





デンマンさん。。。AIによる作文 ってぇ どういうことですかァ~?

文字通りAI(人工知能) がベティさんに成り代わって作文してくれるのですよ。。。
あらっ。。。学生時代に そういうAIがあったらマジで助かりましたわァ〜。。。英語の作文をAIに書いてもらいますわァ〜。。。
そうです。。。どのように書かせたのか そのやり方をベティさんに教えますよ。。。まず、次のページを開きます。。。




最も簡単なやり方は、ベティさんが書いた文章を書き込むのではなく、"/" を書き込むとAI writer がベティさんに成り代わって作文してくれるのです。。。"/" を書き込むと次の画面が出てきます。。。


"Write about love" とか "movie history" という語句を入れるのですよ。。。もし思いつかなかったら、画面にお勧めの語句が3つ見えます。。。スクロールダウンすると 更にお勧めの語句が出てきます。。。どれも気に入らなかったら、右側の中ほどに ”See others”というリンクをクリックすると更にお勧めの語句が表示されます。。。僕は"Introduce AI development"を選んでみました。。。


選んだら赤い楕円で囲まれた Generate video をクリックします。。。 こうしてAIによって制作されたのが次のビデオ・クリップです。。。



つまり、どれだけ優れたAIを使うか? それによって作品の出来が決まるわけですわねぇ〜。。。

■『Secret of Cleopatra』

この記事は、けっこう長いのですよ。。。3万語近い英単語を使っている。。。上のビデオ制作アプリは 3000語未満のスクリプトしか受け付けないのです。。。だから、文章を縮めて7部作にしてみたのです。。。そのうちの第5部を入れてみます。。。
Secret of Creopatra PART 5
Cleopatra had passed her early childhood in the royal women's apartments. She was educated according to the centuries-old program established for the pharaoh's daughters, who were raised to rule alongside their brother-husbands---the girls' curriculum was, in fact, the same as the boys'.
The pharaotic tradition had given a great deal of importance to scholarship, and the Ptolemies honored and even intensified this tradition. Like all the Hellenistic rulers, they sought to nurture the child's general culture, or enkukleios paideia---the phrase from which we get the word "encyclopedia."
The Ptolemies developed a nationwide system of primary and secondary schools, for the Greek elite of girls and boys who would be called upon to maintain the pharaoh's power over the native masses.
In Cleopatra's time, the course of study was based on Greek literature, especially the works considered masterpieces, which scholars had painstakingly assembled into a fixed canon, or collection of texts.
Thus, the child read and studied Homer's epics, which were much admired at court; the poems of Hesiod and Pindar; the tragedies of Euripides, considered superior to those of Aeschylus and Sophocles; the comedies of Menander; and the Histories of Herodotus and Thucydides; Cleopatra learned the art of rhetoric from the speeches of Demosthenes. Her education in the sciences was equally thorough: she took courses in arithmetic and geometry, astronomy and medicine, disciplines that flourished in the Alexandrian schools. A gifted amateur, the young queen also learned to draw, play the seven-stringed lyre, and sing. She was an excellent horsewoman---a sure sign of Hellenism in a "barbarian" land.
Her intellectual abilities were remarkable, but the queen displayed a particular talent for foreign languages, though Plutarch, the Greek historian, may have exaggerated somewhat.
Cleopatra was a language genius, wasn't she?
Yes, indeed.
But Greek and Roman historians wrote a lot of bad things about Cleopatra.
Like what?
For example, the Jewish historian Josephus wrote about Cleopatra in the first century AD as follows:
This greedy and ambitious queen killed her relatives in a cruel way, and if one of them survived, she turned her violent rage to other people.
So, do you think that I'm greedy and cruel woman?
No, not really. But I don't think Cleopatra was a 100%-flawless women, either.
You know, Kato, history is written by the winner.
Yeah, that's absolutely right. I know the winner sometimes wrote the history to his advantage.
The Greek and Roman historians described Antony and me as the indecent enemy---worse than necessary---of the first Roman Emperor Augustus (Octavian) so that they could praise the performance of the winner.
Yes, I know.
But even the harsh critique, Dio Cassius (the Roman historian;circa 235 ー 150 AD), wrote about me as follows:
She was brilliant to look upon and to listen to, with the power to subjugate every one, even Julius Caesar.


