

重ねる、重ね合わせる、重畳させる;superimpose, 前置詞なし

2023-01-23 17:58:40 | 英語特許散策

superimpose A and B

superimpose A over/on B

However, the inventive approach now exploits the structure of cell-specific reference symbol patterns with an equidistant spacing n of reference symbols. FIG. 6 illustrates processing details of sample extraction 44 and segment combining 46 steps of FIG. 4. In particular, in order to extract only every nth subcarrier, the decimated signal is divided into n sample vectors, each of which has a length equal to the subsequently applied FFT function. In the illustrated example, in order to extract only every 6th subcarrier, the decimated signal of 768 time-domain samples is split into 6 segments of 128 samples each. Then, these 6 segments are superimposed(*重ねる、重ね合わせる;同士を;over/on/with each other等前置詞なし)to obtain a single sample vector of length 2m, i.e. equal to the subsequently applied FFT. That is, in the illustrated embodiment one FFT duration consists of 128 time samples.

While a single row of decoupling capacitors is illustrated in FIGS. 1A and 1B, the device structure 100A and 100B include eDRAM cells in region 101A and decoupling capacitors in region 101B that are stacked behind the plane of the device structure depicted in the respective figure. FIG. 1C is a plan view illustration along the line A-A′ in the structure of FIG. 1A and illustrates two rows 196A and 196B of decoupling capacitors. The capacitors 110 and 112 are superimposed(*重畳;同士ではない;本来、平面図FIG. 1Cでは見えない) in the illustration to provide context(*文脈理解、背景理解)

Referring now to FIG. 3, there is shown a prior art simplified example where, on the left, three subfield patterns A, B, and C (each illustratively 1 mm square) on a reticle are exposed, each with the full dose, and stitched together so that the images of subfields A and Aare superimposed(*同士を重ね合わせる;前置詞なし)to form area A on the wafer. The same thing goes for subfields Band Band Cand C2.

Once association 220 is made, the administrator selects the type of advertising display to be used with the video. In one embodiment, when the administrator selects 230 pre-roll advertising (also called pre-watch advertising), the appearance of such a window is provided by superimposing pixels corresponding to the advertising content over(*重ねる;前置詞)the video playback area of the video player before the video begins.

A virtual reality (VR) system generates an immersive virtual environment for a user. For example, the immersive environment can be three-dimensional (3D) and can include multiple virtual objects with which the user may interact. An augmented reality (AR) system generates an augmented environment for a user. For example, the augmented environment can be generated by superimposing computer-generated images on a user's field of view of the real world.

There are several known methods for removing the signal component at the switching frequency and the odd harmonics thereof. One such method uses a four-pole filter to suppress the switching frequency. However, four-pole filters are generally bulky and require a lot of space, and are therefore not suitable for integration. Another method for removing switching frequency and the harmonics thereof suppresses the switching frequency by superimposing two components(*重ねる;前置詞なし)of an input signal. A first component is the original input signal and the other component is an inverted and delayed signal of the first component. 

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