

Diane Well Read(PART 2 OF 3)

2011-08-17 15:09:23 | 海・河のスポーツ・旅行・車


Diane Well Read(PART 2 OF 3)

I see.  Now I know how come Japanese men and women want to read your article.

Oh, do you?

Yes, I do...'cause sexual intercourse is quite important to them.  Is it not?

Oh yes, I think so, too.  Come to think of it, regardless of race, nationality, and gender, sexual intercourse is very important to any adult, I believe.

Do you really believe it, Kato?

Of course!  Tell me, Diane...It is also important to you, isn't it?

Well..., yes and no.

What do you mean by that?

To me, the benefits of Chi Gong are more important.

Benefits of Chi Gong(気功)

1) Chi Gong is a powerful system of health, which has effects on many levels.

2) Chi Gong can harmonise, strengthen and have a healing effect on the functioning of all the internal organs and bodily systems.

3) It increases the supply and flow of energy throughout the body.

4) It also has a variety of rejuvenating effects and is believed to increase longevity.

5) It induces calm mental and emotional states.

6) Initially many movements focus on gently opening and stretching the joints and muscles of the body, releasing tension that has often been there for years.

7) By increasing the flow of blood and energy, they help to fully nourish all parts of the body.

8) Many of our students report that they feel very relaxed and energised after a session of Chi Gong, and that they sleep very deeply that night!

9) According to Chinese medicine, the energy relating to the body’s internal organs flows around the extremities of the body, that is, the hands and the feet.

10) Thus by stretching the arms and legs in specific movements, the health of the internal organs can be improved.

11) The breathing in Chi Gong is all-important. The breath should be relaxed, slow and deep, originating from the diaphragm. This type of breathing has a very calming and balancing effect on the mind, which is crucial in counter-acting the effects of worry and stress.

12) Just a few minutes of Chi Gong whenever you start feeling stressed can really work wonders.

The above benefits are just some of the effects that you can experience in the early stages of practise.
As you gradually become more and more aware of your body, you will start to feel some of the more subtle and refined effects of Chi Gong.

Chi Gong Chinese Healing Art

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ncHziAUvM8I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I know...I know...Lately whenever you talk, you start talking about Chi Gong.

So, Kato, you're sick and tired of my talking about Chi Gong, aren't you?

Oh no.  Don't misunderstand me, Diane.  It seems to me that you're really interested in the benefits of Chi Gong.

Yes, I am.

Then, why don't you create your own blog and write about the benefits of Chi Gong on the Net?

Why should I?

If you write an article with a title such as "Seven ways to tell a good woman in Chi Gong", the article will appear on the top of the list.

Do you really think so?

I bet on that.

【Himiko's Monologue】

Wow! You would get so many benefits from Chi Gong!
I'd love to practice it.
How about you?

Well, Chi Gong is one thing; romance is another.
Come to think of it, I've never met a decent man in my net life.
How come I'm always a loner?
I wish I could meet a nice gentleman at the library in my town as Kato met Diane.
Well, they say, there is a way where there is a will.

Have a nice day!
Bye bye ...


"Queen Nefertiti"

"Catherine de Medici"

"Catherine the Great"

"Mata Hari"

"Sidonie Colette"

"Marilyn Monroe"

"Hello Diane!"

"I wish you were there!"

"Jane Eyre"

"Jane Eyre Again"

"Jane Eyre in Vancouver"

"Jane Eyre Special"

"Love & Death of Cleopatra"

"Nice Story"


"Spiritual Work or What?"

"What a coincidence!"

"Wind and Water"

"Yoga and Happiness"

"You're in a good shape"




"Net Travel & Jane"

"Net Love"

"Complicated Love"

"Electra Complex"

"Net Début"

"Inner World"

"Madame Riviera and Burger"

"Roly-poly in the North"

"Amazing Grace"

"Diane in Paris"

"Diane in Montmartre"

(To be continued)

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