In the late nineteen-nineties, the "Estimation of Distribution Algorithms" (EDA) was introduced
19世紀後半には、「分布推定アルゴリズム(EDA:Estimation of Distribution Algorithm)」が紹介され、
and goes by several other terms in the literature, such as "Probabilistic Model- Building Genetic Algorithms", or "Iterated Density Estimation Algorithms".
文献では「確率モデル構築型遺伝的アルゴリズム(PMBGA:Probabilistic Model-Building Genetic Algorithms)」または「反復密度推定アルゴリズム(Iterated Density Estimation Algorithms)」等のいくつかの他の名称で通っている。
Due to its novel functionality, it has become a major tool in evolutionary algorithms based on probabilistic model learning by evolution, biologically inspired computing in spirit similar to genetic algorithms.
[0060] Beyond the scope of model building, small errors in pose estimation for the Mobile Base and Manipulator are also of significant concern for the planning and execution of Surface Coverage maneuvers.
That is, the standoff and orthogonality requirements of surface processing require that the end effector be maneuvered very close to the target surface,
and inaccuracies in the pose of the arm relative to the surface could lead to any number of problems, including unintended contact with the surface, non-optimal coating removal, or over-burn.
As such, immediately prior to planning and executing Surface Coverage commands, the pose of the mobile base is refined by taking several scans of the target surface area to be processed and applying the same scan- matching techniques described above.
[0031] Model Construction Method
[0032] The method for constructing the gray-box model 101 for the system 100 is shown in FIG. 3. The method can be performed in a processor including a memory and input/output interfaces as known in the art.