Cleopatra had passed her early childhood in the royal women's apartments. She was educated according to the centuries-old program established for the pharaoh's daughters, who were raised to rule alongside their brother-husbands---the girls' curriculum was, in fact, the same as the boys'.
The pharaotic tradition had given a great deal of importance to scholarship, and the Ptolemies honored and even intensified this tradition. Like all the Hellenistic rulers, they sought to nurture the child's general culture, or enkukleios paideia---the phrase from which we get the word "encyclopedia."
The Ptolemies developed a nationwide system of primary and secondary schools, for the Greek elite of girls and boys who would be called upon to maintain the pharaoh's power over the native masses.
In Cleopatra's time, the course of study was based on Greek literature, especially the works considered masterpieces, which scholars had painstakingly assembled into a fixed canon, or collection of texts.
Thus, the child read and studied Homer's epics, which were much admired at court; the poems of Hesiod and Pindar; the tragedies of Euripides, considered superior to those of Aeschylus and Sophocles; the comedies of Menander; and the Histories of Herodotus and Thucydides; Cleopatra learned the art of rhetoric from the speeches of Demosthenes. Her education in the sciences was equally thorough: she took courses in arithmetic and geometry, astronomy and medicine, disciplines that flourished in the Alexandrian schools. A gifted amateur, the young queen also learned to draw, play the seven-stringed lyre, and sing. She was an excellent horsewoman---a sure sign of Hellenism in a "barbarian" land.
Her intellectual abilities were remarkable, but the queen displayed a particular talent for foreign languages, though Plutarch, the Greek historian, may have exaggerated somewhat.

pages 32 - 34 "Cleopatra"
Author: Edith Flamarion
Published in 1997 by Harry N. Abrams, Inc.


Cleopatra was a language genius, wasn't she?

Yes, indeed.
But Greek and Roman historians wrote a lot of bad things about Cleopatra.
Like what?
For example, the Jewish historian Josephus wrote about Cleopatra in the first century AD as follows:

This greedy and ambitious queen killed her relatives in a cruel way, and if one of them survived, she turned her violent rage to other people.

So, do you think that I'm greedy and cruel woman?

No, not really. But I don't think Cleopatra was a 100%-flawless women, either.
You know, Kato, history is written by the winner.
Yeah, that's absolutely right. I know the winner sometimes wrote the history to his advantage.
The Greek and Roman historians described Antony and me as the indecent enemy---worse than necessary---of the first Roman Emperor Augustus (Octavian) so that they could praise the performance of the winner.
Yes, I know.
But even the harsh critique, Dio Cassius (the Roman historian;circa 235 ー 150 AD), wrote about me as follows:

She was brilliant to look upon and to listen to, with the power to subjugate every one, even Julius Caesar.
『Secret of Cleopatra』より

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EXPORT画面が出てくるので、ビデオクリップのタイトルを変えたかったら、書き換えます。。。また、resolution(解像度)を変えることもできます。。。決まったら、画面の Export をクリックします。。。



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残念ながら日本語のスクリプトを入れても、ビデオを作ってくれません。。。現時点では英語のみのスクリプトを受け付けています。。。僕は、スクリプトを入れたら、手直しもせず、出来上がったビデオも編集してません。。。観れば分かりますが AIによる VIDEO MAKER は完璧ではありません。。。ところどころ間違いがあります。。。つい失笑してしまうような面白い間違いがあります。。。時間があったら7部すべてを見て、面白い間違いを見つけて笑ってください。。。



あなたは、そのような命令口調で また、わたしに命令なさるのですかァ~?

あなたは、そのような強い口調で 更に わたしにご命令なさるのですかァ~?

ひとつひとつ見ながら ぜひアンケートに答えてみてください。




『HIRO 中野 せどり スパマー』


■ めれんげさんの『即興の詩』
■ めれんげさんの『極私的詩集』

■ "JAGEL - Soft Japanese Bagel"

■ 『ちょっと変わった 新しい古代日本史』
■ 『面白くて楽しいレンゲ物語』

■ 『軽井沢タリアセン夫人 - 小百合物語』
■ 『今すぐに役立つホットな情報』

