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求闘持聡明法一一一変身のカリキュラム Curriculum of transformation

2021-03-18 21:22:24 | 瞑想














  ―、意 念

  2、呼 吸

  3、筋 肉




 だが  、考えてみると、呼吸も、筋肉も、結局は、意念にょって操作されるものである。(潜在意識・深層意識をふくめこしたがって、究極的には、こころが主体となるわけである。














































Curriculum of transformation




Gumonji Satoshi Hou Hidden


Three weapons to develop chakras


In a nutshell, the development of psychic powers by the Gumonji Satoshi method develops chakras and sends the resulting superhuman childhood irritability to key points of the body, as we have repeatedly mentioned. By doing so, it acquires superhuman physical strength and superhuman mental power, and in the meantime, it sends a comprehensive thousand chakras to the brain to remodel brain cells and turn them into genius brains. ..


Then, does it exert any kind of human power?


Use the following three weapons.

-, Intention

2, call sucking

3, muscle meat

It is.


Using these three weapons, awaken the chakras and also the chakra child irrugies

It is sent to various parts of the body.

However, when you think about it, breathing and muscles are, after all, manipulated by will. (Including the subconscious and deep consciousness, therefore, ultimately, the mind becomes the subject.


That's right, the driving force is to develop the chakras, to send the superhuman child energy generated in the chakras to the main points and key points of the body, and to activate them. "Kokoro". Kokoro is everything.


The heart is the one that has great power.


However, there may be some who wonder if the mind has such power. That seems reasonable, but the human mind has a mysterious power.

The mysterious power of will

Many people are unaware, but when trained in an appropriate way, the human mind exerts an incredible and mysterious power. You can give as many examples as you like. For example, "The author of Super Nature L, L. Watson,


It states as follows.

-Another practical tippet custom is Tsumo. This skill is to avoid catching colds and is a highly respected ability in most countries where the land is above 10,000 feet above sea level. Beginners first learn how to combine breathing and meditation, and then go to remote areas to practice.

Every day, I bathe in an icy mountain stream and sit naked in the snow, imagining the fire burning inside my body. Once the training is complete, the test will take place on a windy winter night. Beginners are wrapped in a cloth, pierced with ice in a mountain stream, and put on it, but at body temperature the cloth must be completely dried at least three times during the night. After passing this exam, the practitioner will only wear a single cotton garment at any height throughout the four seasons. Some Everest climbers have even reported seeing a completely naked hermit living in a snow-capped mountain range.




Esoteric Buddhism has a number of more advanced and human-changing secrets.

However, the principle is one. Use your heart. However, how to use it is a problem. L. Watson simply wrote, "Imagine a fire burning in your body," but it's not that simple. The practitioner uses the deep and delicate mind according to the law. And again, this training is

Rather than simply giving the practitioner the ability to withstand the cold, the ability to withstand the cold is only manifested on the surface, and he must have gained much more value on the inside. That will be understood by you as well.


By the way, from the top of its function, I would like to express that "heart" as follows.

It is classified into.


Mind, mind, and qi

It is.

The will is the state in which the mind is moving in a certain direction, such as the will.

As expected.

Psychokinesis is a state in which the movements of mind are concentrated and heightened to have one power, and the name psychokinesis often expresses this.


Qi is a state in which the mind flows through the body in a certain direction. However, there are two types of "ki", one that is created consciously and the other that flows naturally in the body unconsciously and physiologically. For example, it is expressed by words such as "I'm fine." Therefore, depending on how you look at it, you may be able to say that you should focus on what you are looking for. Originally, one thing called the mind is considered separately, so that can be said to be insignificant. Here, for convenience, we classify them in this way, and when we say "ki", we would like you to think of it as something that was mainly consciously created.

Nourishment ………… How do you use ヽ?

Then, how do you use that "heart"?

The mind is, by nature, the most elusive. It is said that it was decided to reduce this from the place where it always moves and does not stop.

It's hard to grasp. How do you make full use of this as you wish?


There is one way.





The mind and breathing are very closely related.

The state of mind appears in breathing as it is, and the state of breathing reflects the mind as it is.

If the mind calms down, the breathing calms down, and if the breathing calms down, the mind calms down. The mind and breath are one.

Therefore, I-, an advanced technique of controlling the mind by controlling breathing is used. Starting from here, you will gradually become proficient and eventually you will be able to use your mind as you wish.


No, that's not all. You will be able to take a step forward and use your body (muscles) as you wish. Because breathing is one with the mind, but not only with the body. As the training progresses, the breathing and the mind become one, and the involuntary muscles move as the image of the mind evokes.

