「固体の表面に沿って伝播する弾性波のモードのーつを弾性表面波(SAM:surface acoustic waves)と呼び」(超短光パルスを用いた結晶の弾性表面波のイメージング学位論文内容の要旨、博士(工学)菅原美博)
「固体表面を伝搬する波動のことを弾性表面波(表面弾性波ともいう,SAW: Surface Acoustic Wave)と呼ぶ」(弾性表面波センサの基礎と応用;弾性表面波センサの基礎と応用、Semantic Scholar)
「表面弾性波(ひょうめんだんせいは、英: surface acoustic wave、SAW)は、物体表面に集中して伝播する振動(弾性波)。 しばしば弾性表面波とも呼ばれる」表面弾性波、ウィキペディア
Surface acoustic wave, Wikipedia ("elastic wave"との用語は出て来ない)
"A surface acoustic wave (SAW) is an acoustic wave traveling along the surface of a material exhibiting elasticity, with an amplitude that typically decays exponentially with depth into the material, such that they are confined to a depth of about one wavelength.[2][3]
SAWs were first explained in 1885 by Lord Rayleigh, who described the surface acoustic mode of propagation and predicted its properties in his classic paper.[4] Named after their discoverer, Rayleigh waves have a longitudinal and a vertical shear component that can couple with any media like additional layers in contact with the surface. This coupling strongly affects the amplitude and velocity of the wave, allowing SAW sensors to directly sense mass and mechanical properties. The term 'Rayleigh waves' is often used synonymously with 'SAWs', although strictly speaking there are multiple types of surface acoustic waves, such as Love waves, which are polarised in the plane of the surface, rather than longitudinal and vertical.
SAWs such as Love and Rayleigh waves tend to propagate for much longer than bulk waves, as they only have to travel in two dimensions, rather than in three. Furthermore, in general they have a higher velocity than their bulk counterparts."
「弾性波(だんせいは;英 elastic wave)は、弾性体中を伝わる変形波で、弾性応力波、弾性ひずみ波とも呼ばれる。体積変化を伴う「体積波」と、形状変化は生じるが体積変化を伴わない「等体積波」とに大別される。一次元物体中の圧縮波、引張り波は前者に対応し、剪断波、あるいはねじり波は後者に対応する。弾性波の伝わる速度は弾性係数、ポアソン比と密度に依存する」
「弾性波デバイス 徹底解説」 門田道雄 /監修 S&T出版、2022.3