Secondly, preparing food is as follows.
The diet is originally intended to nourish the body and mind, to maintain good health, and to lead a fulfilling mental life.
In order to do so, it is necessary to have an appropriate amount and a good quality product that will help the body. If you eat too much and eat too much, your mind will be vague and you will lose your concentration, and your body will be sluggish and your mind will tend to be distracted. Also, if you eat too little or your body isn't of the quality you demand, you'll be tired, unbearable, and inadequate to think and think. None of the above is the way to achieve the fulfillment of training.
Also, if you eat something that is injured or dirty, it will darken your heart and make you confused. Eating stimulants that are not good for your body can lead to illness.
Thus, food is very important to the practitioner. Of course, this is true not only for practitioners but also for ordinary people, but the practice of Gumonji Satoshi is to train to the limit of human beings and transform into a superhuman.
You need to be very careful with your diet to produce that child's illness. In order for human beings to stay healthy and live, they need 40 kinds of essential nutrients.
Nutritionists call this the "chain of life." A chain of 40 rings, if any one is chipped or thin and brittle, the chain will weaken from there, so no matter how thick and durable the other rings are, as a chain Will no longer serve the role of. Each ring must be equally strong.
Even if any of the essential nutrients are missing or not enough, it always affects your health.
The 40 essential nutrients consist of 8 essential amino acids, 10 minerals, and more than a dozen vitamins.