なんていいそよ風なんでしょう!-----> What a nice breeze!
なんてすばらしい------> How wonderful!
なんてひどい------> How awful! / How terrible!
なんて悲しい-----> How sad!
なんてきれい------> How pretty!
なんて美しい-----> How beautiful!
なんてかわいい-----> How cute!
what 名詞!
How 形容詞!
私は東京へ行きたい----> I want to go to Tokyo.
私は東京へ行かなければならない----> I have to go to Tokyo.
私は東京へ行く必要がある-----> I need to go to Tokyo.
私は宿題をするのを忘れた-----> I forgot to do my homework.
私は東京へ行くと決めた------> I decided to go to Tokyo.
私は東京へ行かないと決めた-----> I decided not to go to Tokyo.
私は東京へ行くことになっている-----> I'm supposed to go to Tokyo.
遅れたことを許してください------> Please forgive me for being late.
あなたのカメラを壊してしまったことを許してください----> Please forgive me for breaking your camera.
写真を撮ることを許してください----> Please let me take a picture.
あなたの写真を見ることをお許しください----> Please let me see your photos.
(宗教に関連した)儀式----> ritual
簡略化された----> simplified
この儀式について詳しい、知っている-----> I'm familiar with this ritual.
This happened last month. I didn't have a chance (an opportunity) to tell you about it.
I happened to see a topping out while walking my dogs. We call it "tatemae" or "Jyouto-shiki."
When there is house under construction, tatemae is a builder's rite held when the last beam is being placed on the top of it.
The ritual has been recently simplified. However, the tatemae I saw last month was done in the old-fashioned manner.(I saw last month was traditional. )
The house owner, his family, some builders and a Shinto priest prayed for the house's safety on the second floor.
I stayed there for a while to see the tatemae and wait for what would happen. I knew there would be one more special event following that. (I'm familiar with this ritual)After they prayed, they threw offerings of many bags of snacks, wrapped coins and rice cakes from the second floor to the ground for the neighbors. They were allowed to pick them up and take them home. We believe that picking up those things is brings luck.
I picked up four bags of snacks, a piece of rice cake and a wrapped 500-yen coin and took them home.
I shared the rice cake and the snacks with my husband, but kept the coin for myself.
私は犬の散歩中に偶然、topping outを見ました。わたしたちはそれを「建前」や「上棟式」といいます。
そのうちは完成しましたか------>Is the house finished?
まだです-------> Not yet.
あなた以外に何人の人がそこにいましたか-----> Besides you, how many people were there?
数えませんでしたが30人くらいだと思います----> I didn't count them, but I think there were around 30 people.
あなたはいつか(近い将来のいつか)そのうちに住む人たちと会うと思いますか----> Do you think you will meet the people living in the house someday?(sometime in the near future)
そのうちの持ち主を描写して(説明して)----> Please describe the house owner.
どうしてわかるの?------> How do you know? / How can you tell about?
あなたは儀式を執り行いました------> You performed a ceremony.
改築する(小規模)-----> remodel
リフォームする、改装する(大規模)-----> renovate
〔業者に頼んで〕台所ををリフォームする----> I had my kitchen remodeled.
神主さんが祈る、清める----> a Shinto priest blessed.
3階建ての家-----> a three story house
この家は3階建てです-----> This house is three stories.
何階に住んでいますか------> What floor do you live on?
市役所は21階建ての建物です-----> The city hall is a 21 story building.
彼女の事務所は市役所の5階です-----> Her office is on the 5th floor of the city hall.
死んでいる(形容詞)------> dead
死ぬ(動詞)-------> die
死、死亡-------> death
死後の世界を信じていますか-----> Do you believe in life after death?
彼女の突然の死は私たちを驚かせました-----> Her sudden death surprised us.
彼女の祖母は20年前に死にました-------> Her grandmother died 20 years ago.
彼女の祖母は去年亡くなりました------> Her grandmother passed away last year.
この植物は枯れている-----> This plant is dead.
私のカメラの電池は切れた-----> My camera battery is dead.
彼女の結婚式の前にカメラの電池が切れたので充電(再充電)した---> Before her wedding ceremony, my camera battery is dead so I charged.(recharged)
このエレベーターの中は多すぎる人たちがいる-----> There are too many people in this elevator.
近頃はあまりにも多い子どもたちが自由な時間がありすぎる------> These days too many children have too much free time.
あなたはあまりにも多くの塩を使ったと思う----> I think you used too much salt.
【I was surprised that~】
彼女が5回も結婚したことにビックリしました----> I was surprised that she has been married 5 times.
彼がパーティーへ行かなかったということに驚いた-----> I was surprised that he didn't go to the party.
impressed, frightened, disappointed, surprised などの形容詞を使って 人+be動詞+形容詞ed
なんていいそよ風なんでしょう!-----> What a nice breeze!
