☆ 陸上自衛隊大分分屯地(敷戸弾薬庫)の
大型弾薬庫建設工事の中止と計画の撤回を求めます。【English version below】
開始日 2024年3月12日
署名の発信者 peace loving workers’ union
宛先 岸田文雄 内閣総理大臣
1 、住宅密集地やその近傍への弾薬庫の建設は、戦争の際には攻撃目標となり、平時においても爆発事故など、住民に深刻な危険をもたらす。
2 、国際人道法における自国住民保護のための軍民分離原則に反する。
3 、保管する弾薬の量が明らかにされておらず、保安距離の算定などについても、市民の同意を得る説明すらなされていない。大型弾薬庫の建設は許されない。
4 、防衛装備庁による通達(※2)は、誘導弾等の第1群の弾薬を貯蔵する弾薬庫が火災を起こした場合、消火活動を原則禁止している。また、爆薬等が爆発している場合には自衛隊員や消防隊員であっても600mの距離を置くよう指示しているが、その範囲内には多くの住民がすでに生活している。弾薬の保管などあり得ない。
5 、集団的自衛権の行使容認と安保3文書により、自衛隊は相手国を攻撃することができる事実上の軍隊となってしまっている。保管されるミサイルは相手国を攻撃する武力である。私たちは、戦争に加担し加害者になることを拒む。
6 、有事となれば、弾薬庫施設やその周辺のインフラは真っ先に攻撃対象になるだろう。私たちは戦争の被害者になどなりたくない。
(事務局・気賀沢)連絡先TEL: 080-1547-1323
【12月15日(日)『ミサイル・弾薬庫反対! 友好・対話 平和への集い in 大分 大集会(仮題)』大分駅前祝祭の広場にて 開催予定です。】
※当会、少ない資金にて運動を行なっています。もしもよろしければ、カンパ・入会(個人\1,000 団体\3,000)でのご協力をお願いします。
振込先?ゆうちょ振込口座:01700-8-173864 (ゆうちょ銀行 179 店 当座 0173864)
ホームページアドレス https://shikidoshimin.wixsite.com/shikido
ご連絡メールアドレス shikidoshimin@gmail.com
【英語版=English ver.】
To Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida
☆ We request the suspension and withdrawal of the construction of large ammunition depots in the Oita branch of the Ground Self-Defense Force
Nine large ammunition depots will be built in the Ground Self-Defense Force's Oita branch of the Shikido Ammunition Depot. The planned construction site has educational and commercial facilities such as hospitals, schools, and universities, and is a residential area where 40,000 people live only 3km around. JR Oita Station, Oita Prefectural Government Office and City Hall are only 6km away, and most of Oita City is within a 10km radius.
The Citizens' Association on the Oita Shikido Missile Ammunition Depot calls for the construction of a large ammunition depot to be suspended and the plan to be withdrawn because it is extremely dangerous for residents.
1. Construction of ammunition depots in and near residential areas becomes an attack target in the event of a war and poses serious dangers to residents, such as explosions and unpredictable accidents even in peacetime.
2. It is contrary to the principle of separation of military and civilian populations for the protection of their own citizens under international humanitarian law.
Section 58(b) of the First Additional Protocol to the Geneva Convention requires the Government to "avoid setting military targets in or near densely populated areas" as a precaution against the impact of the attacks. Japanese government ratified the protocol in 2004 and is obliged to abide by it.
3. The amount of ammunition to be stored has not been disclosed, and the calculation of security distances has not even been explained with the consent of citizens. The Construction of a large ammunition depot is not permitted.
According to a 1986 parliamentary question and answer, it was revealed that as much as 1,000 tons of gunpowder equivalent to TNT gunpowder were already stored here at the time. According to the Ministry of Defense's special inspection (*1) announced in August 2020, five buildings in the Ground Self-Defense Force's Oita branch of the Shikido Ammunition Depot were reported to have violated laws, which is much higher than other a garrison or branch of a military camps. There is a high possibility of another violation.
4.The Defense Equipment Agency's notice (*2) prohibits fire extinguishing activities in the event of a fire in the ammunition depot storing the first group of ammunition such as guided ammunition. In addition, Self-Defense Forces personnel and firefighters are instructed to keep a distance of 600 meters in the event of explosives, but many residents are already living within that range. It is impossible to store ammunition.
5.The SDF has become a de facto military force capable of attacking the other country by allowing the exercise of the right to collective self-defense and ‘Three security documents on national security’ that was announced 2022, Dec. The missiles stored are armed forces that attack the other countries. We refuse to participate in the war and become perpetrators.
6.In case of emergency, ammunition storage facilities and surrounding infrastructure will be the first to be attacked. We don't want to be victims of war.
What we want is not war, but a gentle and peaceful life. We submit this signature as a means of gaining the right to peaceful survival, showing our stances that "I will not let the country wage war" or "I will not allow the threat or use of force."
March 2024
Citizens' Association on the Oita Shikido Missile Ammunition Depot Issue