


So that you won't be hungry.

2016-04-24 17:56:07 | 英語・今日のレッスン
4月18日(月) レッスン

words and expressions
glad-plaid 格子柄
check  小さいチェック柄
stripes ストライプ
hound's-tooth 千鳥格子

I like the pattern of your sweater.  あなたのセーターの柄はいいですね。

You can eat as much as you like. 食べ放題。好きなだけ食べられる
You can eat as many strawberries as you like. イチゴ食べ放題

careless 不注意
dangerous 危険

squint 目を細めて見る
roll your eyes 目をぐるぐる回す=あきれた表情をする

【~しないように so that you won't~】

So that you won't forget. 忘れないように
So that you won't be late. 遅れないように
So that you won't be disappoint.  がっかりしないように
So that you won't be hungry.   おなかがすかないように
So that you won't lose your camera, you should put it in your bag.

this bag このバック
that bag あのバック
that bag over there あの向こうのバック

Please put it on table. それをテーブルの上に置いてください
Please put it under the table. それをテーブルの下に置いてください
Please put it in this bag. それをこのバックに入れてください
Please put it in that bag. それをあのバックに入れてください
Please put it in that bag over there. それをあの向こうのバックに入れてください

Two weeks ago, my second ground child was born. It was a boy.

Congratulations. おめでとうございます

He was one month premature. 彼は1カ月早産児でした
= He was born one month before it was expected to be born. 彼は出産予定よりも1カ月前に生まれました

Is he okay? お孫さんは大丈夫でしたか?
He and his mother are okay. 彼と彼のお母さんは大丈夫です(孫と孫のお母さんは大丈夫です)
Oh! That's great!  それはよかったです

You must have been relieved.  あなたは安心したに違いなかった
Does he already have a name?  もう彼は名前が付けられましたか

How old is your first grandchild?  最初のお孫さんはおいくつですか

【Do you have~?】
Do you already have your tickets?  すでにチケットはお持ちですか
Do you have any pictures?  写真はお持ちですか
Do you already have your passport? もうパスポートは持っていますか

【Don't get me wrong.】
several times  何回も
again and again 何回も何回も

Don't get me wrong. I wanted to tell you about our meeting time. I called you again and again, but there was no answer.

Don't get me wrong. I'm listening, but because of air conditioner it's hard to hear so please speak louder.

Don't get me wrong. I'd love to listen to your speech tomorrow, but I have a packed schedule.

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