I haven't seen you in some time. I hope that you are doing well, in any case. I can feel that Mr. Arakawa's "Mechanism of Meaning", "Architectural Body", and "Tenmei Hanten" are all naturally beginning to work within my body.
I wonder why that is?
why is it that my body has suddenly started to move so naturally? Its not through theory or knowledge that I feel this way, but directly my body has changed, directly it has brought a new functioning of my body; that is the kind of feeling that I get.
When you had lived there, and then after you left, did you feel something had changed? If you can think of anything at all, please tell me.
i am writing a response to a comment that I received from Mr. Tokumaru. He said Mr. Arakawa, in a way, surpassed the normal world of modern art through the body of the Tenmei Hanten Apartments, and through this gives us a chance to come in contact with Mr. Arakawa, in a sense.
What really lead to me to think that Mr. Arakawa was really amazing was the ideas in his construction. He made people experience having to cross over unbalanced floors, and portrayed a sort of fear of losing our instinctive balance, and through this made people be led into this normally unconscious world that is somewhat hidden within ourselves. We have everyday ideas, philosophies, religions, and art that are not felt physically by the body, but I think in the out of the ordinary things we can physically experience, one of the most prominent is this feeling of having an unstable balance.
Japan is a country that experiences earthquakes, and I think that from our past from ancient times we have lived through the fear of earthquakes, and through this Japanese people have built up a likeness to having imbalance, and has developed right down to their DNA. Some of problems that may be associated with the lack of people who live for extended periods of time at the Tenmei Hanten Jyutaku might be associated with the fact that intertwined in our DNA is this fear of earthquakes, which tend to take everything away from us.
While traveling throughout America, I feel that being able to continue as a person who experiences these times of imbalance has been greatly impacted by the physical sense of imbalance I experienced while at the Tenmei Hanten Jyutaku. From this fear of earthquakes, by experiencing once having no balance, I then feel that I don't want to experience this sort of sensation again, in turn changing my knowledge of the sitaution. When you ice skate, riding a bike, or swim; these activities can be associated with losing ones balance, and when it happens once, you tend to remember it and don't forget. In the same way, my memories of experiencing having lost my balance many times at those apartments do not fade easily.
People who are affected by the "sickness" of civilization can find changes in their ideology to be a real hinderance. Every day while being surrounded by uneasiness, anger, and fear, people live through the present. Is it that sort of place?