

Diane in Casablanca(PART 1 OF 4)

2012-05-05 17:26:04 | 海外留学・国際化・グローバル化

Diane in Casablanca(PART 1 OF 4)


Subj:Have a nice and sweet dream!

From: barclay1720@aol.com
To: diane@vancouver.ca
Date: Saturday, April 21, 2012 11:39:29 PM
Pacific Daylight Saving Time

Hi, Diane,
How are you?

Last Tuesday, you had an amazing class, eh?
A friend from your building joined you - lovely gal, huh?
She used to be a grade school teacher and yoga teacher on the side.

Now I understand yoga is quite popular among Canadian girls.
She thought it was wonderful, too, and both of you just about floated home you were so relaxed.
Too bad you and I together can't hold on to that feeling.
You're right on that point, Diane.
Yes, you're absolutely right.
What a pity!
You think, one day I'll have to join you, eh?

Oh yes, I wish I could.

You know what, Diane?

I have so many things to write about, and a great number of things to think about.
How would it be wonderful if I could have 48 hours a day?
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ...

Then I should be able to join you right away---like a carefree teenaged kid.

A couple of days ago, I watched a DVD called "A Woman called Golda"---the first prime minister of Israel.
The other day, you mentioned about the iron lady, didn't you?
Personally, I like Golda better than the iron lady, who is much of a lady-like woman.
On the contrary, Golda seems wild on the movie.
Yet, she is quite noble in her heart.


A Woman Called Golda (Trailer)

<iframe width="400" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/T2tdzCh153s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Watching a good movie such as "A Woman called Golda" is like living another life with the protagonist of the movie.
I could learn so many things that way.
If I don't like it, I can always throw it away.

In a real life, however, I shouldn't do that.
For example, when I meet a girlfriend of yours in the yoga class and happen to dislike her for one reason or another, I just shouldn't kick her off, should I?
That would be too rude, wouldn't it?
But such a situation might take place in a real life.
You never know!

In a book world or in a movie world, such an awkward situaton would never bother you because you can always stop reading or stop watching whenever you don't feel like it.
That's the reason I always wish I could have 48 hours a day so that I could afford to lose ten hours or so when I meet a mismatched person who would waste my time.

In our not-so-young-anymore generation, we cannot afford to lose precious time.
I always feel that I should use time wisely since I don't have 48 hours a day.
My days are numbered, you know.
He, he, he, he, he, ...

In any case, a nice thing or two always happen on the Net.
What kind of a nice thing?---you may ask.
Well..., that's why I've just written this article to thank you for your generocity, friendliness, and understanding.
This is not a serious story, but you should be able to have a laugh or two at the end.
So please click the following link:


"Diane Girdles the Globe"

(April 21, 2012)

I hope you'll enjoy it.

Your truly movie-loving skinny Socrates, Kato.

Have a nice and sweet dream!


Subj:you'd have to get your butt

out of the library more.

From: diane@vancouver.ca
To: barclay1720@aol.com
Date: Mon, Apr 23, 2012 8:05 pm
Pacific Daylight Saving Time

Hi Kato,

Good to see you this afternoon at your usual station.
You're hard at work on the computer again; you're amazing.
Now I know why you need 48 hours in a day.
You would like to visit for one hour each in the 48 countries where you have fans.

I read the above story.
Thanks so much for this tale, which is very interesting and amusing.
You're right, though, about how important our time is and how we shouldn't waste it.
The older you get the more this becomes evident.

By the way, I'll have a big anniversary tomorrow.
It's been exactly one year since I met my boyfriend.
We're going to celebrate with hot-tub, dinner and a play at the Vancouver Playhouse.

They had to close their operations a few months ago due to lack of funding, but they're honoring those of us who had tickets to 'God of Carnage' which may, or may not, be entertaining.
I've read the reviews and it sounds a bit like a soap opera.

It's hard to believe we're still together.
Sometimes I feel like dumping him and then I remember how good he really is and how much better my life is with him.
I do believe we are not meant to walk this life alone, don't you?
Speaking of which, I'm keeping my eye out for someone for you.
Are you in the market?
Would you prefer a Japanese woman?


What would your age group be?
What interests would you prefer she have?
Sometimes I meet the loveliest ladies at the gym or church or at the theatre and they tell me they'd love to have a boyfriend.
Of course, you'd have to get your butt out of the library more.
What do you think?

Let me know, Kato,

Love, Diane ~

Kato, do you like Golda better than the iron lady?

Yes, I do.


I told you, the iron lady is much of a lady-like woman. On the contrary, Golda seems wild on the movie. Yet, she is quite noble in her heart---just like the youthful Ingrid Bergman.


Ingrid Bergman ... Can't

take my eyes off of you

<iframe width="500" height="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/PY6pUUOhD1E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I see...so, Kato, you're an enthusiastic fan of Ingrid Bergman, aren't you?

You're telling me, Diane.

What's made you so crazy about her?

"Casablanca", of course.


"Casablanca" - Trailer

<iframe width="500" height="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/INBmVxAsdFE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Besides, that soundtrack is unforgettable!

(To be followed)

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