◎ 私たちは、玉城デニー沖縄県知事の辺野古「不承認」を支持します。
We support Okinawa Governor's Disapproval to Henoko

宛先:玉城デニー (Denny Tamaki)(沖縄県知事(Okinawa Prefectural Governor))
☆ 今すぐ賛同
English follows Japanese.We support Okinawa Governor's Disapproval to Henoko

宛先:玉城デニー (Denny Tamaki)(沖縄県知事(Okinawa Prefectural Governor))
☆ 今すぐ賛同
◎ 沖縄の民意は基地建設工事反対
◎ 軟弱地盤は改良出来ない
◎ 震度1でも崩壊
◎ 戦争犠牲者の遺骨を含む土砂投入
◎ 無駄な税金投入を止めコロナ対策に
Okinawa Prefectural Governor Denny Tamaki has officially announced his disapproval on 25th November, we would like to collect people’s signature to push his decision. We aim to collect 50,000 signatures.
Governor Tamaki is likely to disapprove the Okinawa Defense Bureau’s application to largely modify the landfilling plan.
Please show your support for his decision.
The Okinawa Defense Bureau’s application is so problematic and slipshod that Governor Tamaki has every reason to disapprove it.
72% of Okinawan people objected to the landfilling at Henoko through the prefectural referendum in February 2019, in addition to their choice in the past national elections, gubernatorial elections, and polls. Okinawan people has been showing that they cannot accept US military bases any more.
As for the application to modify the landfilling plan, as many as 17,857 letters of opinion have been sent to Okinawa Prefecture from all over the country and all over the world. The majority of the letters opposes to the application.
The geological survey conducted by the Okinawa Defense Bureau revealed that the seabed of Oura Bay (90m below the sea level at deepest) is covered with soft ground (as soft as mayonnaise), where the landfilling is planned. While it is necessary to reinforce the ground in order to construct the huge military base, there are no such facilities, techniques, or experiences in the world, much less in Japan, to make the construction a reality. The application submit by the Okinawa Defense Bureau does not mention any concrete method or process of construction since the construction is hopeless.
The Henoko-Oura area has two active faults. The experts of geology point that the military base can collapse after an earthquake with an intensity of one, even if land reinforcement is completed. The area has already experienced earthquakes with an intensity of 2-3, and people even estimate that the new military base will continue to sink into the sea and eventually collapse even if it is constructed.
The Henoko-Oura area has two active faults. The experts of geology point that the military base can collapse after an earthquake with an intensity of one, even if land reinforcement is completed. The area has already experienced earthquakes with an intensity of 2-3, and people even estimate that the new military base will continue to sink into the sea and eventually collapse even if it is constructed.
The construction is largely delayed. The national government admits that it takes at least twelve more years and approximately 930 billion JPY, which is three times as large as the first estimation (350 billion JPY). Furthermore, the government took the extreme measure to order construction works that are not approved. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma has not been returned yet, and taxpayers’ money is wasted for the hopeless construction of the new base. The government should use the tax to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and improve national welfare, instead of military purposes. Let us unite to stop the construction of the new base, which has become the interests of the major general constructors and security companies.