he makes it out it to be!

Conchita, this should suffice for now?
Take care!

Wooden cutlery, spoons, chopstics

2008-09-17 16:46:23 | Weblog
Yesterday, I was visited by K's shopowner.

As a result of her visit, I have a standing order
for more than a dozen items plus one brush hanger
she wants for her farther.

I promised to make one for JPY 2,000. I have materials
for that which I bought for my abrted loom work.
Still, it is a burgain!

She also bought one of my chopstics containers for
JPY 2,000, as a gift to her friend.

Anyway, my standing order includes 8 spoons,
6 chopstics, one beancurd crusher and one
set of salad servers.

The last item is most involved, as you see below.

Those on the extreme ends are those I fabricated
years ago and they are serving as templates.

Here, I start with a block of black walnut, with
34 mm thickness, which is an industry standard.

This is of course too large and you must cut out
your piece to the right dimensios and slice it into
two thinner plates.

The device at the bottom right is an equidistance
finder. It helps you draw your reference line
exactly halfway down the thickness.

Below, you can see two slices...

Templates used, lines cut, and you have a rough

Here, below. See the other half.

From here, work continues to refine them until
they reach the stage shown in the 1st picture
of today.

I spent nearly all day on them, and on top of that
I have coating watinf for them. What will I get
from this set? Something like JPY 4,000!

Of course, I am doing this for my pocket money only,
but it sometimes makes me think...


パエ-リャ 98

2008-09-17 16:46:06 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Cantando?, comiendo?, leyendo?, o escuchando
la musica de juventud?

Aqui, todavia hace mucho calor...
Ahora, vamos!

Lo has leido?

Si, lo lei esta manyana!

Ya me he acostumbrado a ver los articulos!

Sabes que me gustaria?

No se exactamente!

sobre que?

Es importante enterarse de todo lo que pasa alrededor
de uno!

A mi me gustaria hacer entrevistas a gente archifamosa!

Por quien fue escrtia esta novela?

Pero, no sabes!?

Asi, se habla!

Quien fue elegido presidente?

Conchita, basta con esto! Desde aqui en ingles!

He came bouncing back!

So be it!

It is you who blew it!

What is that supposed to mean?

Is it really that bad?

It does not sound that bad!

What an abrupt end!?

Pass them around!

(I came home for the summer of 1979 and accidentally
came aross one of my classmates at the airport. Both I and
he shouted, simultaneously)

What a small world!

(The reason is obvious. Both had flown close to
13 hours from London)

Get whatever you can lay your hands on!

We do not have that here as you would have
in your country!

Conchita, this should suffice for now.
Take care and do not forget mensajes!

Wooden cutlery, tongs, chopstics

2008-09-16 18:00:12 | Weblog
I am feeling a lot better than yesterday.

There are lots and lots of things in life,
and you must digest them, albeit slowly,

What I definitely had in mind for today's work
is seen below.

Now, you may say you have seenthese before, and yes...
But, this is my work holding tong. There are 3 grooves
with varying depths.

The idea behind this is that you wear protective gloves,
disposable ones each time you coat. Well, I do not
dispose of them, not after a single use.

Problem here is that the fine powders inside the
glove mix with my sweat and a few hours the mixture

So, for subsequent use you have to rip apart the
coagulation, which is cumbersome, and the process
sometimes punctures the glove itself.

What if I use a tong? I can do away with a single glove
on my right hand. It is a great progress in terms of
economy and for low carbon activities

Today, in addition, I worked on remaining chopstics.

The female owner of the Shop K called o me and she
left my earlir works for reference at the requests
that apparently came in recently.

I am glad I have things to make to orders!
She also wants buy from me a brush hanger set
for her own father.

I undertook to make one for some money...
She also bought one of my chopstic container
sets for some money for one of her friends.

So, I gave away extra 4, or 5 redundant
containers as gifts. They are too large
to my taste, anyway.

I was going to throw them into a dustbin...

パエ-リャ 97

2008-09-16 17:59:53 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estas bien?

Hoy, yo estoy un poco mejor...
No hace mucho calor, tampoco.

Ahora vamos inmediatamente!

Trabajo solo, haciendo obras!

La obra tiene que secar al sol, luego de cada paso

en el proceso de fabricacion!

El trabajo se realiza integramente a mano,

y no utilizo nada que sea mecanico!

Como se realiza el trbajo?

Conchita, ahora mismo, esto es bastante.
Desde aqui, en ingles...

That came as a great relief to me!

I have been down below!

Let us put that to one side for now!

I am soaky wet! I am freezing to death!

Let us rally around him!

I do not think I can make it!

He is a part-owner of this shop!

How much involved are you with him?

I am taking a break!

I am off to the station!

I was the number one girl at school!

Conchita, that is it! Let us call it a day!

Take care!