Since it was uncommon and gloomy , readers have pushed to the unhappy direction and delivered continually That like a game. Or they sent somewhat comfort as they think themselves. As Kamui pointed out and suspected so, some planned That's heart toward the undesirable ill way. Miscellaneous chattering circulated around . Some are right since they have changed, but the others haven't. . same words finding out by visiting Showa Emperor Memorial Museum a wrist watch of Mickey mouse/ short poem about akebonosugi
画面が大きくなってわかったこと 8ヶ月前
画面が大きくなってわかったこと 8ヶ月前
画面が大きくなってわかったこと 8ヶ月前
miyuki-chan 10ヶ月前
ジュゼッペ カスティリオーネ 11ヶ月前
ジュゼッペ カスティリオーネ 11ヶ月前
あああ の続き #節分 1年前
初雪 うっすらと 1年前
初夢 1/3 1年前
な、なんと 1年前