オーケストラ演奏会へNARGEN FESTIVAL 2010で貴重な体験をしました。
We went to an traditional Estonian orchestra concert called Nargen Festival 2010.
This concert only takes place once in 5 years, and we were lucky to see it this year because it was the composer's 80th birthday!
The orchestra was very amazing, but what drawn me into the concert was the dancing that was screened in the back of the orchestra. I felt the dancing expressed the history and suffering of women in Estonia.
Actually the dancing was choreographed by a Japanese lady, and there was also a Japanese lady dancing like Budo. I heard they collaborate with Japanese people a lot, and I thought that was because we share some of the same cultural elements and maybe they are in our Dna.
I heard from a young Japanese lady named Yoshimi, who is an assistant Jomon-Shindo instructor, that she watched a documentary movie about Estonian history. She said that under the occupation by Soviet Union, Estonian women suffered a lot. The most fearful thing for them at that time was hearing a door knocking at night; it was often by Soviet soldiers and they were taken to Siberia with children for so reason, and they were forced to work against their will. They were once occupied by Nazi Germany too but the situation was worse for them; they had Germany and Soviet Union fighting on their land. Those things left strong traumas deep in Estonian people's heart.
I also sensed that when we were having workshops with Estonian women. It was my pleasure to do some workshops with them and I really enjoyed them, but I also felt they have a lot of sadness in their bodies.
I really hope that I can help them release their "mental blocks" that are locking their sad feelings in their body.