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apple 新型iPad Proが4月に発表か、「M1と同等」のプロセッサとミニLEDスクリーンを搭載しているとの情報も

2021-03-18 20:48:56 | デジタル

海外メディアのBloombergが、「Appleは早ければ2021年4月にも新しいiPadを発表する」と報じました。新型iPadには、MacBook AirやMacBook Proに搭載されている M1と同等のプロセッサが搭載されるほか、さまざまな改良が施されているとBloombergは伝えています。Apple (AAPL) To Announce New iPads in April - Bloomberg


New iPad Pros reportedly launching as soon as April, and the 12.9-inch model may have a Mini LED screen - The Verge

Bloombergは2021年3月18日に、「Appleは早ければ4月に新しいiPadを発表する予定です。製造ラインの刷新により、新型iPad Proには一層優れたプロセッサーと改良されたカメラが追加されるだろうと情報筋は話しています」と報じました。新型iPadのスクリーンサイズは、 現行モデルと同じ11インチと12.9インチで、少なくとも12.9インチモデルには ミニLEDが搭載されると見込まれています。

Appleの新製品情報に詳しいアナリストのミンチー・クオ氏は2019年に、「ミニLED技術を採用した新しいiPadが2020年~2021年にかけて登場する」と述べていました。IT系ニュースサイトのThe Vergeによると、新型iPadに採用されるミニLEDは 有機ELよりコントラスト比が高く、 焼き付きの影響も受けにくいとのことです。

ミニLED技術を採用した新しいiPadとMacBookが2020年~2021年にかけて登場するとApple製品の有名アナリストが発表 - GIGAZINE

プロセッサの詳細は記事作成時点では不明ですが、2020年11月に 発表されて以来、 優れたパフォーマンスで 絶賛されている「 M1」と同等のプロセッサになるとのこと。また、カメラも現行モデルから改良が施される見通しです。

またBloombergは、「Appleは新型iPadを Thunderboltでテストした」とも報じています。Thunderboltは、現行モデルのiPadが搭載しているUSB Type-Cポートよりも高速にデータを転送することが可能です。

iPad Proだけでなく、 iPad miniの新情報もリークされています。伝えられるところによると、 現行モデルの7.9インチよりも大画面化した新型iPad miniが、早ければ2021年内にも登場する可能性があるとのことです。


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 チャクラの場所は、すべて、内分泌腺と一致する  All chakra locations coincide with endocrine glands

2021-03-18 10:40:08 | 瞑想



















1 ムーラーダーラーチャクラ







 2 闘いのホルモン、英雄ホルモンを湧出させる副腎の部位である。

































































Why do chakras generate special powers that can be called superhuman?
For a long time, it was a mysterious mystery, but with the advent of modern physiology, that mystery has become.
The location of the chakras all coincide with the endocrine glands.
A kundalini yoga expert stabs the place with the power gained through special training
It is fierce and produces power that ordinary humans do not have. The endocrine gland is the source.
If this is compared with the endocrine glands by modern medicine, it will be as shown in Table 1 (page 73).
However, it was classified by me, and there is a big difference from the contrast classification of Western yoga leaders (and people of that lineage). I believe this is more correct because of my training experience, or, as Mr. Leadbeater says, differences in physique and constitution by race and ethnicity.
It may be due to. In his book, there are some differences in chakra size, color, position, shape, etc., depending on the color, white, oriental, western race, and race, and even the same race and race. It is said that individual differences can be seen. I think it's true.

Chagra function
The chakra is located in the same place as the endocrine glands that secrete hormones, and it is a place where the amazing power of hormones is expressed.
Then, what kind of power does each chakra exert?

Here's what I'll tell you as the secret of Kundalini Yoga.
1 Mueller Darler Chakra

The gonad of the endocrine gland, the site of the kidney.
When you awaken this chakra, your physical strength will increase abnormally and you will have three to five times as much energy as a normal person. I feel fine all night on the 3rd and 4th. It does not accept any illness and becomes a Kenza work itself. Those who are sick will recover from their bad points. When the energy is activated by concentrating the control bow j∃Q on this chakra, even a dying sick person will kick the floor and stand up. Both men and women are ten years younger than their actual age.
Instead, it will have strong libido and fertility, so it also uses a method of converting that innocence into the energy of intelligence called Ojas.

2 It is the part of the adrenal gland where the fighting hormone and hero hormone are released.
When this chakra was awakened and Yufurugi was activated, he became more energetic and brave.
As a result, they will be able to take positive and bold actions. Don't be afraid of anything, don't be confused by anything, be fearless, have an immovable belief, and don't be afraid of any difficulties. Demonstrate superhuman skill that transcends life and death.

3. Manipula chakra (nerby chakra)

The mystery of yoga, "Yoga Sutra," says:
By applying a control to the umbilicus, it is possible to know the tissues in the body.
About this chapter, Dr. Tsuruji Sahoda
The navel ring is not the actual navel hole, but the mysterious wheel-shaped part that is supposed to be around it, and it is said that it has 16 caps. According to one theory, it is the third manipula chakra from the bottom of the six chakras explained in later Hatter Yoga. In any case, the part that is visible to the naked eye
It is said that it belongs to the ghost body. The umbilical ring is in the center of the gas (life energy or siliguri rest), so if you control it, you can see the tissues inside the body.
It is explained that this is a little different.

The doctor is said to be "a mysterious place that can be imagined around that", but this part is by no means a fantasy place. It has great power, which seems to be mysterious, but it is clearly medically confirmed.

