早稲田大学 横浜稲門会 ブログ


英語で話そう会 2月例会のご報告

2025年02月10日 19時52分50秒 | 英語で話そう会


We had 16 participants for February.  In order to allow more time for each speaker, we divided the participants into two groups and had them present their opinions.  This was the first time to separate into the group, except for the debates.
The theme was “Where would you like to visit?"  I was impressed by the member`s broad ideas, because some came up with the place not only on earth, but also “outer space” and “heaven. I also learned that not a few people expressed the reasons for going to the place were for wanting to see their friends, or to meet with their family and relatives.
Where is the place that you would like to go?

報告:世話人・鈴木 理子

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