

Article 2, PCT

2020-04-21 20:42:03 | 条文

Article 2
 For the purposes(適用上)of this Treaty and the Regulations(規則)and unless expressly stated otherwise(明示的に特段の定めがある場合を除くほか):

(i)  "application" means an application for the protection of an invention; references to an "application" shall be construed as(ものとする)references to applications for patents for inventions, inventors' certificates(発明者証), utility certificates(実用証), utility models, patents or certificates of addition(追加特許), inventors' certificates of addition(追加発明者証), and utility certificates of addition(追加実用証);

(ii)  references to a "patent" shall be construed as references to patents for inventions, inventors' certificates, utility certificates, utility models, patents or certificates of addition, inventors' certificates of addition, and utility certificates of addition;

(iii)  "national patent(国内特許)" means a patent granted by a national authority(国内当局);

(iv)  "regional(広域)patent" means a patent granted by a national or an intergovernmental authority(政府間当局)having the power(権限)to grant patents effective in more than one State;

(v)  "regional application" means an application for a regional patent;

(vi)  references to a "national application" shall be construed as references to applications for national patents and regional patents, other than applications filed under this Treaty(この条約にしたがってされる出願以外);

(vii)  "international application" means an application filed under this Treaty;

(viii)  references to an "application" shall be construed as references to international applications and national applications;

(ix)  references to a "patent" shall be construed as references to national patents and regional patents;

(x)  references to "national law(国内法令)" shall be construed as references to the national law of a Contracting State or, where(にあっては)a regional application or a regional patent is involved, to the treaty providing for(について規定している)the filing of regional applications or the granting of regional patents;

(xi)  "priority date," for the purposes of computing time limits(期間の計算上), means:

(a)  where(場合)the international application contains a priority claim(優先権の主張を伴う)under Article 8, the filing date of the application whose priority is so claimed(その優先権の主張の基礎となる出願);

(b)  where the international application contains several(二以上の)priority claims under Article 8, the filing date of the earliest application(最先のもの)whose priority is so claimed;

(c)  where the international application does not contain any priority claim under Article 8, the international filing date of such application;

(xii)  "national Office(国内官庁)" means the government authority of a Contracting State entrusted with(任務を有する)the granting of patents; references to a "national Office" shall be construed as referring also to any intergovernmental authority(政府間当局)which several States have entrusted with the task of(任務を委任されている)granting regional patents, provided that(ただし・・・に限る)at least one of those States is a Contracting State, and provided that the said States(これらの国が)have authorized(委任)that authority(当該政府間当局)to assume(負い)the obligations(義務)and exercise(行使する)the powers(権限)which this Treaty and the Regulations provide for(定める)in respect of(について)national Offices;

(xiii)  "designated Office(指定官庁)" means the national Office of or acting for(のために行動する)the State designated by the applicant under Chapter I of this Treaty;

(xiv)  "elected Office(選択官庁)" means the national Office of or acting for the State elected by the applicant under Chapter II of this Treaty;

(xv)  "receiving Office(受理官庁)" means the national Office or the intergovernmental organization(政府間機関)with which the international application has been filed;

(xvi)  "Union(同盟)" means the International Patent Cooperation Union;

(xvii)  "Assembly(総会)" means the Assembly of the Union;

(xviii)  "Organization(機関)" means the World Intellectual Property Organization;

(xi)  "International Bureau(国際事務局)" means the International Bureau of the Organization and, as long as it subsists(それが存続する限り), the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property(知的所有権保護合同国際事務局)(BIRPI);

(xx)  "Director General(事務局長)" means the Director General of the Organization and, as long as BIRPI subsists, the Director of BIRPI.



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Article 1, PCT

2020-04-21 20:41:46 | 条文

Article 1
Establishment of a Union(同盟の設立)
(1)   The States party to(締約国)this Treaty (hereinafter called "the Contracting States(締約国)") constitute(形成)a Union for cooperation in the filing(出願), searching(調査), and examination(審査), of applications for the protection of inventions, and for rendering(提供)special technical services. The Union shall be known as(という)the International Patent Cooperation Union.

(2)   No provision of this Treaty shall be interpreted(解してはならない)as diminishing the rights(権利を減縮)under the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property(工業所有権の保護に関するパリ条約)of any national or resident(居住者)of any country party to that Convention.



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Preamble, PCT

2020-04-21 20:41:29 | 条文

Patent Cooperation Treaty
Done at Washington on June 19, 1970,
amended on September 28, 1979,
modified on February 3, 1984, and on October 3, 2001
(as in force from April 1, 2002)


Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
The Contracting States(締約国は),

Desiring(希望)to make a contribution to the progress of science and technology,  

Desiring to perfect(完全にする)the legal protection of inventions,

Desiring to simplify and render more economical(一層経済的)the obtaining(取得)of protection for inventions where(場合)protection is sought in several countries,

Desiring to facilitate and accelerate(容易かつ速やかに行われるよう)access by the public to the technical information contained in documents describing new inventions,

Desiring to foster(助長)and accelerate the economic development of developing countries through the adoption of measures(措置)designed to increase the efficiency of their legal systems, whether national or regional(国内的制度であるか広域的制度であるかを問わず), instituted for(のための)the protection of inventions by providing easily accessible information on the availability of technological solutions applicable to their special needs and by facilitating access to(利用を容易にする)the ever expanding volume of modern technology,

Convinced that(確信して)cooperation among nations will greatly facilitate the attainment of these aims,

Have concluded(締結)the present Treaty.