It is medically the "solar plexus" named Solar Plexus. Also called the celiac plexus or visceral artery plexus, it is a large plexus of sympathetic nerves at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the celiac artery. The name comes from the fact that it is located on the back of the stomach and sends nerves to each organ like the rays of the sun.
That is, the nerves that come out of this area are distributed in the esophagus, stomach, abdominal blood vessels, liver, bile ducts, eggs, adrenal glands, intestines, etc. In addition, this nerve plexus is a collection of large and small visceral nerves, vagus nerves, twelfth thoracic ganglion, first lumbar ganglion, etc., and is the most important plexus as a visceral nerve.

Until now, chakras have only been considered as fantasy and mysterious places. These parts are by no means such things, and as I mentioned earlier, they are deeply related to endocrine glands, nerve groups, enzymes, etc., and in fact, they are very important places from a medical point of view. It is a place where you can play an important role.

"By applying a system, you can know the tissues in your body," but this system is a special concentration that has undergone special training. Knowing this organization means not only knowing it, but also being able to control it freely. If you really concentrate on this umbilical ring, this "solar plexus"
Internal organs belonging to-it can control everything from the esophagus to the stomach, liver, spleen, spleen, adrenal glands, and intestines as you wish. These internal organs
However, it immediately knows what kind of condition it is in, and if there is any abnormality, it immediately returns to normal. Training of such power is training of this umbilical ring.
Also, because it has the power to freely control not only one's own body but also the body of another person, it can immediately heal a person's illness.

4, Anahata chakra

It is the part of the thymus, heart, and lungs.
By embodying this chakra, a remarkable amplification of sensory organs can be seen.
With ultimate power, you can see invisible light (infrared rays, ultraviolet rays) and listen to ultrasonic waves.
Can be As a result, it becomes possible to predict natural disasters.

It is due to the combination of extrasensory perception and high intelligence. They are their own
It comes from the ability to control the body at will. It is a combination with the Manipoo chakra.

5, Vishudda Chiyatara

It is the part of the thyroid gland and salivary glands.
Amplification of sensory organs is done toward a higher dimension.

You will be able to interact with the Holy Spirit and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.

In addition, it is excellent that you can see things that are incomprehensible or incomprehensible to you.
You can hear from it assimilated into the soul and wisdom. In other words, even if a person's body is unraveled, the intelligence of the person's mind remains in this space, so if it becomes the same as the vibration of that mind in this chakra, that mind will have it. Everything that was there, consciousness and intelligence, assimilated with me and became my own
That is.

In other words, it means opening the way for transportation to the spirit world (four-dimensional world).
It is.

6. Ajunya chakra

It is the part of the subbrain body. Has extremely developed intelligence.
Touch your eyes once. What I have heard is a memory that I will never forget.
No matter how complex the structure or organization, instantly analyze, reason, understand, and book
The power of induction and the bond of performance that grasps the quality.

Super dramatic creativity emanating from pure thinking that does not go through indirect thinking called Kotoba.
Ultimately, the four virtues of "Joraku Gajo" in Buddhism will be completed and the sensibility of the Buddha will be reached.

7. Hustler Ra Chakra

It is the part of the pineal gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.
When this is embodied, the awakening of the Buddha is reached. That is, the completion of spirituality.
This chakra is called "the light in the head" (called the moment when this chakra awakens, because the light appears in this part and shines brightly.


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栄養  栄養士おすすめ!脳の力をアップさせる食べ物5選

2021-03-18 09:16:06 | 健康








野菜やきのこ類には、タンパク質から脳内物質を作るのに必要なビタミンやミネラルが多く含まれています。 また、多くの野菜に含まれる食物繊維が脳にとって重要な働きをします。実は、「腸は第2の脳」とも呼ばれ、脳の働きと腸内環境は密接に関わっているためです。食物繊維が腸内細菌のえさとなり、善玉菌が増えて腸内環境が向上すると、神経細胞を活発にする効果が期待できます。





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今日の運勢 3月18日 Today's fortune March 18

2021-03-18 08:47:02 | 運命学




躍動の週  栄の日

Tsuyoshi or power
Positive position ... Courage. Self-sacrifice. Psychokinesis. Inspiration. The power to accomplish the impossible. Breaking down common sense and common sense. Great spiritual leadership. Patience. Victory of love through effort and patience. Go to the ideal. Eliminate the ugly desires of the other party. If you have the courage to not be afraid of danger, you can put the plan into practice.
Reverse position: Loses to beasts and strong ones. Lose to common sense and law. Abuse of force. Lack of patience. weakness. Miss the chance.
Weight commentary
Normal position ... force. energy. Action. courage. Generous. Complete success and honor.
Reverse position ... dictatorship. Abuse of force. weakness. Mismatch. Sometimes disgraceful.

Yashiro Saturn Day

Inner ring wrinkles are likely to occur. A day when special mercy is important. Making money is easy to lose.

Dynamic Week Sakae Day
A good day to start something.
Good results can be achieved by boldly challenging things that are at risk or hesitant.
It's a day when your imagination grows and your intuition becomes clear, so even if you're in a completely unknown field, take on the challenge.
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