なんてすばらしい------> How wonderful!
なんてひどい------> How awful! / How terrible!
なんて悲しい-----> How sad!
なんてきれい------> How pretty!
なんて美しい-----> How beautiful!
なんてかわいい-----> How cute!
what 名詞!
How 形容詞!
私は東京へ行きたい----> I want to go to Tokyo.
私は東京へ行かなければならない----> I have to go to Tokyo.
私は東京へ行く必要がある-----> I need to go to Tokyo.
私は宿題をするのを忘れた-----> I forgot to do my homework.
私は東京へ行くと決めた------> I decided to go to Tokyo.
私は東京へ行かないと決めた-----> I decided not to go to Tokyo.
私は東京へ行くことになっている-----> I'm supposed to go to Tokyo.
遅れたことを許してください------> Please forgive me for being late.
あなたのカメラを壊してしまったことを許してください----> Please forgive me for breaking your camera.
写真を撮ることを許してください----> Please let me take a picture.
あなたの写真を見ることをお許しください----> Please let me see your photos.
(宗教に関連した)儀式----> ritual
簡略化された----> simplified
この儀式について詳しい、知っている-----> I'm familiar with this ritual.
This happened last month. I didn't have a chance (an opportunity) to tell you about it.
I happened to see a topping out while walking my dogs. We call it "tatemae" or "Jyouto-shiki."
When there is house under construction, tatemae is a builder's rite held when the last beam is being placed on the top of it.
The ritual has been recently simplified. However, the tatemae I saw last month was done in the old-fashioned manner.(I saw last month was traditional. )
The house owner, his family, some builders and a Shinto priest prayed for the house's safety on the second floor.
I stayed there for a while to see the tatemae and wait for what would happen. I knew there would be one more special event following that. (I'm familiar with this ritual)After they prayed, they threw offerings of many bags of snacks, wrapped coins and rice cakes from the second floor to the ground for the neighbors. They were allowed to pick them up and take them home. We believe that picking up those things is brings luck.
I picked up four bags of snacks, a piece of rice cake and a wrapped 500-yen coin and took them home.
I shared the rice cake and the snacks with my husband, but kept the coin for myself.
私は犬の散歩中に偶然、topping outを見ました。わたしたちはそれを「建前」や「上棟式」といいます。
そのうちは完成しましたか------>Is the house finished?
まだです-------> Not yet.
あなた以外に何人の人がそこにいましたか-----> Besides you, how many people were there?
数えませんでしたが30人くらいだと思います----> I didn't count them, but I think there were around 30 people.
あなたはいつか(近い将来のいつか)そのうちに住む人たちと会うと思いますか----> Do you think you will meet the people living in the house someday?(sometime in the near future)
そのうちの持ち主を描写して(説明して)----> Please describe the house owner.
どうしてわかるの?------> How do you know? / How can you tell about?
あなたは儀式を執り行いました------> You performed a ceremony.
改築する(小規模)-----> remodel
リフォームする、改装する(大規模)-----> renovate
〔業者に頼んで〕台所ををリフォームする----> I had my kitchen remodeled.
神主さんが祈る、清める----> a Shinto priest blessed.
3階建ての家-----> a three story house
この家は3階建てです-----> This house is three stories.
何階に住んでいますか------> What floor do you live on?
市役所は21階建ての建物です-----> The city hall is a 21 story building.
彼女の事務所は市役所の5階です-----> Her office is on the 5th floor of the city hall.
死んでいる(形容詞)------> dead
死ぬ(動詞)-------> die
死、死亡-------> death
死後の世界を信じていますか-----> Do you believe in life after death?
彼女の突然の死は私たちを驚かせました-----> Her sudden death surprised us.
彼女の祖母は20年前に死にました-------> Her grandmother died 20 years ago.
彼女の祖母は去年亡くなりました------> Her grandmother passed away last year.
この植物は枯れている-----> This plant is dead.
私のカメラの電池は切れた-----> My camera battery is dead.
彼女の結婚式の前にカメラの電池が切れたので充電(再充電)した---> Before her wedding ceremony, my camera battery is dead so I charged.(recharged)
このエレベーターの中は多すぎる人たちがいる-----> There are too many people in this elevator.
近頃はあまりにも多い子どもたちが自由な時間がありすぎる------> These days too many children have too much free time.
あなたはあまりにも多くの塩を使ったと思う----> I think you used too much salt.
【I was surprised that~】
彼女が5回も結婚したことにビックリしました----> I was surprised that she has been married 5 times.
彼がパーティーへ行かなかったということに驚いた-----> I was surprised that he didn't go to the party.
impressed, frightened, disappointed, surprised などの形容詞を使って 人+be動詞+形容詞ed