


2024-12-09 15:28:23 | ChatGPT
Translate: 入力装置は、ユーザが操作する操作部を備える。

The input device includes an operation section operated by the user.

Does the translation " operation section operated by the user" accurately convey the meaning of ユーザが操作する操作部, which indicates that the operation occurs when the input device is in use and not all the time?

The phrase "operation section operated by the user" could be interpreted as implying continuous operation, which might not fully capture the nuance of ユーザが操作する操作部, where the operation occurs only when the user actively uses the input device.

To better convey this nuance, a more precise translation might be:
"An operation section that is operated by the user during use."

This explicitly indicates that the operation happens only when the device is being actively used, aligning with the original Japanese meaning.

And yet the initial translation is acceptable? It's not necessary to say "operation section to be operated by the user" to indicate future use of the operation section?

Yes, the initial translation "operation section operated by the user" is still acceptable, especially in contexts where it's understood that the operation occurs during use and not all the time. In many technical contexts, such phrasing is common because the action (operation by the user) is implied to occur when the device is in use, even if it's not stated explicitly.

However, if you want to emphasize that the operation section is activated only during use (and not all the time), you could add "during use" for clarity. But, generally speaking, it’s not absolutely necessary to say "to be operated by the user" because the phrase "operated by the user" already indicates that the operation happens upon user interaction, typically during the use of the device.

Both versions are valid, but adding "during use" would make it more explicit if that distinction is important for clarity.

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