The concepts in the old Japanese lifestyle could all fit easily into one cup, and it is important that Japanese people retrieve this lifestyle in the present day. The one thing that is a necessity for this is today’s youth.
This started when I did an hour of Jyomon Shindo work with Yoshimi, her brother Go, Adam, and Cyril before lunch. These stretches were from the distinguished ideas of Dr. ________ (a graduate of Tokyo University’s Psychology School), where he used the ideas of Western psychologists such as Freud and Young, as well as Eastern medicine’s 14 meridian lines and then applied them to the body in a psychological sense, overstepping the normal classification of Eastern psychology.
Shindo improves on gymnastics for the meridian though the “contracted” ideas in Japanese culture, in which through the help of the pair system one can enter a meditative state. As if you are in your mothers womb, you can be lead into a safe place and stretch your body. Go, who had Adam helping him stretch, exclaimed how nice it felt, but had never realized that his own body could have been so stiff.
The “Uchimata Pose” in Jyomon Strech can really demonstrate the development of our own latent capabilities that we hold, and has roots in people from tens of thousands of years ago.
Gou also said to me, “Kids in Japan right now don’t really know what they should be doing, they don’t really have any dreams. We really need some sort of education to help show them how to be healthy. After coming to America and being able to eat Japanese food here, I am inspired!”
I think he is really hoping that young people will set sail in a new direction.