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2020-04-21 19:32:45 | 英語特許散策

"[0003] Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) has been explored as an approach for increasing the capacity of fiber optic networks to support the rapid growth in data and voice traffic applications. A WDM system employs plural optical signal channels, each channel being assigned a particular channel wavelength. In a WDM system, signal channels are generated, multiplexed, and transmitted over a single waveguide, and demultiplexed to individually route each channel wavelength to a designated receiver. Through the use of optical amplifiers, such as doped fiber amplifiers, plural optical channels are directly amplified simultaneously, facilitating the use of WDM systems in long-distance optical systems."

波長多重(*波長分割多重?)(wavelength division multiplexing:以下、WDMという。)は、データ及び音声トラヒック用途の急増に対応するために、光ファイバネットワークの通信容量を増加させる手法として開発された。WDMシステムは、複数の光チャンネルを使用し、各チャンネルには特定のチャンネル波長が割り当てられる。WDMシステムにおいては、複数のチャンネルが生成され、合波され、単一の導波路を介して伝送されて、各チャンネル波長を指定された受信機にルーティングするために分波される。例えばドープファイバ増幅器等の光増幅器を使用することにより、複数の光チャンネルが同時に直接増幅され、これにより長距離光システムにおいてWDMシステムを容易に用いることができる。

[0004] Proposed wavelength division multiplexed optical communication systems typically include multiplexer and demultiplexer switching elements which permit only a fixed number of optical channels to be used in the optical system. In one optical system configuration, for instance, the multiplexed signal is broken down into its constituent optical signals through the use of an integrated frequency router demultiplexer. The frequency router uses silicon optical bench technology in which plural phosphorus-doped silica waveguides are disposed on a silicon substrate. An optical star outputs to an array of N waveguides having adjacent optical path lengths which differ by q wavelengths; this array in turn feeds an output NxN star. Such a frequency router design for an optical communication system is described in Alexander et al., J. Lightwave Tech., Vol. 11, No. 5/6, May/June 1993, p. 714. Using a 1*N configuration at the input, a multiplexed optical signal containing light of different frequencies is separated into its component frequencies at each waveguide extending from the output N*N star. Although this configuration adequately separates light of different frequencies, the integrated optical design fixes both the number and the respective wavelengths of the optical channels. Consequently, adding or decreasing the number of optical channels or changing the channel wavelength or spacing is not possible without providing a completely new demultiplexing switching element to the optical network. In other words, the scalability of such networks is limited because of the switching element's lack of flexibility.

  提案されている波長多重光通信システムは、一般的に、光通信システムにおいて、定められた数の光チャンネルのみしか使用できない合分波スイッチング素子(multiplexer and demultiplexer switching element)を備える。例えば、ある光通信システムにおいて、波長多重信号は、集積周波数ルータ分波器(integrated frequency router demultiplexer)を用いることによって波長多重信号を構成する複数の光信号に分離される。周波数ルータは、シリコン基板上にリンが添加された複数のシリカ導波路を設けるシリコン光ベンチ技術(silicon optical bench technology)を用いている。光スター(optical star)は、隣接した光路長がq波長分ずつ異なるN本の導波路のアレーに光信号を出力し、この導波路アレーは、N×Nスター(NxN star)に光信号を供給する。光通信システム用に設計されたこのような周波数ルータは、アレクサンダー(Alexander)他著、ジェイ・ライトウェーブ・テック(J. Lightwave Tech.)、Vol.11、No.5/6,1993年5/6月、p.714に開示されている。入力側においてl×Nの構成を用いることによって、周波数が異なる光を含む波長多重光信号(multiplexed optical signal)は、出力側のN×Nスターから延びる各導波路において、その成分周波数に分離される。このような構成により、周波数が異なる光を適切に分離することができるが、集積化光設計では、出力チャンネルの数及び各波長の両方が固定されてしまう。したがって、光ネットワークに新たな分波スイッチング素子を設けない限り、光チャンネルの数を追加又は削減したり、チャンネル波長を変更したりすることはできない。換言すれば、スイッチング素子が柔軟性に欠けるため、このようなネットワークの拡張性(scalability)は制限されている。

"[0003] It is often necessary to remove or add an optical channel to an optical fiber depending on routing requirements of the communications systems and for other reasons. This function is accomplished by a filter, typically referred to as a drop/add filter or an interleaver/de-interleaver. There are different types of drop/add filters disclosed in the prior art, but the general principal of operation involves the introduction of a wavelength division multiplexed or dense wavelength division multiplexed signal into the input port of the filter. The signal includes a number of different optical channels, as noted above. In performing the "drop" function, the filter is operative to remove at least one of the optical channels from the signal and transfer it to a drop port while allowing the remainder of the signal to pass through the filter to an output port. The "add" function of the filter is realized by introducing a signal with one or more optical channels into the filter through an add port where it is combined within the filter with another signal from the input port. The combined signal is then transmitted to the output port."


"[0010] A schematic diagram of an optical filter apparatus 10 in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention is shown in Fig. 1. The optical filter 10 preferably comprises a spectrum broadening device 20 for spectrally broadening an optical signal (Pin) introduced into the optical filter 10. The spectrum broadening device 20 spectrally divides one or more channels or wavelengths of the optical signal (Pin) into a discrete set of spectral components. It can be understood by those skilled in the are that the optical signal (Pin) may be a wavelength multiplexed signal. The spectrum broadening device 20 may be realized as an optical prism, a grating, a waveguide grating router, a uniformly or non-uniformly index graded media or by other means known in the art."


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2020-04-21 16:35:17 | 単語

切削加工物:cut workpiece

違和感を軽減:alleviate discomfort

酸部分:acid moiety

との反応によりゾル化する:transform into a sol when reacted with

炭素数が8:has 8 carbon atoms



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