"Conventional memory device support circuits include high-power voltage regulators to maintain the voltages at various points in the circuit so that a read or write operation can be consistently and successfully performed. These voltage regulators expend significant energy during operation, typically have large footprints, and require low resistance routing that itself occupies expensive real estate on the surface of an integrated circuit chip. "
"[0003] When multiple radio protocols are used on a single mobile phone platform, the first problem is to decide whether a single wideband antenna should be used or whether multiple narrower band antennas would be more appropriate. Designing a mobile phone with a single wideband antenna involves problems not only with obtaining sufficient bandwidth to cover all the necessary bands but also with the difficulties associated with the insertion loss, cost, bandwidth and size of the circuits needed to diplex the signals together. On the other hand, multiple narrow-band antenna solutions are associated with problems dominated by the coupling between them and the difficulties of finding sufficient real estate for them on the handset. Generally, these multiple antenna problems are harder to solve than the wide-band single antenna problems."
単一の移動電話プラットフォームにおいて複数の無線プロトコルが用いられるとき、その第1の問題は、単一の広帯域アンテナが使用されるべきであるか、複数の狭帯域アンテナの方が相応しいかを判断することである。単一の広帯域アンテナを備える移動電話を設計することは、全ての必要な帯域をカバーするのに十分な帯域幅を得ることに関する問題だけでなく、信号を単向二路通信するために必要とされる回路の挿入損失、コスト、帯域幅及びサイズに関連付けられる難しさに関する問題も含む。一方、複数の狭帯域アンテナを用いる解決策は、アンテナ間の結合によって特徴付けられる問題、及びハンドセット上でアンテナのための十分な実装面積(real estate)を見つけることの難しさに関連付けられる。一般的に、これらの複数アンテナの問題は、広帯域の単一アンテナの問題よりも解決するのが難しい。
"[028] Consequently, the macro-switch can be scaled to an arbitrarily large switching matrix (i.e., an arbitrary number of switch sites and/or switching stages). For example, the macro-switch may have a 4096x4096 switching matrix (which is 6,700x larger than existing photonic switches). Furthermore, the macro-switch may have a small footprint and improved switch performance. In particular, the macro-switch may provide a low-power, high-bandwidth non-blocking electro-optical switch-on-a-chip."
"[0054] In one aspect, significant efficiencies may be realized over TFT integration techniques. For example, microdriver chips may utilize less real estate of a display substrate than TFT technology. For example, microdriver chips incorporating a digital unit cell can use a digital storage element (e.g. register) which consumes comparatively less area that an analog storage capacitor. Where the microdriver chips include analog components, MOSFET processing techniques on single crystalline silicon can replace thin film techniques that form larger devices with lower efficiency on a-Si or LTPS. Microdriver chips may additionally require less power than TFTs formed using a-Si or LTPS. It is to be appreciated that while embodiments are described with respect to microdriver chips, that embodiments are not necessarily so limited and that microdrivers may be formed within the display panel substrate using TFT or MOSFET processing techniques to accomplish similar redundancy schemes as described herein."
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