"There has been significant evolution in terms of eliminating certain hardware from automated “wet” chemistry analytical systems. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 7,250,303 to Jakubowicz et al., describes a combinational analyzer in which pluralities of disposable metering tips are used in order to eliminate wash modules and on board fluidic systems that were previously required. This elimination of hardware enabled integration of the above noted wet chemistry hardware with additional systems for permitting the testing of so-called dry slide or thin film analytical test elements within the same apparatus. These latter analytical test elements, as generally described by U.S. Pat. No. 3,992,158 to Przbylowicz et al., are generally defined by an integral multi-layered support structure onto which sample fluid can be added and in which results can be obtained to detect various changes in the condition of the sample to yield analytical results. The above noted test elements are relatively compact and therefore a plurality of these elements can be stored for use on board an automated analyzer, such as the above-noted version. In this analyzer, a predetermined volume of sample fluid is added from a sample supply using a metering mechanism having a proboscis wherein the sample is dispensed onto the slide test element at a dispensing station of the analyzer. Upon dispensing, the sample is affected by a porous spreading layer relative to a reagent layer of the slide element in which an analyte of interest can react. The slide element includes the reagent layer as well as a reflective intermediate layer, wherein reaction results can be detected through a change in electromagnetic radiation or through a colorimetric change, by way of example. "
"The increasing use of avionics, electrically powered subsystems, electric actuation systems (“EAS”), and the like, onboard commercial and military aerospace vehicles has led to a desire for improved thermal management of the heat loads produced by these electrical components. For example, aerospace vehicles with EAS, as opposed to hydraulically actuated control systems, are becoming more common. However, aerospace vehicles with EAS often include more actuators for ailerons, flaps, and other components, which produce more heat than comparable hydraulic actuators. Moreover, hydraulic actuation systems naturally transfer heat from their associated actuators by way of the hydraulic fluid, whereas EAS do not typically include such heat transfer systems. "
アビオニクス機器、電動サブシステム、電気作動システム(EAS:electric actuation system)などを、商業用又は軍事用の航空宇宙ビークルに搭載して使用することが増えるにつれて、これらの電気コンポーネントによって生成される熱負荷に対する、より効果的な熱管理が望まれている。例えば、油圧作動式の制御システムに代わり、EASを備える航空宇宙ビークルが、より一般的になってきている。しかしながら、EASを備える航空宇宙ビークルは、エルロン、フラップ、及びその他のコンポーネント用の、よりたくさんのアクチュエータを含むことが多く、これらは、油圧アクチュエータよりも多くの熱を発生させる。また、油圧作動システムは、関連するアクチュエータから、油圧流体を介して自然に熱を伝達するが、EASは、通常、そのような熱伝達システムを含まない。
"[0020] FIG. 1 shows a system 100, especially for use on board a motor vehicle. System 100 includes a first component 105, a second component 110, optionally a third component 115 and a transport component 120 to connect components 105 through 115. In particular, first component 105 may include a sensor, which is coupled to a scanning device 125 for sensing an object 130. As an example, scanning device 125 may include a radar sensor or lidar sensor and object 130 may include a person or a motor vehicle, for instance. However, in another specific embodiment, first component 105 may also include a control unit, for example. "
"In particular embodiments, interconnects 721 may have one or more tube openings 731. Tube openings 731 may be open to the atmosphere, or any other environment in which circuit board 700 is used (for example, in space or under water). Tube openings 731 may allow the pressure within interconnects 721 to equalize to the outside environment. Equalization of pressure may prevent damage to circuit board 700 if the circuit board is used in environments where the pressure may vary. For example, if circuit board 700 is used onboard an aircraft, tube openings 731 may allow the pressure inside of interconnects 721 to equalize to the pressure of the altitude of the aircraft. In particular embodiments, interconnects 721 may not connect to any electrical devices, and instead serve as cooling passages through which a cooling fluid may be circulated. In these embodiments, tube openings 731 may provide points through which a cooling fluid may enter and exit circuit board 700. "
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